How important is gameplay to you?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how important is gameplay to you compared to sexual content/story?

  • 5 - 95% gameplay and 5% sexual content / story

  • 4 - 75% gameplay and 25% sexual content / story

  • 3 - 50% gameplay and 50% sexual content / story

  • 2 - 25% gameplay and 75% sexual content / story

  • 1 - 5% gameplay and 95% sexual content / story

  • just want to see the results

Results are only viewable after voting.
Oct 14, 2022
Gameplay is what keeps having me replay lab rats 2 and free cities.

If i want a porn story.
An archieve of our own.
Xvideo: Bareback studio's.

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Engaged Member
Oct 7, 2022
for me the gameplay is always very important, but since we are in a context of adult games, I could accept a compromise and I would say 50-50 is acceptable by my standards. In the end we are talking about a game and therefore everything must be very fluid, but the sex scenes must also be beautiful, perhaps with actresses other than the usual seven or eight girls who dominate almost all the games (I'm talking about html) while as far as VN games are concerned, surely the whole story surrounding the sexual event must hold up well and must involve you in a realistic way with choices and situations that can change the final outcome.
Nov 9, 2022
TranscendentThots made a great post about this topic over on the Sexual Game Mechanics thread just now. The video they linked, on is really helpful in envisioning one's way around the gameplay/porn divide, I think. I don't really have anything to add to their point rn, because I've just watched the thing myself and need to go ponder for a bit, but please, go have a look.
GDC's videos are a great resource for game development, in general. (Hashtag NotSponsored.) Do keep in mind that tips for navigating the AAA games industry don't necessarily apply to us indie devs, and that none of the indie or AAA marketing advice will work when it comes to pornographic content.

I feel like GDC used to have videos about adult game dev, specifically, back ~2019-2020-ish, but I can't seem to find them now. Perhaps they've been paywalled inside The Vault, or perhaps someone here can jump in and correct me with a list of non-youtube websites that are known to host educational videos about adult game dev?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
Story/sex I feel is more important. If I was mostly interested in gameplay, I would go play something like Witcher 3 for example.

I play adult games for decent/ok game play, but characters and story with some decent sex content is the reason i play adult games.
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Nov 9, 2022
While I'm here, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that adding complex decision trees, button-hunting, and mini-games to your VN will actually boost the popularity of your game, but not in the way OP probably thinks. People don't buy these games for the gameplay, and they probably won't even particularly enjoy the gameplay, other than as to break up the action from time to time.

Instead, mini-games boost a VN's popularity indirectly by providing organic word-of-mouth as players on social media ask each other "how did you unlock so-and-so's route," or "how do you beat the such-and-such mini-game?" Pretty much any input non-trivial enough that it warrants including in a GameFAQs document is progress towards this design goal, so prioritize them by ease of implementation and per time spent working on them.

with no sex scenes and copyright-free music, and Youtubers now have an incentive to letsplay your game.

You'd be surprised how many people would rather watch a video than read an FAQ, especially on mobile devices.

It won't make a bad game good, but it will act as a Force Multiplier to an already-good game.
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Game Developer
Jun 24, 2021
I think sandboxes can be fun if there is actual choice and gameplay instead of just grinding the next scene. Sadly, sandbox is often used as an excuse for excessive grind.
That's exactly my opinion. Sandbox is great if made correctly, not just to be repetitive boring stuff. It can be done to give the player the choice of what path to follow, to repeat an interesting sex scene, or do it in a different way... I'm making a game that will be a sandbox after the prologue, but with no grind at all. it will be done in a way to the player choose the paths they want to follow, to give access to sex scenes that can be done in some different ways, and, eventually, choose how to solve a problem.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2018
I stand by the idea that if people are playing porn games for the story, they need to just jack off and then play a normal visual novel. I'm aware that not everyone feels this way, but I still don't personally get it.
Hopefully i helped you to "get it." There's no one-size-fits-all way of doing things. Also, i don't play adult games (notice i don't refer to them as porn games) "to just jack off."

Edit: just to be clear, i changed the words in the quote only to point out how absurd the statement was. I don't agree with the original statement nor with this modified statement.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
I stand by the idea that if people are playing porn games for the gameplay, they need to just jack off and then play a normal game. I'm aware that not everyone feels this way, but I still don't personally get it. Porn games are porn. People watching porn hoping for a good story or something might get one, but they'd probably have more luck finding one outside of porn.
I missed your post last time I read this thread until someone just above replied to it. I find the statement above honestly a little confusing. It seems to imply you would also only watch porn to jack off.

So I have to ask, have you never watched porn with someone you was having sex with as a bit of foreplay and after the porn you are both very aroused and then go have sex? If you have never done that I highly recommend trying it.

I am not being snarking I am being serious. My point is, there is several reasons people watch porn or play adult games. yes it is always about arousal, but not always about "jacking off". I personally find adult games more arousing than porn if I can get immersed in them. They can also just like movies and books, let you explore things you may have never done in RL. I have never been a woman in RL for example, playing a game to get even a bad glimpse of that can be interesting.

Now I fully agree if all you cared about was a good story, you are going to find a better one outside of porn.


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
I've been working on a very "gamey" porn game for more than two years now and my advice to you is: don't add gameplay elements (on your first game).

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret having a game in my... well... game but the concepts of why you need gaming elements in porn, what is their purpose, how to make them fun and how challenging should they be are all very elusive and I've been trying to define them for myself for two years now.

