I am tired of seeing unfinished games


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
I think that it is true that some games fail because they can't be made the way the author envisioned it.
Or lost interest, no time, or personal problems. Burn out.
I am not even thinking about the financial aspects here.
To make a game is a big commitment.

I think if you live in a cave and have nothing else to do, a VN is probably an option. Other than that, i am sure it isn't really worth it unless you are committed. And i think that is what some authors have realized and stopped.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021

Our game is 4 Star Rated with 34 ratings, has nearly 600 likes, 95 page thread count, and only 59 Patrons after 6 updates. One patron for every 100 people who like the game. 1%. I think we got something like 1.4MM who watch the game for updates, let that sink in. By many metrics we are a successful project on f95. But that hasn't translated into financial support. Which is fine. But really tough. As Historian said if more people who like the project would even just hit the like button and rate the game that goes a LOOOOONG way to support a project. Not fishing for sympathy.

Other reason why games fail is life changes over two years or however long. People get new jobs, they fall in love, they get married, have kids, get promoted, people die, people get sick, divorce, tech makes their rig obsolete, on and on. I mean shit happens to Devs too. Devs are just normies too.
I had a discussion about this in the dev helps section and it boiled down to the "if people love your creation, they pay". This is probably true.

I thought yes, we make a game. But then i came to realize that just working on DAZ is really time-consuming. Plus, the assets i liked cost money. Can i release a game where i did not even buy the asset?
Then the coding... Another time-consuming task. But that depends on what they should be.
That's only the technical aspect.
The real challenge is the story. That is where most break in my opinion. Everyone has a story in their head. But does it make sense? Or is it a repeat of some already existing story?
And so you see lot's of games that started out great but fell short on some level. Support dwindles, and the dev has either a dysfunctional team or lost interest. I heard that some even died.
But more importantly, there is a lot of competition out there and this is hard to challenge.

To me, most games are alright but not really great. Why do i play them? Because i like the nude. But a game i really go behind is rather a game like Darkest Dungeon. Cost less too.
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