
Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Honey select 2 ? Like, what's really new compared to the first one ? Because the first one was honestly trash that was missing a lot of features. It was pretty bare bones to say the least ... I wonder if there is any meaningful change to this one or if it's just minimal changes to warrant a new game to milk people paying for it.
if you think HS1 was trash, then dont go HS2... because its as much trash.
aint lots of changes honestly , and without some good mods, its even worse than HS1.
main point mostly goes to char customize (wich basically is exactly AI system and you cant do anything else than asian chars)
as for graphism, they aint better than HS1 , its just that they got a shit tons of makeup using SSAO, bloom and else to "hide" the identical graphism.


Jul 30, 2018
Kinda hate how they took out what each position would do for the girls mental state when actually doing them from the first game. As I'm now doing guess work to get certain girls to the state i want them


Active Member
Apr 1, 2020
1,605 cant do anything else than asian chars...
I see this argument a lot and it's completely false. This is entirely down to how you use the tools available. It's perfectly possible to make "Western"-looking women with just the basic creation sliders.

Scyths the graphics are fantastic IMO - I see a lot of comments complaining about this, too for some reason.

Even vanilla, the game is graphically an improvement over previous titles and the latest repack contains a few graphical mods that can enhance it even further.

I think a lot of people forget that this is first and foremost a sandbox from top to bottom. Everything can be modified and tweaked in-game, if it can't, there's probably a modder out there working on it. Perhaps out of the box and unsure what you're actually doing it looks objectively worse than X, I don't know. I just find the criticisms a bit odd, given the game's barely been out a month and the modders are working furiously just to include the mods this community blatantly takes for granted - many of these mods are already available and many of them still just need to be ported from AIS.

But I digress. If you weren't a fan of HS1 I wouldn't rule it out.

I didn't like HS1 either, but I'm getting a lot from 2 (especially the Studio) - you might find this one more to your tastes?

Few examples of "impossible-to-make" Western girls and what WAAAH! THIS GAME I STOLE IS SHIT! PLAYHOME IS THE HOLY GRAIL! looks like with a few quickly-made presets.

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Jul 26, 2017
Im just gonna download the 16GB r2 Base Game, So Like is there any significant update in R2? without the mods? Like a new voice or something?


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
I see this argument a lot and it's completely false. This is entirely down to how you use the tools available. It's perfectly possible to make "Western"-looking women with just the basic creation sliders.

Scyths the graphics are fantastic IMO - I see a lot of comments complaining about this, too for some reason.

Even vanilla, the game is graphically an improvement over previous titles and the latest repack contains a few graphical mods that can enhance it even further.

I think a lot of people forget that this is first and foremost a sandbox from top to bottom. Everything can be modified and tweaked in-game, if it can't, there's probably a modder out there working on it. Perhaps out of the box and unsure what you're actually doing it looks objectively worse than X, I don't know. I just find the criticisms a bit odd, given the game's barely been out a month and the modders are working furiously just to include the mods this community blatantly takes for granted - many of these mods are already available and many of them still just need to be ported from AIS.

But I digress. If you weren't a fan of HS1 I wouldn't rule it out.

I didn't like HS1 either, but I'm getting a lot from 2 (especially the Studio) - you might find this one more to your tastes?

Few examples of "impossible-to-make" Western girls and what WAAAH! THIS GAME I STOLE IS SHIT! PLAYHOME IS THE HOLY GRAIL! looks like with a few quickly-made presets.

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so this are HS2 girls ? made out of the vanilla game without any mods installed ?

allow me to doubt highly that...

also, if it is.. then i ask you to share the cards so i can certify by myself as i have vanilla game with no mods at all....


Jan 3, 2018
Does anyone know if the advanced IK/FK controls from AiG are going to make their way over to Studio for HS2? Having to control every IK/FK point with mouse movement is painful...

This isn't a great solution, but you can hide the in-game generated phallus and use an accessory prop instead. The downside is that it doesn't have the blending / animation, but depending on the angle you're capturing from you can hide that with clever camera work. It's pretty frustrating because of constant adjustments you have to make depending on the pose, but saving various costume configurations saves a bit of time there.

For whatever reason StudioNEO from AiG forward doesn't have the smart animation plugins yet (at least not that I've found), but you also used to be able to come up with clever rigging solutions that way too.
Thanks for the suggestion. I thought of doing that or just not having any animation speed for the male. Hopefully that problem is fixed sooner rather than later.

Just to be clear, there never was a fix for that "telescope penis" in HS1, was there?


Active Member
Apr 1, 2020
so this are HS2 girls ? made out of the vanilla game without any mods installed ?

allow me to doubt highly that...
Ooh, you have me there! Me and my hairstyles! (Hairs are the only mod used on my previous post)

So to satisfy your glaring inner pedant (and mine!), these shots I took playing the first ScrewThisNoise repack. All 100% vanilla girls and graphics, barring the decensor.
20200604172414520.png AB0.png

Not sure what your point was about the graphics(?), but if people AREN'T playing with and making their own presets, they're REALLY missing out and may as well be playing on a PS2. Perhaps that's where these "RapeLay had better graphics!" arguments keep coming from? Baffling.

