Jeez...Well traps are not my thing, but to each his own.
about Laura and the watch
Back in ver. 0.6.1 at the poolparty Laura stole the watch, she hypnotized the girls to be angry at the MC and to follow her orders.
In ver. 0.7.1 at the evening of the poolparty MC trys (with a substitute for the watch) to hypnotize Grace to stop her boobs from growing and he fails.
In 0.8.1 it depends on wich path ur on.
-if u visit Laura and have sex with her she hypnotize MC so he can't get hard with any other girl (thought MC doesn't remembers the hypnosis)
-Brittany shows u the security tape, which shows that the hypnosis even works indirect...
-if u confront Laura upfront, she hypnotize MC+Grace to serve her as their Mistress (i think worst path)
-if u go speak with Leah/Ash u can steal the watch back from Laura....
but because the MC + girls are all brain death, they go drinking and don't break Lauras control...Laura calls either MC or Leah and takes controll of MC via mobile phone...Mc is hypnotized goes to Laura and gives her the watch back....
Boy am I glad, I stopped playing this right after the update where the watch disappeared. Kinda had a feeling, I wouldn't like where the story goes from here. So opted to wait, till this had been dealt with in the story. Only... it now seems dev ain't in any hurry to do so. Making endings where the cunt wins instead? Yeah... the guy sounds like bit of an asshole to focus on, that. Ah well, I'l check back in few months to see if this has been resolved to any satisfaction.
But reading pages from lately, I wont hold my breath it will be anytime soon, let alone in a manner, that I'd prefer. Basically, she'd have to be a corpse for that to happen at this point. And I've noticed, that even when these games turn to dark, they in 9/10 cases seem to coddle the villainess and let her off with a slap to the wrists in the end. Which is, of course, a complete f****** horseshit. Not everyone is so neanderthal, as to forgive someone just because she has a great ass