I think this needs to be said


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
To the player, the game is ruined, when the player doesn't like it any more. There are no absolute rules here and it doesn't have anything to do wether a relationship within the context of the game is considered sacred. When a marriage that was the result of pure innocent love breaks apart due to cheating, but the player is an NTR fan and likes that, it doesn't ruin the game for him. When a mother is forced into an abusive relationship with her douchbag son and only casually flirts with another guy and the player doesn't like it and considers it a boner killer, it does ruin the game for that player. It doesn't matter wether the characters' actions are justified within the setting, it matters wether the game appeals to the player's fetishes.

People like what they like and have every reason in the world not to play games they don't like. It's certainly sad for developers, but nobody will play a porn game he can't enjoy. I prefer lesbian games, only very rarely play games with a male protagonist and I certainly wont play a game with other male characters involved in the sex scenes.
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May 4, 2017
People like what they like and have every reason in the world not to play games they don't like.
this line in particular is not only true, but kind of my point. You can choose not to play something, but attacking the dev because you don't like what the game contains isn't going to garner any better results.
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Jan 8, 2018
In short, do not complain about constructive comments when your own discussions do not bring anything
Unless I'm mistaken no one in this thread is complaining about constructive comments. There is a clear difference between constructive criticism and personal attack/hate speech towards someone. In your first post you said you would rather have tons of non-constructive criticism. Are you basically implying you would rather see tons of personal attacks and hate speech? How is that a constructive comment?


Jun 14, 2017
Sorry, but I don't see the point of talking about personal attacks. If you really discuss this then I'll just put you a link to the forum rules that forbid this kind of thing. So you just have to report it to a moderator.
But as I think it is only comment that remains in the rights granted by this forum but expresses (awkwardly or not) the fact of not enjoying something (here the NTR in games with incest) so yes I stay on my previous comment.

But hey, if it really is necessary, I put you a link to the rules.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
It's no secret I hate NTR....

If i'm going to be spending my time in a game chasing after a woman, the goal is to either end up in a relationship or bed her and she fucks someone else .... what was the point?

The kind of kinks I have are all based in my reality. I'm a married man, just like I don't want my wife fucking other people I don't want to see the pixel pussy i'm chasing getting other pixel dick. It's not my thing, I don't find it a turn on and I avoid it.

The only time i've gone out of my way to get angry about it is when it's been added to a game halfway through development when we were told it wasn't going to be added. I also get vocal when i'm invested in a game and people come in trying to get it added to a game that doesn't have it nor need it.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
Anyone know the official date the Rules of Internet Interactions changed the definition of disagreement to "personal attack"? Personal attacks should be and generally are dealt with fairly quickly here. The users tend to be polite and remain calm despite an endless tide of zero effort posters and frequent language barriers.

I believe some of you fellas need to realize 99% of the game developers you see on this forum are here to market their game and their Patreon, not to find new, lifelong friends to share life's joys and mysteries with. The last one I saw rage quit did so because @Sam of all people agreed his update was buggy. Most of these guys don't give a shit who you are; only whether can contribute to their income.

The sooner you understand that user L33tcucks6969 posting that he believes Mary from Heartfelt Incestual Feelings face looks like the back of his balls isn't really all that much of a threat to your relationship with some random Eastern European software developer, the better you'll be for it.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
So, I'm late to the party, but I wanna assure, @anne O'nymous and @muttdoggy, it's not a generational thing. Its a matter of math. When 5 people get together, they're civil. When you walk into a room with a 100 people, they're all selfish. It's basic human psychology. It's why when you go to a small town everyone's cheery and willing to help, but when you wave to a stranger in a city you get a dirty look.

As the internet has grown, it's become less a place of civil friendships and more a city, where everyone is in it for themselves. I do honestly think that this is one of the more civil forums I've had the pleasure of being a part of. However, I also see the rotten element and it's spreading. I think this thread has the potential to be constructive, so lets try to keep it that way.

People have different interests. What feedback do you think people should give if not their honest one?
That's very simple, technical feedback. If their art isn't up to your standard, if their writing is technically weak, etc, then and only then do you have something to add. If you don't like the content of the game, then the game isn't for you. Not every game is going to be tailored to your specific kinks. Its insane to think that they will be.

