
Jul 22, 2018
I really wish this game had a more up-to-date wiki or walkthrough. There are so many NPCs and they have so much dialogue but it seems only a few actually have scenes or any importance to other NPCs quests and whatnot. I wasted so much time wandering around repeatedly talking to NPCs at different times of day and got very little from it. It's not even so much needing a full walkthrough, just knowing if content exists or not.


Nov 3, 2017
Don't know how to leave reviews so will just type it out here lol. This isn't usually my kind of game for a few reasons but it seemed interesting enough to try so I just spent a good 3-4 hours playing and the current state of things was mind boggling enough that I felt compelled to write this.

When I first loaded in and saw the character customization I could tell the game was going to be reasonably high-effort. Figured I'd make a male so I could run around hitting on all the girls or catching them in the wild for fun. Upon talking to that assistant Paw at the dock I found the conversation to be enjoyable. She wasn't reacting too well to all my [Flirt] choices but I assume that's just because early game?

After that I then explored the town. The lack of NPCs became immediately apparent. It also wasn't too obvious which buildings could be entered or not. Anyway between the log book and a couple conversations I was able to figure out where to get my weapon and then begin the rope/wood quests.

This is where I started noticing some major problems that should have some reasonably simple fixes but is surprising for a game that has come this far. The rope/wood quests each needed at least 900 coin to buy the items. Not a problem and encourages the player to look for money but it was very confusing at first where do I make money? I had to resort to a map posted on the forums to find chests with items that could be sold to raise the funds. Not bad but it took quite some time to walk to these chests and that's knowing exactly where they were. Not to mention when I got to their locations many were well hidden so for someone not using a map it's nearly an impossible grind.

At this point I had the items and with the help of a treasure map the grind wasn't that bad but I was a bit frustrated that every girl I flirted with along the way turned me down one way or another. Even the woodworker girl who seemed to suggest she'd service me after the deal never delivered. :< Maybe I made the wrong choices? idk...

Anyway, once the ship was fixed I traveled to the Kizan island and omg that place looks amazing. Being in the jungle is incredibly immersive. This is very professional map design, just wish there was more to discover even if it's small items here and there. Also when I first arrived I finally managed to find a girl willing to fuck (the fox at the dock). The dialogue was great as usual. The writing is definitely one of the best parts of the game.

Eventually I found the Kizan tribe and I talked to them a bit but couldn't manage to bang any of the girls so took a break to write this.

In many ways this game is essentially Skyrim with only beast races and sex mods. Drawing on inspiration from some of the other systems in that game could improve the player experience dramatically.

Things that I would STRONGLY suggest the developer consider prioritizing:

1) Add climax to sex. I seriously do not understand how a porn game can come this far without it. Even some kind of crappy particle system would do for now. Considering it's Unity you could probably grab something off the asset store and have it implemented within a few days.

2) A faster way to travel. Either an upgrade you get at some point in the game or some kind of limited fast travel back to major cities or even some kind of dedicated teleport 'shrines' scattered in strategic locations like ESO or New World does. This seems to be the single biggest complaint I see from literally everyone and if it were addressed you'd be seeing so much more positive feedback.

3) Add more chests scattered throughout the world. You want players to feel rewarded for exploring even if most of the items inside them are cheaper to maintain balance. This will at least somewhat alleviate the problem of a huge map with almost nothing on it.

4) Add some kind of compass like Skyrim and many other RPG games have on their HUD. When you are within X range of a point of interest have it marked grey/slight transparent so you know which direction to travel to get there. Once discovered, the marker can change solid and remain marked on the map. This encourages exploring and feels rewarding as you find new POIs. The compass could also display markers for prey ahead of you.

5) Similar to 4, add a minimap. It would be the same map as when you hit M but just cropped smaller and in a corner of the screen. Have it toggle with a key (possibly a 3rd state for M). Should be incredibly easy to implement. Additionally, when within a certain proximity of chests they should appear on the minimap so you're alerted to their presence.

6) For follower sex in the wild there should be a few animation toggles from a pool based on where the animation occurs. I guess some specific locations might be stuck with 1 but a bunch of the ones where you're lying on the ground for example could easily switch up like in the showroom. And there should always be a climax option.

