its that pad huh? i guess ill scarp it then, sad i really was looking forward to playing it.
Tbf I've definitely read worse ones, but I still wouldn't recommend it. Look at the screenshot someone took a few comments up. The Mom is the pink text, the son is the other character. Like, you can understand generally what they're saying, but personally it just turns me off trying to decipher what they're talking about.
For example, using the screenshot again. I'd have to double check but I don't remember the Dad being present for that particular scene, just the son talking
about his dad. Or the mom talking about how "She cares about her mother", when talking about her son (and yes, while in japanese anime/manga I remember you sometimes talk about yourself in 3rd person, that's the kind of thing that gets cut in a proper translation)
So yeah, take it as you will. I still love the game, for what it's worth; I just hope someone properly translated it.
PS: I dunno why, but just noticed that the pictures in the opening post are from the CG set, not from the actual game.