
Apr 28, 2017
Well, it must have been a real unbelievery fuck when they managed to shove that door under the cubicle partition.
Haha, i`m glad and also amused that other people notice this details too :LOL: Also notice how the black dude in the orange shirt seems to step on something below the floor, like the floor was water. And also the heel on the chick`s shoe seems to be growing out of his arm, not the shoe :LOL:

Anyway, gj dev, you`ve done a pretty decent job so far, considering what you said earlier in this thread. I only have one comment/suggestion: would you please consider making the dicks more realistic? I mean, keep making them huge, i have no problem with that, but get the shape closer to the real shape of a dick.
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Nov 16, 2017
Honestly it is impressive as hell that you have been able to learn so much in such a short time and set up and distribute all of it in just a month. Honestly I'm jealous of how quickly you grasped all of this, I've tried several times and i just suck at it.

Definitely not lazy

Good job, seriously. And good luck on whatever is next for you.
I agree. With each release, the quality improves. I believe we can expect a lot from this author in the future.


Game Developer
Jan 23, 2021
Honestly it is impressive as hell that you have been able to learn so much in such a short time and set up and distribute all of it in just a month. Honestly I'm jealous of how quickly you grasped all of this, I've tried several times and i just suck at it.

Definitely not lazy

Good job, seriously. And good luck on whatever is next for you.
Thank you! Still a long way to go, especially on the renpy side. Just grasping basic stuff like different color text for different character names, and changing fonts to represent thoughts or phone calls etc was a bit of a challenge. Hence why all 3 have been purely kinetic... Still need to learn to incorporate dialogue choices and consequences and then how that effects whats displayed. I need to learn to incorporate a type of map with selectable areas and all that jazz too, but progress is progress!

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Nov 16, 2017
Thank you! Still a long way to go, especially on the renpy side. Just grasping basic stuff like different color text for different character names, and changing fonts to represent thoughts or phone calls etc was a bit of a challenge. Hence why all 3 have been purely kinetic... Still need to learn to incorporate dialogue choices and consequences and then how that effects whats displayed. I need to learn to incorporate a type of map with selectable areas and all that jazz too, but progress is progress!

Any previews of your next work? I understand that I'm not the only one with expectations
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Game Developer
Jan 23, 2021
Any previews of your next work? I understand that I'm not the only one with expectations
It's still very early stages of development. There's two projects. One will be another, shorter QOS story, more focused on the introduction to the lifestyle and outside of the Holes universe, but with some key dialogue choices that effect how the story progresses. It's more a project to dip my toes into renpys choice and consequence system.

The other is a more typical mainstream renpy type game that will have an interactive map, male protagonist, multiple females, vast dialogue choices, multiple environments, influence system (how much a character is digging your character) and most likely an inventory system of sorts.

The former will take some time, but will release long before the latter. The latter will definitely take some serious time and effort to bring to life probably the better part of a year or more. I'll release chapters perhaps as teasers as it progresses perhaps.
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Nov 16, 2017
I realize that the system of choices opens up a totally unexplored scenario, but you have to go through that scenario. Either you have a super good story or you have to go through the choices.


Game Developer
Jan 23, 2021
I realize that the system of choices opens up a totally unexplored scenario, but you have to go through that scenario. Either you have a super good story or you have to go through the choices.
I think for short little things, using renpy as a means of simply flipping pages in a comic book is fine. It's not fully utilizing renpy's capabilities, it's just literally using it as a tool to turn pages and add dialogue and I think short kinetic novels have their place. Certainly it's a good place to start to get your feet wet with python coding, rendering and renpy. But if you want to have a really solid experience, that isn't kinetic, I think it's necessary that the player makes decisions and drives the story to differing outcomes.

At the end of the day for me, this is all just about learning something new in life. I'm under no obligation to anyone to post anything here at all. I could have simply just kept what I've made so far strictly to myself and taken whatever I learned from it and put it into something bigger before releasing anything at all... but sharing my own journey and experience in learning all of this could, hopefully, inspire other folks to do the same.
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Jul 31, 2017
[QUOTE="The Black Cat, post: 16530033, member: 6485060"
Lazy devs doing lazy content.
Before February 15th of this year, I had never once created a 3D render, image, anything, nor had I ever once coded a renpy script. 5 weeks of learning, you might not like em, but I can create renders, understand lighting, positioning, camera angles, and have learned to code basic dialogue scripts that actually function. All while working 50 hours a week in a completely unrelated industry.

5 weeks of "laziness" right? Download Daz and Renpy and show the world how brilliant and hard working you are, show us what you can learn in that time and what working product you can produce.

Also, black people appearing in kink based fantasy novels where the woman has a kink for black men could only be considered racist if you're racist as hell and hiding it by projecting it onto others :unsure:
Genuinely curious where you learned in roughly 5 weeks. Been looking to explore with renpy myself


Game Developer
Jan 23, 2021
Genuinely curious where you learned in roughly 5 weeks. Been looking to explore with renpy myself

I just kinda stumbled onto Daz. Was either Daz or Character Creator 4, Daz looked a little more beginner friendly. Jumped in, started messing with it, when I get stuck I Google or YouTube what I'm stuck on. It's been around long enough if you encounter a problem, you're not the first.

For the renpy side of things there's so many posts with little snippets of sample scripts across forums, and discussions on how it works, that you could take the demo script that comes preloaded with renpy, and just kinda change a few things to point to whatever your file names are. Add things like character definitions and such, just following the format from the demo script. The demo script shows how to declare a character called Eileen that's defined as "e" and assign it a font color. So I know if you copy that format and declare a character called Jenny defined as "j" , I could just Google the font color I wanted in hex format (Eileen's color is shown in the script defined as hex (#c8ffc8). "Hex # for neon pink", and put that in for Jenny's color. Lather rinse repeat for all the characters.

Then I had to Google how to define pre rendered images instead of backdrops and sprites, which turns out to be way easier (so far for me). Once that was all figured out it was just a matter of following a similar path as the demo script but modifying it to point to my images

instead of;

scene bg washington

it was just;

scene 1
j "Hi I'm Jenny"

As long as the images were in the renpy/images folder and you declared them into the script, declared your characters, renpy would show the corresponding pre-rendered image you called (bar, home, 1, 2, 3, or whatever you named it ) and then the dialogue was just a matter of j "hi I'm jenny" or d "Hi Jenny, I'm Dave" and so on and so forth.

That's Renpy at its most basic, just showing static images you created elsewhere, in my case Daz Studio, and then applying dialogue on top of said image using the most basic functions Renpy has.

There was no single source of learning, it was just taking the most basic beginner bits of renpy code and changing them to work with my files and characters.
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Oct 11, 2023
Oh, hey look another NTR game where the NTR'e is a white dude! Original!
Thats not the unoriginal part.

Its Holes having a vagina instead of a big fat dick.
This is how one makes more original stuff: have the other dicks fuck her dick, like a catheter really go into it.

There is not a single game where the MC gets visually frotted so doing this would be original.
There are pics and vids of vastly inflated and saline injected purple-ish half-necrotic dicks with wider urethral openings than a vagina after birth.

Every game where it's a vagina or ass getting penetrated is just "the same old unoriginal"

Dick-in-dick is the way


Nov 16, 2017
hey dev, for the future, we can also expect an animated or semi-animeted (like Myriam, for example) Holes?
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