Additional QoL that would be nice but less of a priority:

7) More NPCs in towns. Even if they can't be talked to this should help add immersion. If there's a fear it could be confusing finding intractable NPCs just put a small marker over their head so you know they can be interacted with.

8) The ratio of dick girls to actual girls is a bit concerning. I understand why they're in the game but maybe it could be made into an option or something? There just isn't enough vagina you can fuck outside of prey and flirting with women so rarely succeeds yet the dick girls seem super thirsty.

9) Harvesting wild flowers/berries etc. Could be sold very cheap but be abundant in the wild. Would offer more to do and reasons to explore. IMO it's just as important as 3 but the system would need to be developed so I'd consider it of lower priority than simply adding more chest locations.

Honestly, aside from some of those things above this game seems to be in a really good direction with a lot to show. It's mostly just a handful of basic QoL improvements that absolutely baffle me to not see in a game that's been developed for this long. I strongly believe if these issues get fixed this game will go from something people are getting frustrated with to one of the best.
If you want the developer to see it, maybe put it into their discord?


Jan 29, 2019
Oh, man, what an interesting indie game!
Found it accidentally couple of days ago and gave it a go and now I have a mixture of different feelings about it.
I just want to leave my thoughts here because I feel like this game has something going for it, but at the same time there are some really questionable design choices or executions from a developer that I'm not sure how to feel about.
Let's go through some ideas I ended up with (because I apparently don't have any personal life haha).
P.S. :
  1. I've tried to separate some large chunks of texts on themes and put them in spoilers for the convinience. Hope it works for ya!
  2. English is not my native language, so if I make some mistakes or make no sense, I apologize. I've read through text a couple of times to fix some grammar and to phrase better. Hope it helps.

I've played through entire r31c version, I have a mid quality hardware that used to be top ~6 years ago.
Was able to play on maximum settings with 30 fps on the main island always (exception being when it rained - rain killed fps down to 24, so I had to customise some settings down to mid) and on the jungle island everything went down to 15fps when inside jungle's hunting grounds.
(Sorry, I will not be able to remember fantasy names of islands or races.)
Overall imo a decent performance on the main island and pretty bad on the jungle one. 3rd island is still wip, so no comment.

- I haven't encountered a single game breaking bug nor has the game crashed a single time -
It was a 100% stable experience all the way through. Very polished, nice!

At first glance I was surprised by a good looking UI from screenshots and yes, UI work in this game is pretty good. I never had any problems with clicking on something or choosing an option and overall style of User Interface is to my liking. I think it's a well done aspect.

After launching the game I was surprised by the customisation, it's fairly big and there are a lot of options for your furry character. There are no humans, but from what I've gathered this setting simply doesn't have any humans so... oh well... there goes dead my self-insert I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
At first I also was surprised to see options for background story and skills that your character would rely on from the start, thinking that it would matter I picked a "hunter" and "bow mastery", since it's a huntning game, I thought that tracking down animals and killing them with arrows that you can pick back up would make the most sense. It was pretty disappointing to find out later that as of this version those background options don't really matter, since there is only a rifle and no other weapons and hunting mechanics are still not fully implemented.

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I have to say that environment is really well done imo.
The town looks great, green fields and woods are immersive and water/sea/ocean for an indie game look really good! Sound design is decent but I gotta say that sea/occean sound currently bugs often, since you can hear it even when you're far away from it. It can also bug out with rain sounds after you sleep in the inn. Quick save+load fixes it though. You can also disable any weather effect (rain/storm/fog/snow) by quick save+load, since saving currently doesn't remember weather effects.
I do have to say that snow particles look not that good. Snowflakes should be looked into.