Personally, I prefer to see tons of non-constructive criticism in a ton of thread about good or bad games, rather than a ton of thread to complain about the comments of others.
If people do not like the ntr in the games of incest they have the right to say it ... If the developer stops working because of that .... It just proves that he does not have what is needed for this job.
You aren't providing anything of value by commenting that you aren't interested in the game's kink. So sure, you're free to say, "I don't like this game because it has NTR," however, you've only proven that you're a snowflake who can't handle things not going your way. And if you're one of those assholes who doesn't stop at, the simple statement of dislike of NTR and decides to direct that hatred of a fetish toward the developer, as if they've personally wronged you, then no, you have no right to act that way, and that is what he's saying shouldn't happen. Not being able to hear that people don't like your fetish isn't why Devs are leaving, they're leaving because they are getting so much violent hatred aimed at them personally because you don't like their fetish.

Really? Because when I read this:

If you think that a game is ruined the moment your incest love interest shows an interest outside of you as the player character, you're ruining this entire industry.

I have a doubt .... Anyway it's still a thread to cry over other comments. But if you want I can change "people do not like ntr" by "people say the game is shit" it does not change anything. They have the same right to say it. They are wrong if you want, non constructive if you want, it does not forbid them to say it. But there is already a tones of thread to cry about it I think ...

If the idea is to change the way people express themselves then do it the right way already. Without putting forward a false argument like the one mentioned above and stopping posting your own visions in a thread they may never see. Speak directly to them ....
If you want to defend your adored game, do it on the game thread ...

In short, do not complain about constructive comments when your own discussions do not bring anything.
Or keep talking to each other and go around in circles. For my part I leave you, good luck.
Seriously, this is a discussion intended to garner the community's attention as a whole to address an issue wherein people can't have a civil discussion in a thread when a fetish they don't like shows up in a game. To be completely honest, the anti NTR crowd are very toxic in every thread for any game that has even a hint of it. And it may not be you personally Aellion, but you're certainly not putting your best foot forward by acting so entitled in this thread where people are simply asking that if you don't like the content of a game, ignore it and move on. To be perfectly clear, you're not going to find me going on all of the "Retard in Lechertown" games and complaining that the game is a mentally challenged molestation victim simulator, why, because it wouldn't be constructive. I might make an inquiry, to see if it's got such content, but I'll not stick around to bash the developer.

I have spoken in private with devs who've been messaged privately about the NTR content in their games and how it's "fucking bullshit" and "unavoidable", in games where avoiding it is as simple as, "don't let the rival into your house your dimwit." So no, this isn't a pointless circle jerk. Its a thread addressing a real issue with the whole community, and not just in the threads themselves.

To the player, the game is ruined, when the player doesn't like it any more. There are no absolute rules here and it doesn't have anything to do wether a relationship within the context of the game is considered sacred. When a marriage that was the result of pure innocent love breaks apart due to cheating, but the player is an NTR fan and likes that, it doesn't ruin the game for him. When a mother is forced into an abusive relationship with her douchbag son and only casually flirts with another guy and the player doesn't like it and considers it a boner killer, it does ruin the game for that player. It doesn't matter wether the characters' actions are justified within the setting, it matters wether the game appeals to the player's fetishes.

People like what they like and have every reason in the world not to play games they don't like. It's certainly sad for developers, but nobody will play a porn game he can't enjoy. I prefer lesbian games, only very rarely play games with a male protagonist and I certainly wont play a game with other male characters involved in the sex scenes.
Again, Ataios, the point isn't whether or not you are personally interested in the game's fetish. I've found myself making this distinction to you often, and I think it's probably because your kink is so specific. But it's not a developers job to target you specifically. It's their job to make the best game they can make, and that means making a game they're personally invested in. I'm making and incest game because I'm a siscon, so I can write that story well. I'm making a fem protag (almost completely lesbian) game because I will enjoy writing it, however, I'm also not gonna be writing monogamous characters who are all just waiting for the MC to come and boink them, because that isn't realistic to me.

Sorry, but I don't see the point of talking about personal attacks. If you really discuss this then I'll just put you a link to the forum rules that forbid this kind of thing. So you just have to report it to a moderator.
But as I think it is only comment that remains in the rights granted by this forum but expresses (awkwardly or not) the fact of not enjoying something (here the NTR in games with incest) so yes I stay on my previous comment.

But hey, if it really is necessary, I put you a link to the rules.
A third mention and this time because your passive aggressive attitude makes me question whether or not you belong on the forum at all. Final warning man, you didn't come out and call the person who made this thread any name, but it's clear from your wording the contempt you feel for them, and your patronizing tone shows you to be immature. Keep it up and you'll be the one being reported for personal attacks.

