Genuinely curious where you learned in roughly 5 weeks. Been looking to explore with renpy myself
I just kinda stumbled onto Daz. Was either Daz or Character Creator 4, Daz looked a little more beginner friendly. Jumped in, started messing with it, when I get stuck I Google or YouTube what I'm stuck on. It's been around long enough if you encounter a problem, you're not the first.
For the renpy side of things there's so many posts with little snippets of sample scripts across forums, and discussions on how it works, that you could take the demo script that comes preloaded with renpy, and just kinda change a few things to point to whatever your file names are. Add things like character definitions and such, just following the format from the demo script. The demo script shows how to declare a character called Eileen that's defined as "e" and assign it a font color. So I know if you copy that format and declare a character called Jenny defined as "j" , I could just Google the font color I wanted in hex format (Eileen's color is shown in the script defined as hex (#c8ffc8). "Hex # for neon pink", and put that in for Jenny's color. Lather rinse repeat for all the characters.
Then I had to Google how to define pre rendered images instead of backdrops and sprites, which turns out to be way easier (so far for me). Once that was all figured out it was just a matter of following a similar path as the demo script but modifying it to point to my images
instead of;
scene bg washington
it was just;
scene 1
j "Hi I'm Jenny"
As long as the images were in the renpy/images folder and you declared them into the script, declared your characters, renpy would show the corresponding pre-rendered image you called (bar, home, 1, 2, 3, or whatever you named it ) and then the dialogue was just a matter of j "hi I'm jenny" or d "Hi Jenny, I'm Dave" and so on and so forth.
That's Renpy at its most basic, just showing static images you created elsewhere, in my case Daz Studio, and then applying dialogue on top of said image using the most basic functions Renpy has.
There was no single source of learning, it was just taking the most basic beginner bits of renpy code and changing them to work with my files and characters.