Спасибо. Не хватало файла [Hooh][REQUIRED FOR ALL ITEM MODS] category_reserve.zipmod . Скачал его и всё заработало. Видимо он удалился во время обновления. Так как и сейчас показывает установщик что хочет его удалить.Phone download:You must be registered to see the links
Place that file in mods/MyMods/
Then download "[Hooh][REQUIRED FOR ALL ITEM MODS] category_reserve.zipmod" if you don't already have it installed. Link:You must be registered to see the links
If the items don't show up in Studio, then you have to download the August minimod as well. For some reason it wouldn't work for me until I downloaded the second mod to create the item category. Link:You must be registered to see the links
The phone can then be found by using the search function or going items/hooh A/minimods/
Breathing can be added by looking at advanced kinematics I think. That mod should be included in the screwthatnoise repack.
Thank. The file [Hooh] [REQUIRED FOR ALL ITEM MODS] category_reserve.zipmod was missing. I downloaded it and it worked. Apparently he left during the update. Since now the installer shows that he wants to remove it.