How fluent is your English?

How fluent is your English?

  • Perfect. Because I'm just that good.

    Votes: 78 50.6%
  • Good, but I still get confused by a lot of big words.

    Votes: 59 38.3%
  • Passable. I understand simple written sentences, but any more than that and I'm likely to get lost.

    Votes: 12 7.8%
  • Poor. I piece together the story from the limited number of key words I do understand.

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Zero. I make up my own story from the pictures. In fact, I don't even understand this question.

    Votes: 3 1.9%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Aug 11, 2017
Also, one other thing I notice in a lot of games is when a woman's lady parts are referred to as her "sex", i.e. "she took off her panties and revealed her sex".

I honestly don't think anyone, in the history of the English language, has ever referred to a woman's pussy/vagina/fanny/snatch/muff/slit/twat/box/beaver/cunt as her "sex".
Here you state that in a lot of games lady parts are referred as sex, then provide the example "she [...] revealed her sex".
It is not said anywhere it was a dialogue and since it's in third person it is reasonable to assume it was not. Then after three pages you say it is a dialogue in which a main character uses that expression.
Here are the two issues with this claim: I see no evidence that you took that sentence from a dialogue where a MC narrates events to someone else in a game; you provide no evidence it happens in a lot of games that MCs use analogous expressions.

The claim was about frequency and the clarification you give addresses only an example in which the expression is supposedly part of a dialogue, thus it doesn't cover the whole statement that that kind of usage happens in a lot of games.
You can't tell us you had in mind a particular restricted scope use and at the same time state it is in a lot of games, which would just prove that it's a common expression.
You simply changed your statement. Either that or you made a contradictory statement originally, tertium non datur, unless you provide evidence of those lots of games that do use the expression in character dialogue and not in narration.

The statement is yours, back it up. You claimed: frequency; usage in character dialogue (not in narration); that it is wrong or odd relative to the modern-day setting. All those points need to be proved by you and no "challenge" of yours can change that.
You made a more a general claim originally and we provided counter-examples, which, as you should know, dispute that kind of assertion.
I am not interested in further proofs, my claim was that it's a common literary expression thus completely fine in VN narration and for that evidence was brought. It's up to you now to provide evidence for what you affirmed.
If you don't, you won't convince no one and will have provided no utility to the community, just bickered for the sake of not admitting you were wrong.
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Sep 1, 2017
Which returns me to the questions I've asked, which you keep avoiding answering:
What evidence would convince you that you're wrong that, "nobody in the real, modern, everyday, English speaking world" ever actually uses the word "sex" that way?
Fine, how about this: I challenge anyone to provide a significant number of examples from mainstream media (films and TV shows), or even porn, from this or the previous century that is set in these centuries, where a woman's vagina is referred to as her "sex".
What would be a significant number?
Given how many movies and TV shows are out there, I guess we'll start at 1000 for a decent sample size then go from there.
Sorry, the correct answer to "How many examples it takes to disprove that nobody in the real, modern, everyday, English speaking world ever actually uses the word 'sex' that way?" is "One."

Requiring a thousand examples to convince you (or at least that's your starting bid) that it never happens is absurd.

So, yet again, you've changed your argument to protect yourself from being wrong again. You've gone from asserting that it never happens, to requiring that it has to be shown to be commonplace! At this point you've basically pushed the goalposts so far back as to make your mind utterly closed to the idea that it could ever happen, even if you were provided dozens of examples where it actually happens.

Fortunately, you're the one making the claim here that it never happens, so the is upon you to prove your case (if you expect anyone to believe you), and not for anyone or everyone else to meet your absurd demands for disproof.

So far you have provided no evidence for your claim, other than the claim itself. And, as the saying goes, "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

Have a nice day! :)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Decent enough, but definitely not perfect. Not even native English speakers speak perfect English!


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
Fine, how about this: I challenge anyone to provide a significant number of examples from mainstream media (films and TV shows), or even porn, from this or the previous century that is set in these centuries, where a woman's vagina is referred to as her "sex".

The reason why I use mainstream media and porn as the benchmarks is because they're the best reflection of common phrases in our society because they're written and performed by people who live in the real world. Therefore if someone describing a woman's vagina as her "sex" in their everyday life is a common occurence or even occurs a small percentage of the time, then surely it would appear in some of these media forms.

Again, for the gajillionth time, I acknowledge that this word is used in literature but, as explained in this I recently found, it is simply a means by which the author can have another way of describing the vagina but it is does not mean that this works as a term used by the characters when speaking.

P.S. It's not about me "being right", it's about just getting a point across.
How about you proving that the words "her sex" for vagina has ever appeared in any VN that you have played. It is easy just use the snipping tool for the screen shots.