
Oct 23, 2017
I haven't updated my FAQ to 1.8.0 because I was waiting for 1.8.2 to come out. (Ok, I did do a little, and I've been meaning to do a more complete job on Yvette's achievements.) Now that we have the update, I will answer some of the questions that have been asked and add them to the FAQ when I have time.
The new questions to be answered so far are:
How do I see the beach yoga? I have the binoculars, but nothing is ever going on.
How do I have sex with Delizia? How do I do strength training with Delizia?
How do I get the last lab story scene with Jennifer?
How do I get Mercedes clothes posing scene? She just kicks me out after the shower.
How do I get the whole shower scene for Mercedes? My Sneak is at 5, but I still can't see it all.
Please list any more in comments.
Thank you for your hard work.
I hope your faq will be linked in OP.

Puppet Master

Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
Thanks for your support!
Right now my FAQ is just in my sig, but if Darkhound1 makes the major change to how max stats for girl's work (six quests per girl! Wow!), it may be really out of date for 1.9. We'll see.
I still have a lot of work to get it up to date. Also, when that's done, I'd like to update Bantry's FAQ which is on the OP.
I'll keep working, the rest will take care of itself.


Oct 23, 2017
Thanks for your support!
Right now my FAQ is just in my sig, but if Darkhound1 makes the major change to how max stats for girl's work (six quests per girl! Wow!), it may be really out of date for 1.9. We'll see.
I still have a lot of work to get it up to date. Also, when that's done, I'd like to update Bantry's FAQ which is on the OP.
I'll keep working, the rest will take care of itself.
MmmmH. I can't see your sig. Is it a problem of my settings?
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Mathew joe

Feb 25, 2019
There is also a Genre and Changelog on the first page (you know, where you find the link to download the patch), neither says anything about incest.
I have played games with incest content which doesnt have any incest tags.. Thats why i asked..
And i thought asking is better than playing an incest game which you downloaded thinking that its a non incest game... As i have an experience..!


New Member
Aug 31, 2018
Hey guys, wanted to ask about Mercedes. I know that her room number is 27, but it's impossible to pay her a visit, because she is not in the list of girls when i choose one of the girl's rooms. Same goes with shower in her room, i never get this event with a chance to watch her having shower


New Member
May 26, 2019
Loads of crashes for me - probably due to the shit ton of times I jacked up console tweaks. Tried to reinstall (even blew away the AppData/Roaming data) with no luck.
I guess I'm starting over...after the next update ;)
The morale of the story: Be careful in the console...cheater's karma is a bitch.

Thank you DarkHound - I love this game!


New Member
May 26, 2019
Hey guys, wanted to ask about Mercedes. I know that her room number is 27, but it's impossible to pay her a visit, because she is not in the list of girls when i choose one of the girl's rooms. Same goes with shower in her room, i never get this event with a chance to watch her having shower
Talk to her in the night bar - it should open up the option to visit (she'll invite you).


Looking for a nothing
Mar 10, 2018
Thanks for the fixes! Thanks for the effort! And most definitely thanks for a brilliant game with probably the most sexy models I've seen in any of the 3d games out there! I mean, with all respect to the other brilliant games out there that I've played, they have their sexy models too, but the ones on H.I definitely takes the cake!

For one who's got a bit of a nipple-"fetish", it's awesome seeing that you've added a hardened nipple-effect as well! Now I can only hope there will be a scene or character where one can see hardened nipples through the top of a girl, hehe. But hey, that's only a personal request, though I am patreon.

Another feature I guess would be SO awesome to have is to see more clothing options for the girls (similar to "bikini", "sexy outfit" etc.), maybe something like yoga pants etc.

There's sooo much to do in this game that I cannot get bored of it! The hours are simply flying by here! And WOW so many models with awesome curves, abs, faces, expressions, lips, clothing styles, such nice and sexy poses, slutty personalities, playful thoughts and just a whole load of fun to play through the game! I am thoroughly enjoying this game, that's for sure.

And I didn't even notice it until now, but I simply gotta join the discord channel for this awesome piece of game, for sure.

Very well done, darkhound1. I cannot praise you enough. Really. It's just SO awesome!


May 16, 2017
It'd be great to add more girls with varied body types, that'd make the questionnaire at the beginning way more significant


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017

Hello everyone,
I have finally started working on changes I wanted to do for quite some time now.
I will try to explain the whats and whys in this post.
1) Better game balancing / improvement of "grind feeling"
  • Early game play is a bit boring and repetitive
  • There are too many talk about options with generic content where most of you probably just mindlessly click through without reading them
  • The game kind of drives some players into the direction of "stats farming", before they really start playing, which although not strictly necessary.
  • Steps taken so far:
    -- player starts with 25 company favor to get the smart watch a lot earlier
    -- requirements for endurance, charm increase has been adjusted
    -- no more endless hugging/kissing, see below
    -- stats farming will be limited, because of the max stats blocking further advancement
2) Making better use of the max stats (max affection, max love) in the game
  • The max stats were never meant to be used the way they are now. Meaning you have another parallel stat that you need to increase point by point doing endless kissing and hugging.
  • With the next release, this will start to change. Beginning with Amy, who is as so often in the past the guinea pig for this change.
  • What will change exactly: The max stats will no longer be increased point by point, but in huge meaningfull steps. Meaning you will have something like a max stats "level", that is related to the requirements of the scenes. The checks will still be done on the "normal" affection / love stats. But you won't be able to rise them bejond the max stats.
  • Level 2 is the startig point: max stats are 35 for love and affection (they have been 50 so far), level 3: 50, level 4: 75 and level 5 will be 100.
  • There will be quests to raise the max stats for each character and level. These quests will be a mix of already exisiting stuff and some new things. (e.g. for Amy to reach max affection level 3, you have to do all the 4 workouts with her.)
  • What does it mean for gameplay:
    -- no more endless hugging and kissing, I will adjust the rewards to not render the actions completely useless
    -- you won't be able to do certain scenes, events, appointments, until you have done the quest to raise the max level accordingly
    -- this gives the opportunity to have more personal and character specific quests and also chats with the girls right from the beginning
    -- since we have so many scenes/events/etc. for the girls now, it can be a bit confusing what to do when. The additional quests will help to give some direction. the game will still be non linear, no worries, but with some more guidance in form of quests.
  • The downsides:
    Completing this change will take a lot of time. 6 quests have to be added for each main girl + the special girls (except maybe Joy). Some will be reused, but I try to have some indivual stuff for each girl too. And the quests need either be able to use existing scenes (not easy for girls with low content) or have to use new content.
    So the only way to do it, is to have the new and old system in parallel. Meaning one girl after the other will be switched over to the new system, when all necessary quests are done.
    In addition, I have to make sure, that you can do each quest with the restriction of the max stats in place. So having a check with love 75 in a quest to get max love to level 4 (which is 75) will break the game as in you won't be able to finish the quest without cheating. This might sound simple, but there are several hundred checks for love/affection in the game already.
Some final words:
With a high probability this will mean that there won't be a version, because adding all the necessary quests and making sure you can still use and play with Amy will take a lot of time.
Thanks for reading. And now you can start complaining or screaming :)

Don Nelki

Sep 8, 2019
ARe there more then one Sexscene with the girls or there are diffent scenes with each girl?

Sorry for asking may someone ask that before but i can not read a least 600 pages lol.

I ask because when i got the scene i can send her away from the Island lol

Monsieur X

Engaged Member
May 26, 2018
They are multiple sex scenes with the most popular girls (Amy, Yvette, Jessica, Faye etc ). Check your phone, you will know.
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