(EDIT: macadam Just realised you asked for some vanilla cards from my previous screenshots. Sadly, they're all using hair mods and may have a slider off here and there. But here's the vanilla girls from the vanilla shots above, plus a few extras! All but two/three of them are "impossibly" Western)

HS2ChaF_20200604022218819.png HS2ChaF_20200602220704744.png HS2ChaF_20200602145549548.png HS2ChaF_20200530223058444.png HS2ChaF_20200602143658375.png HS2ChaF_20200605192933147.png HS2ChaF_20200604011949698.png HS2ChaF_20200602214940651.png HS2ChaF_20200604175544238.png
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Sep 15, 2019
thx for the update, but I'm a bit confused, the R2 repack already has the basic mods like uncensor right?
then what is in the 38gb modpack and is it worth downloading?


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Ooh, you have me there! Me and my hairstyles!

So to satisfy your inner pedant (and mine!), these shots I took playing the first ScrewThisNoise repack. All 100% vanilla girls and graphics, barring the decensor.

Not sure what your point was about the graphics, if people AREN'T playing with the presets, they may as well be playing on a PS2 imo :)
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pretty obvious that ILLUSION didnt went alots on graphism as conpared to what people may think.
they mostly use SSAO, bloom and others tricks to make them look greater.
but if you turn off all theses options, you notice that the graphism are barely the same as HS1.

its like people using ENB on skyrim and then say "skyrim look awesome !", no it didnt, its just that they hide the graphism behind tricks effect.

same goes here... graphism didnt get much improved, but they clearly boosted all the effect (and added new ones)


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
thx for the update, but I'm a bit confused, the R2 repack already has the basic mods like uncensor right?
then what is in the 38gb modpack and is it worth downloading?
yeah it have uncensor.

big pack probably containt lots of outfits, haircuts and all the stuff that are not related to "main" game stuff.

R2 containt main game + the tools that are required most of time, such as for bones and else.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2020
same goes here... graphism didnt get much improved, but they clearly boosted all the effect (and added new ones)'re annoyed that the game can be modded to look even better, or that optional graphical features designed to improve graphical quality actually improve graphical quality? Why are either of these things bad?

I've literally shown you in pictures that your argument about the "bad graphics" has a few major holes (thanks for completely ignoring that post btw!)

Furthermore, you'd need to HEAVILY mod HS1 to get the type of graphical fidelity and character details you get from vanilla HS2. I'm looking at HS1 cards and screenshots right now and even recent posts make the game look years older than it is.

HS2 isn't exactly a major advancement on a few fronts, but complaining ad nauseum about objectively bad graphics is basically moot. Especially now pretty much everyone playing the game is using the repack pre-loaded with graphical overhauls.
Again, these mods are optional, you can make the game look amazing with vanilla settings, but isn't part of the gameplay loop for these games (aside from the obvious) about actually lighting the scene and the character correctly?
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Sep 5, 2016
simply look around the rooms and go in a room where a girl profil picture appear. you'll be able to interact with her/them.

you can also go to your room and call Sitris (or whatever her name) and choose the option to "call" a girl of your choice to join you.

if you have good relation with the girls, they will come to your room sometime.. but that part is dumb in gameplay because you'll notice the "????" in your room, that mean someone is here, but you have to go out of your room and go in again to activate the girl coming in.
Hi, thanks for the response, but I've tried clicking on the profile pics and nothing happens, same with trying to call a girl, or press sex button for Fur. At the moment it's now decided to start the explanation in his room, then refuse to go any further, no matter what I press, I've even redownloaded it, just in case it was corrupt the first time. As I say, I've probably done something dumb, I just wish I knew what it was, thanks anyway.

David Li

Sep 9, 2018
Hey any detailed mod list of the 38G modpack? Is it only for the studio? Or it also has the mod for the main game?


Feb 2, 2018
Does anyone know if Roy12's 2B has been ported? From what I'm seeing you can't straight up use HS1 cards in HS2 and it (the 2B mod) uses a custom face as far as I'm aware.


Apr 16, 2020
Hi, thanks for the response, but I've tried clicking on the profile pics and nothing happens, same with trying to call a girl, or press sex button for Fur. At the moment it's now decided to start the explanation in his room, then refuse to go any further, no matter what I press, I've even redownloaded it, just in case it was corrupt the first time. As I say, I've probably done something dumb, I just wish I knew what it was, thanks anyway.
My advice to you, if you don't mind playing this game like the sandbox sex-sim that it is, is to just cheat your way out of that grind and unlock everything at once. Then you can entertain yourself creating new characters and fucking their brains out to your schlong's content. Honestly, you won't be losing much in terms of gameplay, there's barely any character development, minimal dialogue and no plot to speak of, all that's left is cock-blocking as a feature. I totally get how important the foreplay and pleasure-delay is in other games but, trust me, going through that process with each new card you add to HS2 is just pointlessly annoying.
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