
Apr 25, 2020
Well I've just found out about this game for the first time and it definitely has the potential to be a really good game. However, seeing that it's been in development for 5 years and still appears to be very bare-bones is a bit concerning.

I understand that they're a small team and this is a big project, and that they are doing most of their work "under-the-hood" right now, but there are basic things this game lacks.

Hopefully they aren't just milking patrons as people here are suggesting. I'd love to see this game succeed.


Dec 29, 2018
I don't want to attack you personally so please don't feel offended, but this is exactly the mentality that enables this problem to exist in the first place.
With all those barely alive projects that we have here, your take is understandable.

But the thing is, you can make trillions, but when your team is only three people, development speed won't change much. From my own experience, they are going at a solid pace for a team of three and not slowing down, it's not like some other projects with one measly update per year. This game got my support exactly because of this. HnS is ambitious, really ambitious, so I wouldn't expect alpha stage ending for least another two-three years.


Dec 29, 2018
why do not they indicate the system requirements???
They do:

Minimum requirements:
64-bit processor and operating system
Processor: Quadcore, 2.8Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 1060 or AMD equivalent with SM 4.6 (DirectX10.1 or OpenGL 4.1)
Storage: 5 GB available space
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Mar 10, 2019
I really like the Hunt and Snare, but I can’t tell if development progress has been forward or backward for last two years. Well, it has been both at the same time.
Sex spot spawning is an improvement over fixed locations, which were sparse somewhere. But sex spot pose randomization sucks. Some sex poses occur often, some other very rarely or not at all.
Adding new feline skin patterns and tails could be great if these were added to prey presets. But it wasn’t, so you can’t enjoy it. Prey presets haven’t been updated in long time, co hunting became a bit boring.

What is the most annoying is the day cycle system. The point of this game is to find a prey you like, catch it and fuck it. Obviously, there is no point of playing it when it gets dark because you can’t see anything. In previous versions, you had to run to the bed on pier to skip a night. I really wished for sleep in the grass option. Instead, it got even more obscured. You have to return to the town, pay Kess for the room and then “you are not tired enough”. That’s really annoying.
The only options to skip day cycle time are: Have a fun with Sinnae or take a boat ride with Sarra.
If you are in remote part of the map, the only option is to switch windows and do something else while the game runs in the background. Annoying beyond believe.
I can’t get why? It seems to me like Ruffleneck wants to force us to spend more time with the game. But most of us just don’t have time to waste. Free time is scarce and valuable and I have to enjoy it effectively.
Praise to anyone who creates a mod with sleep anywhere & anytime function.

The other thing is what developers are focused on. The point of adult game is sex. Everything else, like a map or quests, is just an extra. Hunt and Snare has really good wide set of sex poses to choose from, but a climax animation is missing badly. That should be absolute development priority over everything else.
Some people don’t like that Wild Life has only sex implemented and it lacks everything else, but the reason why Wild Life is so successful is that Steve focuses 90%+ of development effort on just that as it’s the point what most users actually want.
If you want quests or shooting action, you most likely choose non-adult high budget game that’s just about that.


Aug 23, 2018
Could some kind soul tell me what you can do in this version of the game? So I started, got my gun, got some quest that I probably forgotten. Accepted a quest to put some flag at the four corner of Za Warudo,I got to one of the flag point but I refuse to walk thousand of Km if there is nothing to gain for that quest(and if there is some kind of prize pls tell me). Then becouse I'm stupid I walked around aimlessly and I found my camp..... That was soo damn near the city I didn't even see that. and probably ignored someone that told me the location of the camp. Soo anyway, got to the camp, got on my ship, got out of the ship, I went to sleep(And got my first indument). I woke up and I met some strange Lizord (Plez let me bed him), I met a guy who own a liquor store, done his quest. Waited 2 days and his shop is still closed. Searched for the guy that at night is near the liquor shop but I couldn't find him. Soo after that I stopped playing.

Again. If someone could tell me if there are more things to do I would be very grateful to him
Mar 10, 2019
Could some kind soul tell me what you can do in this version of the game? ...
You can run around, find prey you like, catch/hunt it, let it follow you, enjoy various sex poses. Then find different prey you like, repeat.
Regarding quests:
The cartographer poles marathon quest is not worth of time, all you get is average sex scene with that mediocre NPC.
If you are playing as male, worthy quest is Sinnae the fox in bar. She is the only fox with boobs in the game. Wild prey foxes are spawned only with small tits. Also you can take "intimacy" with her then anytime to move the day cycle when "you are not tired yet" for sleep function.
If you are playing as female, good NPC is Bard on north east coastline.
You can run to south eastern forest, that's the only place where wolf prey is spawned. On way back you can talk to Sarra the drunkard at pirate shack to enable boat line to the Town and back. I works as a shortcut and also it's the only way to move the day cycle if you are playing as female.
Basically, quests are only for unlocking sex scenes that are not at prey sex pose list with characters that are not spawned from prey presets list.
Spirit quest is only for gay males. Kess quest is for lesbians I guess, not sure.
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Aug 23, 2018
You can run around, find prey you like, catch/hunt it, let it follow you, enjoy various sex poses. Then find different prey you like, repeat.
Regarding quests:
The cartographer poles marathon quest is not worth of time, all you get is average sex scene with that mediocre NPC.
If you are playing as male, worthy quest is Sinnae the fox in bar. She is the only fox with boobs in the game. Wild prey foxes are spawned only with small tits. Also you can take "intimacy" with her then anytime to move the day cycle when "you are not tired yet" for sleep function.
If you are playing as female, good NPC is Bard on north east coastline.
You can run to south eastern forest, that's the only place where wolf prey is spawned. On way back you can talk to Sarra the drunkard at pirate shack to enable boat line to the Town and back. I works as a shortcut and also it's the only way to move the day cycle if you are playing as female.
Basically, quests are only for unlocking sex scenes that are not at prey sex pose list with characters that are not spawned from prey presets list.
Spirit quest is only for gay males. Kess quest is for lesbians I guess, not sure.
Thanks you.


Nov 8, 2019
With all those barely alive projects that we have here, your take is understandable.

But the thing is, you can make trillions, but when your team is only three people, development speed won't change much. From my own experience, they are going at a solid pace for a team of three and not slowing down, it's not like some other projects with one measly update per year. This game got my support exactly because of this. HnS is ambitious, really ambitious, so I wouldn't expect alpha stage ending for least another two-three years.
There are other games out there with 3 or less people on the development which progress much faster with and without patreons to back them up.

This looks like some cashgrab and i wouldnt be suprised that the moment their patreon stops the whole thing gets abadoned for good.


Dec 29, 2018
There are other games out there with 3 or less people on the development which progress much faster with and without patreons to back them up.
Care to provide examples of 3d open world games with working inventory, clothing, firearms, dialog, trading, quests, different races, lewd elements and a team of 3 or less that progress steadily with this amount of support without behaving like entitled brats? Games, not VNs or Galleries or RPGM shovelware.

This looks like some cashgrab and i wouldnt be suprised that the moment their patreon stops the whole thing gets abadoned for good.
Wasting your time on development of a project that lost its funding is risky at best, idiotic at worst. And most of the games on f95 are cashgrabs even ones that were finished (*cough cough* daz3d vns *cough*).

At the end of the day I don't really care if they abandon it down the road, I got my money's worth of fun from it already.
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Nov 8, 2019
Care to provide examples of 3d open world games with working inventory, clothing, firearms, dialog, trading, quests, different races, lewd elements and a team of 3 or less that progress steadily with this amount of support without behaving like entitled brats? Games, not VNs or Galleries or RPGM shovelware.
Says to not choose Vns and galleries when this game looks like those. Lets see what we have here:
* An open world what has no function, its a wide area of emptyness
* An inventory what is a neutral element of any game because having it or not doesnt change much
* Clothing which is a basic function
* Firearms are just combat, anyting what has a weapon function can replace it
* Dialog is a basic function
* Trading may or may not add any depth to the game
* Your average set of everyday mmo quests
* 4 Different races
* Lewd elements

* 3 developers
* 25$ on steam

How about Breeders of the Nephelym?

We have:

* An open world area with many creatures to collect up
* An inventory system for the harvested materials
* A clothing system
* A working building system which Hunt and Snare dont have
* No combat.
* Dialogs
* Trading
* Quests
* 32 different races
* Lewd elements

* 1 developer
* FREE on steam


Dec 29, 2018
Lets see what we have here:
Many of those points were refined or added during active development with community feedback involved, and still are being refined and added, next update will be big. They are adding modding framework already. Game is much more a Game now than two years ago. That's solid progress, devs know what they are aiming for.

They were making somewhat around 6k$ a month before numbers were hidden, that's nothing for a team of three + outsourcing. Don't forget that in most countries you are paying around 50% of your business income as taxes and other deductions. That's less than decent full time job can pay. :unsure:

Again, read Ruffleneck's blog, progress is steady.

How about Breeders of the Nephelym?
Sorry, but BotN is one of the worst examples, it was fun two years ago, nowadays it's linear inferior version of Cloud Meadow with abysmally bland lewd systems, scary outdated 3d models, boring animations full of clipping and absolutely useless building and farming systems that had barely any progress over the last several years and and are used for nothing in game, other than prolonging the grind. And it's not open-world, it's strictly gated.

In HnS at least you have general goals, like collecting a crew, finding new characters, finding out if rumors are true and exploring/trading to get character customizations, even writing is quite nice. In BotN it's pure grind that progresses nowhere except more grind to get that special perk or new pose. Game just isn't fun. And there is no dynamic inventory system, "liquid storage" is not it at all, much easier to implement and works differently, same as char customisation, it's almost nonexistent.

