4.20 star(s) 265 Votes


Apr 29, 2021
At least the dev was honest and transparent that he barely managed to finish this update. Could've just deleted Patreon and vanished like AOA Academy. Another reminder that all those season en episode plans that will take years to complete are very optimistic except for some devs that probably have their life very stable and sorted out (like DPC probably and Drifty etc).
Sep 29, 2021
Dont know... didnt liked the update.

The whole dealing with the police was kinda strange, as if a 10 year old has written that... a police man grabbing a lawyer at the throat... well yeah... he never ever would have got away with that and would have been a policemen for the last time. A good lawyer (and this one was a expensive lawyer of charlotte, so he should have been a good one) would have stripped him of his job right there for good and sued him too.

How the police acts here was strange in a big way... so the whole station is corrupt (what a surprise, of course it is) but if it is the case... they never ever would act the way they did IN FRONT of witnesses and especially the FBI... thats just ridiculous. Of course they want revenge for the carter-killing... but they wouldnt act that dumb and clearly showing everybody that they are corrupt.

"oh look there is that FBI woman, charlotte and Emma too, ah fuck it we will abuse our power anyway and make him pay in front of them" or what? come on... Darkblue can do better than that, sometimes it felt like he didnt wrote this episode.

Other than that, it was obvious that we have to deal with the fallout from the killingspree. That was kinda done hasty and plump i think. Overall the last two episode felt kinda "rushed" like DB wants to get over with the game faster.

Well, i admit... we needed some more progress in every direction... but the pace feels off now... the first 9 episodes everything developed kinda slow (and i liked that), and now we are at pedal to the metal, with a pace that doesnt even fit anymore.

And there is something that bothers me more and more... of course there will be some love-routes... one for Charlotte, one for Luzy, one for Suzie and Kaylah too i guess. And there are more than just hnts in that direction already.

BUT there will be an Emma-route too, DB said that, and the whole game design is going for it... but the story and writing not.

There is no way in hell Charlotte, Suzie or Luzy would go through with it that the MC has something going on with Emma. Like this is going so far, if they are falling in love with each other, i cant see any way that this will be a happy thing living in the open and that charlotte and the others would accept that, no way... and if DB would decide to write it that way, all the characters would have to make a 180 degree turn. Not believable. There is just no way anybody could accept a relationship between MC and Emma, i just dont see it... well... for now even Emma cant see that. But her daddy-issues will change eventually.

So when Emma will get together with the MC, the only plausible way to go about it, would be that she i leaving home with him... well there are hints that she is already on a way to leave home evantually (mentioned that she want to leave for university soon) but really, can anybody picture her leaving her mother like the way she is? I sure dont see that. And i think DB has moved himself in a dilemma here...

Everything else is working somehow, but to pull off a plausible way to make a working and happy relationship between Emma and MC with a happy ending seems impossible to me... And i think that Darkblue didnt thaught this through.

Well i have to wait to see how this will go on...

Talking about waiting... i was a sup on patreon, not anymore... i have to say it, iam not pleased with the timing of the updates... This one was kinda short too, last update was late june. So overall 4 months now, not that long compared to other game... BUT, there are no sounds, no animations. static renders dont take much time to render... DB doesnt write that much, mostly every dialog are about 10 lines, not really much more... he is recycling many renders too. For this way how he is developing, there should be way more content per update than this during a 4 months shedule.

I dont have a problem with recycling renders, and to dont change clothes that much and such... makes the work easier and faster... but if you do, you have to make up for it someway. some do it with animations or good sound and music... if you dont have that, than you have to put out more content... way more like this. How many renders were there this episode? 400? Not that much more... others make this numbers in 1 month with more writing too.

For this many patrons he has, i did expected more to be frank. I dont see the benifit anymore to be a sup at patreon like this... for that i expect way more than he has delivered. Sorry.

*edit* well i forget... DB said himself he needs a break... i think its fair to say, you can see that how the last epsiodes went.
I can't comment on your Patreon observation, but the other valid point of suddenly MC being crush of both Emma and Suzi and the distance Charlotte had in this episode with him given that we FUCKING played 11 episodes of getting close to her. I mean, I felt cheated. Even if it had been a very very very small scene like Kaylah-MC for Charlotte-MC, it would have pleasured me but right now, I just feel that this whole Charlotte route has been a waste of time because Suzi and Emma suddenly eclipsed her in this episode. Even Lucy feels a better choice.

I guess, maybe that is a common occurrence in life that what you aim to achieve and invest years of life in it, may fickle and what you never thought becomes more soothing and fulfilling reality. I mean I don't know, maybe this happens in real life romances but I just wanted an update all about Charlotte-MC, a whole freaking episode around them being happy, and sexy times too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
nah its because this new chapter doesn't even has one fucking choice. i skip unseen dialogue to the next choice in the ending of chapter 11 and accidentally finish the whole fucking game. seriously there isn't even a minor choice option.

well, rofl... yeah.

I said it before, i didnt liked the update...

DB admitted it himself in a patreon post after uploading this episode, and its very clear if you play this update and the last one too... he lost his passion for the project. So did i... Hillside was a favorite for me, was a sup until this update. He has to win me over again, but i doubt it will be the case.

