still don't understand how to do battle in this game,can anyone explain? i'd played many games even for first played game i'll know right away,but this game doesn't have any good tutorial. sorry bad english
What I managed to figure out so far in battle.
On the top right there is auto for your leader(shift key) and pause(space) when you want to figure out what is going on in the moment, especially how those passive triggers work and so on.
Top left is your Active Skills if you have enough Mana.
Bottom left you have:
Tank Order that gives you a boost of Aggro for that character so that enemies are more likely to target.
I am not quite sure what the next one does, it might be an enemy target preference if you have ranged enemies/mages.
Equipment Roll if you have Spares you can change the equipment of that character in your party(similar to Inventory but for your party).
Healing I am also not sure, it might be related to Dying State of the character or it might be that you need a specific character/equipment/skill to use.
Inventory Left Click equips in Main Hand, Right Click for Offhand, or use consumables.
Bow needs Arrows in offhand to work.
When controlling the character move with WSAD, aim with the mouse and left click to attack.
Right click to use some defense abilities from shield, glove, boot.
Some passive can give you counterattacks on shield block or dodge(boot).
I am not sure how the AI uses the defense abilities and counter passives and how dodge is related to evasion.
If you hit multiple opponents that damage is distributed between them, so if you hit 3 you do 33% damage.
Once the LP of a character goes to 0 you enter a "Dying" state(can still move) and you can Recover by moving to an Ally that can heal you.
Once the Max LP goes down when in the Dying state and reaches 0 that character is out for good in that battle.
In the Team Composition menu:
First you can change the "Leader" you control by selection the first slot in the team.
You can have various "Loadouts" that you can script the behaviour with the top right button, but only the spares you can change in battle not the loadouts.
Skills and equipment costs Ability Points(AP) you can go in the negative but it impacts your stats so it's not ideal.