Bear in mind that porn gamers are not gamers and failing to get pussy because your skills are low (or the game is poorly designed) is a bad user experience. My advice for your first game is to keep the gameplay elements to a minimum and for a first project, an AVN which you managed to start and finish is a huge accomplishment. If you succeed in this, you can start thinking about gameplay. Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
Gameplay first, writing second, art is third (and even without art is OK, text based games). When new to the adult gaming community VNs were interesting, but later, after playing couple of them, it started to get really boring. Currently my first check is the gameplay for a new game, very rarely play VNs and never play Kinetic VNs.


New Member
Sep 24, 2020
75% gameplay and 25% art.
When the gameplay is bad and the art is good, I usually only watch a CG Gallery.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
if i wanted just porn i would just open read some doujinshi
adult games are different that they usually contain a story
i enjoy actually playing something over watching cutscenes
hence i prefer rpgm games so much

its basically an interactive hentai and thats what i like so yes i think gameplay is important


Active Member
May 3, 2017
I'm currently planning my first adult game and was wondering how important gameplay is to you guys.
Personally, I'm not a fan of games with almost no or bad gameplay even though they have good sexual content / story.

Examples for the choices:
5 - an adult themed management or rpg game
1 - a classic Visual Novel
It is completely possible to have a management/rpg game with a lot of sexual content and a VN with almost no sexual content. I don't understand this poll... I'd be tempted to vote 50/50 but according to your examples, it would mean I would have average gameplay and average sexual content, as if we'd have to sacrifice one for the other...


Nov 21, 2018
As little gameplay as possible, so I mostly stick with ren'py stuff. 99% of the time gameplay is just there to get in the way. I don't want your fucking hacking minigame, I don't want to min/max gear stats, I don't want to grind ingredients, I don't like having to constantly walk to the other side of the city just to talk to an NPC, and I don't want your copy/pasted combat mechanics from Dark Souls or whatever.

The only conditions under which I can put up with gameplay-heavy titles are:
1. the gameplay is simple enough that it doesn't require much effort.
2. the gameplay is inseparable from the adult content.
Something like Karryn's Prison, which is actually my favorite adult game, but I see it as a rare outlier in the genre.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
It's the writing/story for me. I enjoy the few visual novels that have good storylines on here and couldn't care less about the mass of porn games. I'm not here for the erotica and yes i know i am in a minority.

oh and free roam/mini games suck.
I don't think you are in that small of a minority. I have seen a far number of people say they play GL for fun, not just to get aroused.

btw where is your avatar and sig from? never heard of that.


Sep 28, 2017
3, it's a balance..,
there many types of games and many types of adult content.

There is sandbox, on rails, Zone.<free to do anything, no control at all what comes next, except what you do or don't take with you, and Areas you are contained in-but can do a whole lot it- which you may, or may not revisit.>
and then there is power. are you constantly weak, you are always even with your opposition<be it the world, or npcs> or are you able to grind/easily power up at any point of the game even at the start(some love having caps to reach, I know I do, specially if the character is custom/how I like em)

then there is story. is the story open, or closed.
Static/Kinetic, Dynamic/Variable..,
<will the character have a choice on what they part take in, a slow immersion, or a dunk into the pit. will the world only care for its own wants regardless if the character wants it or not. or will the character be able to choose.

and most importantly. will there be a variety of characters, even characters designed to be perfect or the best gateway without the typical trash self-serving wannabe chads/Stacy types being part of it?
<aka, a npc designed to get the character into the deep end, of your volition and desire. rather that rude worthless trash catching you in a trap.

and the imperative part.
No SO/partners at the start.(unless you want a game with certain tags, which tend to be boring.)
and your typical avoidable/toggles.

it's a balance. whatever you want the game to play as, is your primary concern.
if you want a character with only one story and direction. you'll be more Kinetic.

if you Want more choice and options, you'll be more dynamic.

[and the avoidable/unavoidable stuff that tend to kill games for some and others. the forced expectation to be with or without, at the start. when all you want, is what you desire.]
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Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 2, 2020
I stand by the idea that if people are playing porn games for the gameplay, they need to just jack off and then play a normal game. I'm aware that not everyone feels this way, but I still don't personally get it. Porn games are porn. People watching porn hoping for a good story or something might get one, but they'd probably have more luck finding one outside of porn.
I support this. It's very hard (maybe impossible) for one person or a very limited team with most likely very limited experience, to creat a porn game where "game" part is interesting. It is even harder to then tie the gameplay to the porn itself.
The latest example where the gameplay and porn were tied in a semi-good way is "Karryns prison". I can't understand how the way the gameplay and porn in Subverse is connected can be fun for anyone? Play a good turn based game instead, then fap to animations somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
I stand by the idea that if people are playing porn games for the gameplay, they need to just jack off and then play a normal game. I'm aware that not everyone feels this way, but I still don't personally get it. Porn games are porn. People watching porn hoping for a good story or something might get one, but they'd probably have more luck finding one outside of porn.

That said, I only really got into this shit like last year (2021, none of that "Last year was a fewdays ago" shit) so perhaps I'm just not too far gone yet.
With Porn you can take any Average and Simple but still Fun Game and make them Commercially Viable.
This is the one thing Indie and "Adult Game" Developers should understand.

How many Clones of Slay the Spire are players going to play when Slay the Spire already exists and is superior anyway?
But if you add Porn to it, as long as you keep having new Girls and Sex Scenes the Demand will be Infinite.
Change a few mechanics here and there and you have guarantee success.
For fucks sake this Abomination is successful on Steam.

Porn is a Value-Add you dumbasses!!!

deep dimples

Developer of Greenskins
Game Developer
Jan 27, 2022
Well, playing an adult game with its interesting gameplay and story can make post-nut clarity more manageable, no? You just continue on with the story, filling that emptiness :') So I'll go with 75-25