So does VNGE work properly? According to the content of your post, VNGE should be working normally. Pressing Ctrl+F8 should bring up the VNGE window.I installed VNGE, but I didn't see any VNGE buttons in my studio, here is my VNGE console log:
VNGE studio_wait_for_load...
VNGE 42.5 starting...
VNGE found autorun mod: autorun_kernel
E:\HS2 Vanilla\BepInEx\plugins\Console\Lib\ SyntaxWarning: name '_sc' is assigned to before global declaration
global _sc
Timeline.dll not found.
Timeline.dll not found.
autorun 0
Start a new VN Physics application...
Start a new SSS Builder application...
Array[str]((u'\u180e', ':', '-'))
VNGE 42.5 inited!
IronPython 2.7.7rc2 ( on Mono 4.0.30319.42000 (64-bit)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Why are there no VNGE buttons? Information is not enough to guess. Re-install VNGE or install another versions(such as 42.0) to see if it can be solved.