
Aug 27, 2018
Phone download:

Place that file in mods/MyMods/

Then download "[Hooh][REQUIRED FOR ALL ITEM MODS] category_reserve.zipmod" if you don't already have it installed. Link:

If the items don't show up in Studio, then you have to download the August minimod as well. For some reason it wouldn't work for me until I downloaded the second mod to create the item category. Link:

The phone can then be found by using the search function or going items/hooh A/minimods/

Breathing can be added by looking at advanced kinematics I think. That mod should be included in the screwthatnoise repack.
Спасибо. Не хватало файла [Hooh][REQUIRED FOR ALL ITEM MODS] category_reserve.zipmod . Скачал его и всё заработало. Видимо он удалился во время обновления. Так как и сейчас показывает установщик что хочет его удалить.

Thank. The file [Hooh] [REQUIRED FOR ALL ITEM MODS] category_reserve.zipmod was missing. I downloaded it and it worked. Apparently he left during the update. Since now the installer shows that he wants to remove it. 5545.jpeg
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Dec 12, 2020
There were a number of mods that were found to have some issues, and they've been removed from the regular sideloader mods (found in \mods\Sideloader Modpack) and put into bleeding edge (found in \mods\Sideloader Modpack - Bleeding Edge). Bleeding edge mods aren't updated by default, and if you're using an older version of the launcher (initsetting.exe) you may no longer see the bleeding edge mods in the updater.

Run initsetting.exe, and look for the checkbox labeled "Experimental Mode" in the area with DHH and Graphics Mod. If you check experimental mode, it'll let you download the bleeding edge stuff. If you don't see the checkbox, grab the latest launcher here:

That'll get most of your mods back, but a couple have been removed at a modder's request. Rose's cellphone and pubic hair mods are sorta paid mods now.

BTW, there are a LOT of mods being put into the bleeding edge area lately - it's worth running the updater frequently if you want the latest and greatest (and possibly buggiest:LOL:).
Okay, so I was able to download the launcher just fine, but then noticed that when I loaded up the game, several of the mods went missing, potentially ones from the updater as well. The mods from HS2 DX R2 ran just fine, and the cards in the chara/female/ModPack folder loaded just fine, too. But once I updated from R2 to R3, and then R3 to R3.1, several mods completely disappeared. The character cards I made in R2 loaded just fine though. I figured I did something wrong when updating to R3.1, so I did a clean install, updated to R3.1 first before touching the game, and same result: mods missing. So then I settled on downloading the R3.1 pack off of mega, and that way things would hopefully be fine.

So I downloaded it, new install, just went in without the updater and... nothing. R3.1 was just the base game, mods completely missing. It also defaulted to Japanese text every time I loaded into R3.1, unlike the default to machine translated English before. Also for reference, the Mai Shiranui card in the ModPack folder (red dress) that I downloaded from the first post had zero issues appearing in game as intended before downloading any updates to the mods when I first played HS2, so I figured that the same would apply here, I wouldn't need updates to the mods and at the very least, a chunk of the cards would work. But stuff like even the extra sliders were completely missing, and fewer accessories as a whole. Base game. I didn't attempt to install updates to the game as I thought it wouldn't fix anything. I don't really know what to do anymore.

If it actually makes a difference how the game is extracted, I used FileJoiner to join all of the .00# files together, then unzipped it as a pack that way. I have never worked with .001 files before so I have zero clue if doing it that way screws up the mods, or if I am screwing something else up. Same issue I had when trying to install Koikatsu, but that's for the Koikatsu thread.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Are the H animations different between AI and HS2? I found the AI ones lacking in variety tbh
There are likely different ones, but the ones from AI Shoujo were likely ported as well. I haven't played AI Shoujo for a long time now because of the optimization, so I forgot what all it had.


Aug 27, 2018
Ответ про телефон я получил. Только я в том вопросе более детально хотел узнать о том монтаж или с разных ракурсов можно одновременно изображение транслировать. Вот пример скаченный для студии. Там можно переключить на камеру где показано лицо. Есть экран над персонажем где вроде было изображение с этой камеры. Это было либо монтаж, либо gif изображение записанное ранее и подставленное после при редактировании. Вот и вопрос. Возможно ли транслировать с разных камер изображения на резаные экраны прям в сцене без монтажа?
Дополнительный вопрос. Не могу найти либо mmd анимацию либо отдельную сцену для студии , либо похожие движения под музыку и клип Phao - 2 Phut Hon Remix

I received an answer about the phone. Only in that question I wanted to know in more detail whether the montage or from different angles it is possible to simultaneously broadcast the image. Here's an example downloaded for the studio. There you can switch to the camera where the face is shown. There is a screen above the character where there was a picture from this camera. It was either a montage, or a gif image recorded earlier and substituted after editing. That's the question. Is it possible to broadcast images from different cameras to cut screens right in the scene without editing?

Additional question. I can't find either mmd animation or a separate scene for the studio, or similar movements to the music and video Phao - 2 Phut Hon Remix


Mar 10, 2018
Is there any plugins to make screenshots like honeyshot? , i know i can just take a normal ss but i dont think the quality is the same


May 19, 2017
Suggestions for picking grabbing all the updated mods. I have Screw the Noise Better Repack 3 working. I got rid of the white screen issues. Of coures now I have a bunch of outdated mods. I read a few pages back that discord is one source, I was hoping there might be a master location that has most of them.



Jan 17, 2018
Hi HS2 Lovers.
I need your help I'm serious!
Well I did this and if you recognize her, well you know she can't be anything else than Sadist, Sado/Masochist...
My problem I want to make her "Dependant", but it seems this Traits-combo makes it almost impossible... and I don't want to change her stats or make a new one.
I tried the usual positions that should make dependant but nothing... her Dependant bar dosen't move...
Can you help me please and tell me, which positions, places or anything else to make her dependant...
Thanks for your help. :cool:

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Sep 13, 2019
With all the plugins available is it possible to have a "low orgasm position" (when the guy doesn't pound and pink gauge isn't filled) but with "high orgasm" voice loop (pink gauge filled, when you click "finish", when the girl is excited in her voice).

I know with ctrl+n you can choose any loop of the position you want but you can't choose when the gauge is filled (you can't go back to an earlier position loop because since the pink gauge is filled the game goes back to a "high orgasm position loop" automatically).

Dunno if I'm clear, see pic if it can help. Basically I want a slow position, accellerate it (F12->Speed) and have the girl scream like I'm pounding her at high level orgasm.


Aug 27, 2018
Ответ про телефон я получил. Только я в том вопросе более детально хотел узнать о том монтаж или с разных ракурсов можно одновременно изображение транслировать. Вот пример скаченный для студии. Там можно переключить на камеру где показано лицо. Есть экран над персонажем где вроде было изображение с этой камеры. Это было либо монтаж, либо gif изображение записанное ранее и подставленное после при редактировании. Вот и вопрос. Возможно ли транслировать с разных камер изображения на резаные экраны прям в сцене без монтажа?
View attachment 1075534
Дополнительный вопрос. Не могу найти либо mmd анимацию либо отдельную сцену для студии , либо похожие движения под музыку и клип Phao - 2 Phut Hon Remix

I received an answer about the phone. Only in that question I wanted to know in more detail whether the montage or from different angles it is possible to simultaneously broadcast the image. Here's an example downloaded for the studio. There you can switch to the camera where the face is shown. There is a screen above the character where there was a picture from this camera. It was either a montage, or a gif image recorded earlier and substituted after editing. That's the question. Is it possible to broadcast images from different cameras to cut screens right in the scene without editing?

Additional question. I can't find either mmd animation or a separate scene for the studio, or similar movements to the music and video Phao - 2 Phut Hon Remix
Нашёл сам ответ на свой вопрос. Мод который нужен находиться уже в комплекте. Осталось только установить. HS2_GifPlane . Я из этой папки установил всё кроме GifPlane_mod.zip и GifPlane_mod archiver. У этого конфликт с модом который скрывает интерфейс в студии. Нужный мод называется MonPlane . Суды по моему скрину, всё работает HS2_2021-03-11-02-24-31-340.png
Так же найденная мной информация.
Всё ещё ищу анимацию или сцену для студии на клип Phao - 2 Phut Hon Remix.
Ни как не могу справиться с созданием анимации в VNGE . Захожу, создаю анимацию на персонажей и вещи и всё . Дальше не продвинулся. Смотрел и видео и разные инструкции, всё равно не могу понять, как сохранять анимацию в сцене чтобы потом можно было запустить при повторной загрузке сцены либо при смене персонажа. Мне прям пошаговая инструкция нужна.

I found the answer to my own question. The mod that you need to be already included. It remains only to install. HS2_GifPlane. I installed everything from this folder except GifPlane_mod.zip and GifPlane_mod archiver. This one has a conflict with a mod that hides the interface in the studio. The mod you need is called MonPlane. Courts on my screen, everything works

Also the information I found.

Still looking for animation or studio scene for Phao - 2 Phut Hon Remix video.
I can’t cope with the creation of animation in VNGE. I go in, create animation for characters and things and that's it. I did not advance further. I watched both the video and various instructions, I still can't figure out how to save the animation in the scene so that you can later start it when the scene is reloaded or when the character is changed. I need step-by-step instructions.


New Member
Feb 27, 2020
Is there a guide or any sort of documentation on how to use the different mods that the game comes with? I can see that there's a lot of things included in the download, but I get confused trying to use a lot of them. For example, a lot of the words and settings in the cheat window (F12) and the advanced bone mod don't make sense to me, it's unclear what they do and a lot of them don't seem to do anything when I change it.. at least not from what I can tell.

On an off note, I couldn't find any workaround to having to open up an H-Scene with a girl before it unlocks all locations with her. Maybe this aren't possible, but it seems like it's not that farfetched.
Last edited:


Aug 29, 2020
If it actually makes a difference how the game is extracted, I used FileJoiner to join all of the .00# files together, then unzipped it as a pack that way. I have never worked with .001 files before so I have zero clue if doing it that way screws up the mods, or if I am screwing something else up. Same issue I had when trying to install Koikatsu, but that's for the Koikatsu thread.
The numbered files are a multi-part archive. Use 7zip to open the first one, if all the files are correct it'll find the remaining files by itself. But if you download from Google drive there are times when it adds extra numbers to the filenames, and it screws up the file order. Many people also report corrupted files downloading from Google or Mega. That's why it's suggested you get the torrent version if at all possible. It's 2 zip files, one for the main game and a second optional one that just has extras for studio. You will need to install again and if you don't still have the individual files, grab the torrent.

Is there any plugins to make screenshots like honeyshot? , i know i can just take a normal ss but i dont think the quality is the same
Hitting F9 will take a regular screenshot, F11 will take a "rendered" shot - higher res, ability to have transparent background, etc. Plugin is called Screenshot Manager if you want to tweak the configs.

Can you help me please and tell me, which positions, places or anything else to make her dependant...
Thanks for your help. :cool:
Check (and expand) the Positions sections at the bottom of this wiki page, it has all the info on how positions change stats/states. And keep in mind if she has been broken, you have to get broken all the way back to zero before dependency will increase.
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Mar 10, 2018
Hitting F9 will take a regular screenshot, F11 will take a "rendered" shot - higher res, ability to have transparent background, etc. Plugin is called Screenshot Manager if you want to tweak the configs.
Thanks i will check that plugin seems rather helpful, and im a dumbass, i was using F9 instead of F11
Aug 11, 2020
Is there a guide or any sort of documentation on how to use the different mods that the game comes with? I can see that there's a lot of things included in the download, but I get confused trying to use a lot of them. For example, a lot of the words and settings in the cheat window (F12) and the advanced bone mod don't make sense to me, it's unclear what they do and a lot of them don't seem to do anything when I change it.. at least not from what I can tell.
No such thing. If you're lucky, the creator has a patreon or github page with an explanation. This is my main problem with the repack: it has a lot of content, but none of the plugins are documented.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Is there a way to have more slots for paint without using additional overalays? (I want more than 2, is this possible?)

With all the plugins available is it possible to have a "low orgasm position" (when the guy doesn't pound and pink gauge isn't filled) but with "high orgasm" voice loop (pink gauge filled, when you click "finish", when the girl is excited in her voice).

I know with ctrl+n you can choose any loop of the position you want but you can't choose when the gauge is filled (you can't go back to an earlier position loop because since the pink gauge is filled the game goes back to a "high orgasm position loop" automatically).

Dunno if I'm clear, see pic if it can help. Basically I want a slow position, accellerate it (F12->Speed) and have the girl scream like I'm pounding her at high level orgasm.
I'm pretty sure it is specifically tied to the gauge.
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New Member
Feb 21, 2021
Is there a way to have more slots for paint without using additional overalays? (I want more than 2, is this possible?)
no but you can easily do your own overlay,

1. You need a photoshop program. ( I use Gimp cause its for free)
2. Open your photoshop program and load the Export body template (you can find this at UserData/Overlays)
3. Drag and drop the tatto/tattos you like to use and place it at the part of your body you want. (you can use the tools to rotate or change the size)
4. Press the eye symbol at the frame of the body template to hide it, then you save your work as png in your overlays ordner.
5. open your game and select your work as overlay.
6. done

if you have any question you can ask. hope i could help
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