You are probably experiencing the "Out of Memory" error due to a memory leak. This is a known bug, but the creator doesn't have enough data to fix it because he isn't experiencing the problem. If your game is like mine, it crashes about once every hour. Every time it crashes, it generates a tracelog. You need to get the creator your specs and a tracelog. If this is what is happening, your tracelog will say "Out of memory' in it. Also, your Task Manager will show physical memory percentage in the 90's right before it crashes. Right now the solution has been to save a lot and depend on the Auto Save function so that you don't lose much progress. Post your data and hope for a solution when 1.7.x is released next month.
If your tracelog has different information, make sure you are running 1.6.2 by pushing the About button to see the version. Update if needed. Check Darkhound1's Patreon page (link on page 1 of this thread) to see if your problem has been handled. Darkhound1 may have a file you need to copy into the game folder or somesuch. If yours isn't a known bug, post your data with as full a description of the problem as you can give.
Darkhound1 is very responsive to what his players tell him, and who knows? Your info may just be what gives the smart people the clue they need to fix the problem. BTW, I am not one of the smart people.
Perhaps your Tracelog looks like mine: