I have to admit that Frostia is actually my favourite work (from Shiboo, and top 3 in magical girl h-games), if only because of the variety of the scenarios you can trigger, from your everyday gangbang, to out-of-costume assaults by classmates, to a stuck-in-a-wall scene, and several endless trains ran on her if she gets captured. Some of them animated too. It's just a shame the translation is so low effort. It's the scene variety and creativity that often takes me back to H-Games after I finish them; Celesphonia always brings me back on occasion for the gym teacher and hole-in-a-wall scenes.
If Cross Near Heart had been even half as creative in it's scene building as Frostia, with even half the variety, I might have been more forgiving. As it is, it just feels like wasted productivity that could have gone towards another project.
Even the narrative choices are a bit weird. What was the point of having an expanded cast of cute none-magical-girls and all those out-of-costume scenes across the narrative when everything interesting happens when you lose a battle? Why have the thuggy looking girl seem to be into the MC is she never taps that? Why even change the MC's gender out of costume if the are never going to even have a nude scene out of costume? The transformation into Near Heart could have been the gender-swap part. What even was the point of the girl scientist being a cute girl when she is literally just magical girl powers exposition and a plot device? So many, many weird choices.
Ah well, least we have Shadow Maiden Serenoxia to look forwards to. Just the demo is superior, and longer, to this game.