Lets see what we have here:
Many of those points were refined or added during active development with community feedback involved, and still are being refined and added, next update will be big. They are adding modding framework already. Game is much more a Game now than two years ago. That's solid progress, devs know what they are aiming for.
They were making somewhat around 6k$ a month before numbers were hidden, that's nothing for a team of three + outsourcing. Don't forget that in most countries you are paying around 50% of your business income as taxes and other deductions. That's less than decent full time job can pay.
Again, read Ruffleneck's blog, progress is steady.
How about Breeders of the Nephelym?
Sorry, but BotN is one of the worst examples, it was fun two years ago, nowadays it's linear inferior version of Cloud Meadow with abysmally bland lewd systems, scary outdated 3d models, boring animations full of clipping and absolutely useless building and farming systems that had barely any progress over the last several years and and are used for nothing in game, other than prolonging the grind. And it's not open-world, it's strictly gated.
In HnS at least you have general goals, like collecting a crew, finding new characters, finding out if rumors are true and exploring/trading to get character customizations, even writing is quite nice. In BotN it's pure grind that progresses nowhere except more grind to get that special perk or new pose. Game just isn't fun. And there is no dynamic inventory system, "liquid storage" is not it at all, much easier to implement and works differently, same as char customisation, it's almost nonexistent.
32 races? They are almost identical, that was one of the biggest negatives for years, especially when Helmsman started adding a bunch of patron voted races that all used same body and face model with small parts that were different.
And spoonfed development of it long ago became absolute milking machine, steam is more like a lure for people to get on patreon. And he makes like 30-50k$ a month if not more. So yeah, what project is a cashgrab from these two? BotN is like MGI at this point. I had high hopes for it years ago, but it's dead now. It's like senile grandpa of "big lewd games".
Only potentially interesting open-world lewd project is Wild Life but their team is bigger, money influx is substantially different and their current goals gameplay wise are more in Lewd than in Game.
Maybe Carnal Instinct, but I have weird feeling about this project. They are fighting leaks so vehemently and excusing slow updates on steam in such "corporate" way that it feels like they are trying to limit their game's exposure so people wouldn't notice how little progress is actually made and how much of it is store assets and bland writing, even new voice actors noticeably struggle with reading this cheesy mythology 101.

But maybe I'm mistaken.
I have faith in HnS and none in BotN. With that said, I do not expect even AA quality from HnS, but I expect it to end up being a decent lewd adventure with rpg and management elements. Devs are capable. Where BotN is going, I have no idea, it's like it's going backwards for almost two years now.