Trade and price balance right now are atrocious.
I don't know why prices are so ridiculous but for a w-i-p game with no means to get money other than hunt and treasure seeking making clothes cost ~6k is a pure sadistic intent towards players. There are a couple quests that can give you around 2k gold (if you make correct choices), which you will then spend in order to fix your ship, but after that you are left with only hunting around the isle for random chests and hunting wildlings. And hoooooo boooooy! This is where the game design starts making NO SENSE.
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My overall thoughts and summing up.
I think the game in general as a concept is decent but lacks in some execution and some awkward choices that were done plus those that will be done in the future are very questionable imo.
Game's world space is way too massive. For a small team to build up so much space with actual content will take a decade if not a few. Kizaan's island shows the most realistic and optimised space that such a team can handle, but the 1st island is just a complete miss or a billet that requires to be filled up with insane amount of content to work properly and third island is about to be just as huge as the 1st one. I can see a lot of love towards this project that were put by the developers but I also can see some execution problems which may 100% stop me from supporting it.
I want to see how this project ends up, since I can see a huge potential in it, but I also see some really hard misses that developer wants me to ignore and make me to invest for years to come without me being confident that developer will fix those issues somewhere along the way. Hell, the game is called "Hunt and snare" and hunting mechanics are still not even nearly complete even so that I don't even have a single idea how it should look or function in the end and it's been what, 5 years of development already?
I want to like this project, I really do. I played this build for about 12-14 hours going through everything I could find without convinience mod in order to have a TrUe GaMiNg 2K23 ExPiRiEnCe, grinding those drake coins in order to buy best clothes, yet I saw so much blank space and strange design choices that I'm left with confusion rather than being persuaded in project's positive future. Which is a shame.
There's a huge potential in here.
May 31, 2021
I unzipped it where it said but the texts do not appear in the companion, what else do I have to do?
I'm sorry for late reply. I'm really not hanging around.
Make sure that the folder "tabbys_idonthavetimeforthis" with files is located in "SteamingAssets" folder as in the tree structure in attached screenshot.
Then you should see "Mod list" button in the game main menu at the bottom of screen. When you click on it, list of loaded mods should show as on the screenshot. If there is a red selection point instead of blue, the game found the mod but rejected it.
If everything fails, search for "output_log.txt" file in the folder with saved game files. There should be a clue why the game refused to load the mod. For example if the game version is older than the version for which the mod is created.
Apr 4, 2021
anyone know how to get around editing save files with Notepad++ causing the game to reset all your progress? I'm trying to give myself more money but every time I edit the save file and load in, all of my progress gets wiped.
Mar 10, 2019
As it got about time to expect new build, I've searched dev blog to see what to look for.

As it seems:
Ruffleneck spent most time designing yet another new island. FACEPALM! A desert type this time. However it's not gonna be ready to be included in upcoming build.
Sailing minigame has been implemented and it's almost finished. It had to be added in the game at some point, but it's not why we play a porn game.
Some minor menu updates.
Size differences are being implemented! (y)Both for prey/follower walk and sex animations. Prey will be spawned in 3 sizes - standard, larger and smaller than player.
2 new species are being created - a hyena and goat/deer hybrid. The difference is only the head shape as with all other species. It's unclear if it will be included in upcoming build as it's implementation just started (per latest 2 months old blog post).
Unfortunately no mention of climax animation, neither convenient UI functions like pose rotation or pose animation switch.


Jul 28, 2020
aren't all the updates underwhelming? I hate to shit on indie games, but this game suffers from too broad a brush imo. A huge open world filled with mostly nothing. They should have made the world much smaller, or made it faster to traverse if they're married to the size. It quickly becomes a chore, and I can't imagine reinvesting hours and hours of grind for just a small update.
Yeah. I feel like every time I come back to this game I can't see the improvement. Like, the potential is there. This one could be huge. But it lacks focus. UI, navigation, system mechanics, the (lack of) tutorial, all still the same... It's good that they keep adding content, but at some point they have to polish what they have as well. I first played this in 2018. It's been 5 years and it still feels exactly the same, which is weird for a game still in development for all this time. The way it's going, I still can't envision how a 1.0 release would look like, and that's kinda worrying... Ambition is good an all, but it's never a substitute for proper planning and directing.
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Mar 10, 2019
Technically, there are climax animations in Full Acts. It's just that they don't do fluids.
Well, there are. Obviously I was referring to climax for prey/follower scenes that make majority of the game content.

New development blog post appeared recently.
Unfortunately different prey sizes won't be in upcoming build :-( It's planned to be added with later build (likely April or May) with new species and new island.
I understand that it takes time to modify animations for actor size combinations, but it makes it pointless to download the upcoming build. As it's basically going to have that sailing minigame as the only new content added. The other minor useful function in next build is some sort of stash where you can deposit your crew followers for later use to free up a place in 8 spots for active crew at the camp.
3.20 star(s) 24 Votes