32 races? They are almost identical, that was one of the biggest negatives for years, especially when Helmsman started adding a bunch of patron voted races that all used same body and face model with small parts that were different.

And spoonfed development of it long ago became absolute milking machine, steam is more like a lure for people to get on patreon. And he makes like 30-50k$ a month if not more. So yeah, what project is a cashgrab from these two? BotN is like MGI at this point. I had high hopes for it years ago, but it's dead now. It's like senile grandpa of "big lewd games".

Only potentially interesting open-world lewd project is Wild Life but their team is bigger, money influx is substantially different and their current goals gameplay wise are more in Lewd than in Game.

Maybe Carnal Instinct, but I have weird feeling about this project. They are fighting leaks so vehemently and excusing slow updates on steam in such "corporate" way that it feels like they are trying to limit their game's exposure so people wouldn't notice how little progress is actually made and how much of it is store assets and bland writing, even new voice actors noticeably struggle with reading this cheesy mythology 101. :WaitWhat: But maybe I'm mistaken.

I have faith in HnS and none in BotN. With that said, I do not expect even AA quality from HnS, but I expect it to end up being a decent lewd adventure with rpg and management elements. Devs are capable. Where BotN is going, I have no idea, it's like it's going backwards for almost two years now.


Jan 17, 2019
...when your team is only three people, development speed won't change much. I wouldn't expect alpha stage ending for least another two-three years.
There is a fundamental problem with a game that takes 8 years to get thru alpha stage, with no expectation of anything changing after that. If its just a project to keep them busy and people don't mind giving them money for their hobby then that's cool. But in a couple decades I'm sure we'll have so much better content to keep us lit to not even bother with this or simply forget about it.
The first video game ever, "Pong", is still talked about today, but you would be hard pressed to find someone who still plays it.


Dec 29, 2018
There is a fundamental problem with a game that takes 8 years to get thru alpha stage, with no expectation of anything changing after that. ...
Well, apha stage is the stage of constant changes and developments. But even with that, it's not really a problem, plenty of games took much longer to make and ended up being either really good or DOA. We just don't have many good games in adult market and general quality is low.

I'm waiting for a good lewd game that's interesting to play for more than 8 years. Have yet to find one that's just decent and not bugged to hell, cringe vn or basic animated scene selector with pointless mechanics tackled on for padding. So far only Rack 2 got really close to what I want and it's a mess of a game. HnS got some exciting ideas too, game's quite barren as of now but as I've said, devs are doing some work. And I really doubt that we'll get anything worthwhile for quite some time, even highly hyped Subverse or what's its name ended up being directionless meh. "Best" projects are those indies with much "why so slow, why so low" feedback.


Nov 8, 2019
Again, read Ruffleneck's blog, progress is steady.
Steady as mold growing over stale bread.

The reason why i choosed Breeders of Nephelym is because both are similar to some degree, they both started out in 2017 and barely progressed.

The animations on both are showing signs of aging, the content hasnt become much more, Hunt and Snare came to steam in 2018 priced 25$ and Breeders of Nephelym came in 2019 for free. The only difference between the two is that Neph has managed to seemingly grab some attention and get a high rating while Hunt with its high price barely got found.


Nov 8, 2019
Damm god that game is a horrid mess but man its quite interesting. The premise is simple, a table where you "fuck" and fuck with your targets similar games are all around like the one Levy makes the Secret Horse Files.

Im not sure if any game exist where you can actually play for years and not get bored, modded Koikatsu was the longest game for me and that too is because of constant modding. At one point you gonna see everything for the lewds and the only thing left is the actual gameplay being interesting enough or not aka the modded Skyrim situation where when you had enough of the argonian pounding you still have the game to mess around in.
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Dec 29, 2018
Steady as mold growing over stale bread.

The reason why i choosed Breeders of Nephelym is because both are similar to some degree, they both started out in 2017 and barely progressed.

The animations on both are showing signs of aging, the content hasnt become much more, Hunt and Snare came to steam in 2018 priced 25$ and Breeders of Nephelym came in 2019 for free. The only difference between the two is that Neph has managed to seemingly grab some attention and get a high rating while Hunt with its high price barely got found.
I'm not sure they are comparable in terms of progress, BotN shows almost exclusively regress and stagnation, while HnS is progressing. Slow, yes, no denying that, but still, 2-3 majors in a year, with new systems, new npcs, new writing, new landmarks etc. BotN's only progress is making game more tedious and boring imo.

And I really disagree on animations, HnS does really good in that department, char textures are "I know MS Paint and use this knowledge in Substance Painter" level, but that's not that big of a problem, considering that style is coherently cartoonish and people already making custom ones.

HnS is a niche game in a niche genre for a niche community, so "Hunt with its high price barely got found" is expected, with lower price they wouldn't have any reason to release on steam.

edit: By "I'm waiting for a good lewd game that's interesting to play for more than 8 years." I've meant to say that I'm waiting for more than 8 years, not waiting for a game you can play for 8 years. :FacePalm:
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