In fact, all considered, we are even heading to an "on hold" tag soon and abondoned in the future. I just cant see it anymore that DB is willing to finish this game in a satisfying way. Like the whole thing goes, we are maybe halfway through now. I dont see that he will get that "spark" again... the last two episodes had a strange pace and kinda bad writing too, everything felt very rushed and not thaught through. Not surprising though if you know that Darkblue lost his passion about the game, it becomes clear if you play the last two episodes. There is a huge difference to the first 7-8 episodes i think, where you can still see that "he loved" to make the game and write content about Charlotte and Emma... but not anymore. And once this is the case, i dont believe in "comebacks"

Well at least he is an honest DEV, didnt hide the fact he needs a break (in fact never hid it before too, so thumps up for that) and paused the billig more than once in the past too if he didnt felt it. But yeah the direction has become pretty clear to me... Hillside will be abondoned one day i think. Maybe during 2023.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
I too would of liked ore Charlotte in this update and what we got of her was hate/like/unsure of her feeling for him and sometimes even in the same sentence.
Charlotte seemed to be a minor character in this update and could we have Jenny as another LI for the MC?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
At least the dev was honest and transparent that he barely managed to finish this update. Could've just deleted Patreon and vanished like AOA Academy. Another reminder that all those season en episode plans that will take years to complete are very optimistic except for some devs that probably have their life very stable and sorted out (like DPC probably and Drifty etc).
Yeah you have to give him credit for that... he stopped the billing again, and did so some time before too... dont cant say it really right now, but i think overall 3-4 months with no billing since i was a patron (and i was one early on round about 2 years now).

And he always said it if he was struggeling... but well, yeah these "struggles" were more frequent the last year, way more. I lost faith in the project and dont think it will see an satisfying end.

He admitted it that he is not pleased with the update himself... and lets face it, its not a good one, really not. Too short, not good written and not done well overall. rushed too, i got the feeling he just wanted to be done with it... and said that himself too, in some way.

Overall, he is a honest DEV, and i respect that... Hillside was a great game until the last two episodes... there is a "break" in quality and passion you cant miss. Its crystal clear that Darkblue has "lost it" on the way... nothing new though around here... some DEVs are going in a milking-state if they hit this phase, only doing wallpapers and such to milk the patrons some more (and the patrons are going with it), others pull the plug. VERY few are just stopping billing and being honest about the whole thing... DB is... so if he can find the spark again, and there will be another update and its a good one, i might be a patron again. But i just dont think so.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
well, rofl... yeah.

I said it before, i didnt liked the update...

DB admitted it himself in a patreon post after uploading this episode, and its very clear if you play this update and the last one too... he lost his passion for the project. So did i... Hillside was a favorite for me, was a sup until this update. He has to win me over again, but i doubt it will be the case.

In fact, all considered, we are even heading to an "on hold" tag soon and abondoned in the future. I just cant see it anymore that DB is willing to finish this game in a satisfying way. Like the whole thing goes, we are maybe halfway through now. I dont see that he will get that "spark" again... the last two episodes had a strange pace and kinda bad writing too, everything felt very rushed and not thaught through. Not surprising though if you know that Darkblue lost his passion about the game, it becomes clear if you play the last two episodes. There is a huge difference to the first 7-8 episodes i think, where you can still see that "he loved" to make the game and write content about Charlotte and Emma... but not anymore. And once this is the case, i dont believe in "comebacks"

Well at least he is an honest DEV, didnt hide the fact he needs a break (in fact never hid it before too, so thumps up for that) and paused the billig more than once in the past too if he didnt felt it. But yeah the direction has become pretty clear to me... Hillside will be abondoned one day i think. Maybe during 2023.
I did enjoy Hillside a lot but the last two updates did seem rushed and I do hope that the project is not abandoned but fuck me Charlotte make your bloody mind up once and for all


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
I did enjoy Hillside a lot but the last two updates did seem rushed and I do hope that the project is not abandoned but fuck me Charlotte make your bloody mind up once and for all

yeah as you can see about what i wrote above... Darkblue has hit a "low point" some time ago regarding the project... and you can really see that playing the last episodes too. Hope he will find his passion again... but well, as said... dont think so iam afraid.
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Sep 14, 2019
please dont burn out and stress too much! Also please dont listen too much to your fans and patrons without having your thoughts playing a part into it.

If you listen to the voices of yourself, the people here, the patrons and others.... you will feel like a shrimp in the ocean at the wimps of the waves, fish, crabs, octopus and etc.

Just be yourself and balance out what is needed for feedback and the future story.

Praying the best for you!

(P.S. I have not seen the update, but any work done is good effort! So thank you!)


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
please dont burn out and stress too much! Also please dont listen too much to your fans and patrons without having your thoughts playing a part into it.

If you listen to the voices of yourself, the people here, the patrons and others.... you will feel like a shrimp in the ocean at the wimps of the waves, fish, crabs, octopus and etc.

Just be yourself and balance out what is needed for feedback and the future story.

Praying the best for you!

(P.S. I have not seen the update, but any work done is good effort! So thank you!)
Well nice and good words and all... but he will not read them here. I guess you didnt support him on his patreon and told him that there?
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May 9, 2017
Here is my take on the update (no spoilers). The story progress as it should be. I was getting immersed in it and miss a meeting at the university (luckily, it wasn’t important and included many people). For me, this is a staple of quality. To be honest, I was amazed by the emotions the story invoked in me. Let me be clear, any criminal threatening to slit the throat of an innocent young girl should be put to death ASAP. In my book, it is a classic self-defense. It led me thinking about my own family and I would have reacted. DB is an extremely talented storyteller. But as most talented artists, they are prone to mood swings and shifts in motivation.

DB got a diamond. The rest is up to DB for better or worse. Having written that, I'm lowering my expectations. We are already familiar with the story of ICSTOR and many other.

4.20 star(s) 265 Votes