Not trying to raise a false alarm but my AV software keeps going off while downloading the torrent. Something about blocking an "infected web resource" at Not tech savvy enough to tell if it's a false positive or not but just thought I'd bring attention to it.
False positive, mine isn't raising any alarms.
- Applied Official update honey2_01_plus_0605d3g46
- Applied paid DLC dlc_sister
I didn't get a chance to read the notes on the latest one yet, I stand corrected.
see ? told ya there would be paid dlc.... XD
There always is, every game without fail. Hopefully it will gain enough interest to warrant an international release.
if you think HS1 was trash, then dont go HS2... because its as much trash.
aint lots of changes honestly , and without some good mods, its even worse than HS1.
main point mostly goes to char customize (wich basically is exactly AI system and you cant do anything else than asian chars)
as for graphism, they aint better than HS1 , its just that they got a shit tons of makeup using SSAO, bloom and else to "hide" the identical graphism.
The quality is much better than HS1 and there are more bones to work with on the models. As far as the asian characters thing, it takes some finesse and a lot of practice to get it right, but non asians can be done in this system. There are people among the AI Shoujo and HS2 players who specialize in making non asian characters, actually.
Im just gonna download the 16GB r2 Base Game, So Like is there any significant update in R2? without the mods? Like a new voice or something?
Probably not a new voice, but it sounds like there is more official content.
thx for the update, but I'm a bit confused, the R2 repack already has the basic mods like uncensor right?
then what is in the 38gb modpack and is it worth downloading?
The modpack may be separated studio mods that have no in game impact. Yes, basic mods are in at this time.
Ooh, you have me there! Me and my hairstyles!
So to satisfy your inner pedant (and mine!), these shots I took playing the first ScrewThisNoise repack. All 100% vanilla girls and graphics, barring the decensor.
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Not sure what your point was about the graphics(?), but if people AREN'T
playing with and
making their own presets, they're REALLY missing out and may as well be playing on a PS2. Perhaps that's where these "RapeLay had better graphics!" arguments keep coming from? Baffling.
macadam Just realised you asked for some vanilla cards from my previous screenshots. Sadly, they're all using hair mods and may have a slider off here and there. But here's the vanilla girls from the vanilla shots above, plus a few extras!)
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Wait, people are seriously saying Rapelay had better graphics?.....

. I HAVE Rapelay and still play it, great game for its time, but no, definitely not better graphics. Your pics and girls are great, by the way. Were those screenshots from the studio or the main game?
Does anyone know if Roy12's 2B has been ported? From what I'm seeing you can't straight up use HS1 cards in HS2 and it (the 2B mod) uses a custom face as far as I'm aware.
HS1 cards are NOT compatible, only AI Shoujo and HS2 cards are.
If I downloaded R1 already, do I need to download the base game or can I just do the mods?
I would suggest the full game due to how far back you are.
So i'm gonna be that guy that doesn't read the thread and probably ask questions that have been answered.
1. What are the improvements? Aside from Graphics i notice a Koikatsu-Like open world?
2. How's the AIO pack with mods looking at the moment? I don't want the Vanilla game because i will end up installing mods anyway to get the good cards going, but as far as i can see in the changelog there's not much yet, unless i am overlooking stuff and misunderstanding the mods in the list
1. No, it is not open world contrary to what we were led to believe, it plays exactly like the first Honey Select from a game point of view. As far as improvements other than graphics, not sure if you count the higher bone count in the models as graphical. Also, I think there may be more positions and there is definitely a better customization engine going on as it uses the same one as AI Shoujo.
2. A lot of the mods that were being ported over from AI Shoujo have been and there is an uncensor and a translation in place at this time, though be warned that the translation is machined and requires internet. It is the same kind the last two games started out using.
If I want all the stuff do I need the mod pack and R2 all in one? Or just the mod pack one?
The modpack is for studio only, so you don't need it unless you use the studio.
Could someone tell me the differences between the two versions to download.
Also the technical differences between this version and HS1 with mods.
There is only one version, the other is just some mods for the studio, which are not needed unless you plan to use the studio. As for technical differences, model topology is better, more bones to work with in the models, that sort of thing. The graphics engine is upgraded to the same as AI Shoujo. I can't confirm, but I believe there are more positions.
hmm soo Ai girls can be completly ported, including mods.. i see DoA girls from Roy12 already in...
i wish it was possible too for HS1 girls :/ that would avoid to have to port HS1 girls into Ai then into HS2
Unfortunately, the differences between HS1 models and AI Shoujo/HS2 models are too great to overcome.
In the change log for R2 - "removed uncensor workaround"
does that mean there is no more uncensor or there is uncensor?
There is an uncensor, it wouldn't say workaround if they had removed the uncensor itself.
If the OP finds it useful i'm offering a first draft of a FAQ here, since the stream of repeated questions is giving no signs of abating.
EDIT: That was fast!

Thanks for adding it to the OP, m4zy. Hope it helps.
We learned this in the Koikatsu and AI Shoujo threads, the stream will never abate even with an FAQ because people don't read the thread before asking. It was worth a shot though, thanks for the effort.
Aw, thanks for the mention!
I'll be putting together some more comprehensive guides for the creation side of things in the near future, but will happily answer any questions you guys might have in the mean time!
As will I once I have the answers. I'm waiting on the torrent now.