The version number
- is a bug fix (here bug fix 1, for release 1, under main version 3)
- is a release (here release 1 for main version 3)
- is a main version (here main version 3)
- indicates something is still under development, 1 is usually used for the "final release" version of a game.
But while understanding the number itself is easy, comprehending what it means involves some background knowledge
Understanding Holiday Island
The real Holiday Island is a Hobby, an ongoing act of creation, a "project".
The "project" creates. Then streams its production to a repository, here to a game and increments the relevant number each time it reaches a delivery threshold of some sort.
This results in a game of titanic scope, because the entity that feeds it is "infinite" (compared to what a game is)
Even the girls and art inside it reflect it.
The best girls live forever, because they of the developer, they serve the developer's
art. Others are born, serve their role, become completed, they are of the game, they serve the game, they are finite.
Holiday Island's version number
So does version 0.3 reflect the game being 3/10 done? Being structured there is good reason to assume Darkhound1 applies some general rules and behavior to it.
Which gives reason to believe v1.0 is likely to be the release version for the game. But whether v0.3 is 3/10s of the way to v1.0? Or versions will take longer or shorter? Unknown and Unknowable.
Given the time taken to change the design and future foundation (the how and to whom content flows) there is no reason to assume the project will stop feeding the game any time soon.
Edit : My usual disclaimer (all imo, reality may differ) goes here.