If you unlocked everything before, you should have no trouble unlocking everything again. You have the benefit of knowing exactly what needs to be done and in what order to complete all achievements. Should be able to breeze through the entire game in a day, maybe a day and a half at the most.
How to have as much sex as possible on Holiday Island
As I mentioned yesterday, I was on a personal quest recently to find out how much sex you can possibly have on Holiday Island within a week. Clearly, you cannot have a 11-girls-in-a-day fuck fest every day. The main reason is that you will have to increase the lust level of each girl back to where she is willing to sleep with you. This can be done by hugging and kissing her, and by groping her breasts. Touching her breasts will increase her lust level the strongest. However, you are only allowed to do the latter without punishment when her lust level already is high (the exact level varies between the girls). So, generally, it is a good idea to keep a girl's lust level above 35-50. That way you can quickly get her back to lust after you 100%.
The amount of sex you can have depends on the girls you have on the island. The following combination of girls is the best for that purpose imho: Jessica, Amy, Heather, Faye, Natasha, Alice, Eva, Yvette, and Desire.
Certainly, you will have to have played HI for a while so that all the girls' stats can reach a level of 100% (love, affection, lust).
Generally, there are four types of sex scenes:
random event at location (Alice on the beach, Eva in the elevator, and many more)
by random invitation (mainly dinner with Amy, stay the night)
meeting the girl at a location (pool, night bar, ...)
contest reward (Eva, Yvette)
The random events occur, well, randomly... Take the opportunity when it arises and when it fits your overall schedule.
The meetings at a location that result in a sex scene can be planned ahead by asking the girl for an appointment. This is best done during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then you will not lose valuable game time.
The contest rewards can also be planned ahead to some extent, if Eva or Yvette are a participant.
If you plan ahead, you will also have to take into account how long a sex scene lasts. It is no good if you have appointments an hour apart when the first one will take you longer than 60 minutes...
You will also have to be aware that some girls have a cool down period when it comes to actions at a location. E.g. Amy will not play in the pool with you if you have already done so in the previous 24 hours.
For detailed advice on what the requirements are to have sex with one of the girls in a certain location, please, read the Companion Guide (see front page) as I cannot describe it all here.
You cannot have sex with a girl at the pool before 9:00 (too cold outside).
Want to meet a girl alone at the pool? Make an appointment for either 9:00 or 19:00.
If you want to have sex with Eva or Yvette, let them win one of the contests.
For sex with Desire, there only is the hot shots option.
Have red tablets available to keep your endurance high if necessary.
In between the sex scenes, kiss, hug, and grope boobs as much as you can to increase the lust of the girls. Otherwise: no sex for you.
I found that there is a "monetary" benefit in having so many interactions with the girls. I got a bonus of 150-180 company favor at the end of each week (Monday, 00:00)! Knowing that, you can spend just as many CF on tablets and other stuff that you need just before midnight on a Sunday evening.
One more thing: do not forget to train from time to time or you will loose strength.
That happened to me, actually. And I find that very unfair! Shouldn't that much sex and constantly lifting girls count as exercise, too?
Finally, have fun trying this out yourself while you wait for the new version
( This is FAN FICTION / FAN EDITED and no way represents any actual story from the game )
(Any similarity to any future story-line is coincidental)
Can someone help me get this game to run again on my mac. I got it working before but now when I try to boot up the game it says "HolidayIsland quit unexpectedly." I can then either reopen or ignore. When I try to reopen it I get a new message saying "The file can’t be found." I've tried redownloading the game and restarting my computer several times. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
If you look back at earlier comments, you'll find comments that indicate that save files will not do any good because you will miss trigger points of one-time events.
If you look back at earlier comments, you'll find comments that indicate that save files will not do any good because yo will miss trigger points of one-time events.
As the release is getting close, a small reminder.
I'll not be posting any Weekend Fan Art in the forum (my DA will update as normal, but no HI girls guaranteed) in the weeks right after a release, plenty of other things happening.
(***disclaimer***) ( This is FAN FICTION / FAN EDITED and no way represents any actual story from the game ) (Any similarity to any future story-line is coincidental)
As a matter of fact, there is! I did some poking around and found the very thing you are referring to, sitting on a digital shelf, gathering digital dust. So, without further ado, here it is:
That's the beauty of the succinct guide I dusted off and shared; it combines a vintage reference (RTFM) with a relatively recent one (TL/DR), making it universal advice suitable for everyone.
(The modern "TL/DR" reference would seem to be a bit anachronistic for what is clearly a classic bit of HI troubleshooting meta-advice, but who am I to question the cosmic adult game powers that be . . . )
I used a variation of it, "Read the effin' CLUE!" a lot back when I blogged Amazing Race when teams just glanced over the task at hand and then failed miserably because they didn't bother to read the instructions in full.