I'm not overthinking anything. Your marketing level explanation is simply incorrect as fuck. *shrug* AA is not magic, and your continued insistence it makes graphic details and presentation look perfect is confirmation bias like woah level.
I also don't need to read any white papers because I work in the industry already. I know precisely what AA does in each iteration and which version applies "best" to which engine. Mid-level cards do no achieve halo product visual quality by just clicking the AA button, and the fact that AA isn't even natively supported by many engines anymore is all the white paper I need.
Higher resolution >>> AA and again at 8K with around .28 or better DPP, AA is literally redundant except for UI scaling, and at such time as fully 3d uis become a thing, there'll be no point to using it at all.
i am not sure why are calling me those things ^^' in fact i am not insisting on anything. somebody asked a question, i replied with a helpful information and fix. then you quoted my post mentioning unrelated info, i replied trying to help you with that confusion in detail but then you replied with an insulting manner and with more unrelated thing. i wonder who is being bias lol.
but it's okay, i was not trying to argue with you anyway. i will be more than happy to be corrected if my responses have errors, i truly have no ego nor i am looking for any credits helping anybody here. but what is not okay is that you keep replying to questions with misleading answers such as "disable all AA". unless, you do actually try it yourself and present to us a better and a working solution for a dithered shirt. i will be very thankful to you actually
How do we add proper bones required by some VMD dance files? Is there a tutorial for setting up proper bones for VMD motion files (not sure if I am even correct assuming bone is the problem)? I decided to try the VMD plugin with some MMD motions, but it's so janky and everything is so off.
which mmd plugin are you using to load the motion data? HS2 VMDplay or MMDD plugin? if you are using MMDD there should be .ini files loacted in "BepInEx\plugins\Console\Lib" and "BepInEx\plugins\Console\Lib\mmdd", you can adjust the translated values and rig in those files, i tried an older MMDD version but it i couldn't get the plugin to work at that time so i never tried this. VMDplay works but i didn't see any config files related to the matter.