The last one I saw rage quit did so because @Sam of all people agreed his update was buggy.
Ptolemy isn't really gone though. I'm guessing he was just going through some shit, checked the thread, read a lot of vitriolic posts calling him shit, and then the last straw happened to be Sam. I was there hoping to give constructive criticism, talking about how the update hadn't been very fleshed out and felt wooden, but there were a few people who just couldn't help themselves, spewing rage... as well as a huge NTR hater making a stink about the wife in the failing relationship having an NTR route... as if that's even NTR.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
Ptolemy isn't really gone though. I'm guessing he was just going through some shit, checked the thread, read a lot of vitriolic posts calling him shit, and then the last straw happened to be Sam. I was there hoping to give constructive criticism, talking about how the update hadn't been very fleshed out and felt wooden, but there were a few people who just couldn't help themselves, spewing rage... as well as a huge NTR hater making a stink about the wife in the failing relationship having an NTR route... as if that's even NTR.
Look man, you appear to have no problem calling whoever you were just addressing a passive aggressive asshole snowflake but we've got to dig deeper into Ptolemy's psyche to figure out why he's had a meltdown after a poorly received update and excoriate the two or three 15 year olds who hurt his feelings? At least pretend we're all playing on the same game board.

These are fap games. Your less sexually open types will react poorly to playing a game one handed, getting strung along for a period of time, then getting the Slonique BBC Special when they don't dig that scene. If you put NTR into a game after seeing the rage and drama not just here, but everywhere online when it gets brought up, you do so knowing full well you are probably killing the boners of most of your non-Japanese/non-weeb players. The devs have the easiest, most accessible options available to them should they wish to not see the fallout - ignore or just don't read the criticism.

In the end, this site is for people who want to download, play, mod or just talk about fap games. The game developers have always been more than welcome, and I'm sure the life of the dev would be far sunnier if forum users were limited to reporting bugs and bestowing praise, but that really isn't what most users signed up for.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
It's no secret I hate NTR....

If i'm going to be spending my time in a game chasing after a woman, the goal is to either end up in a relationship or bed her and she fucks someone else .... what was the point?

The kind of kinks I have are all based in my reality. I'm a married man, just like I don't want my wife fucking other people I don't want to see the pixel pussy i'm chasing getting other pixel dick. It's not my thing, I don't find it a turn on and I avoid it.

The only time i've gone out of my way to get angry about it is when it's been added to a game halfway through development when we were told it wasn't going to be added. I also get vocal when i'm invested in a game and people come in trying to get it added to a game that doesn't have it nor need it.
I think you have the most important point here. Of course a developer can make any game he likes but he should also advertise it correctly. When a game has NTR it should have the NTR tag e.g. For me personally the risc of running into an NTR game without knowing is relatively low, as a porn game with multiple male characters likely wont go anywhere near my harddisk in the first place. But I understand why this is a problem for a lot of people.

There was only one time I was kind of pissed at the developers, and this was My Lesbian Roommate, which turned out to be a game about a man trying to seduce a woman who was in a lesbian relationship before. I expected a lesbian game and got the most anti-climatic scenario imaginable. So my bad experiences are harmless, as they are limited to being disappointed and deleting a game I didn't like. My experience here is just a sidenote.

But of course being thrown into an NTR scenario without knowing is worse, at least for people who have been cheated any time in real life. Just a situation where the protagonist gets raped, when the player was a victim of rape.

So I think, it's just important for developers to acurately describe what's in their game, so no one has some sort of bad surprise, at least as far as controversal subjects like rape or NTR go.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 21, 2018
I think you have the most important point here. Of course a developer can make any game he likes but he should also advertise it correctly. When a game has NTR it should have the NTR tag e.g. For me personally the risc of running into an NTR game without knowing is relatively low, as a porn game with multiple male characters likely wont go anywhere near my harddisk in the first place. But I understand why this is a problem for a lot of people.

There was only one time I was kind of pissed at the developers, and this was My Lesbian Roommate, which turned out to be a game about a man trying to seduce a woman who was in a lesbian relationship before. I expected a lesbian game and got the most anti-climatic scenario imaginable. So my bad experiences are harmless, as they are limited to being disappointed and deleting a game I didn't like. My experience here is just a sidenote.

But of course being thrown into an NTR scenario without knowing is worse, at least for people who have been cheated any time in real life. Just a situation where the protagonist gets raped, when the player was a victim of rape.

So I think, it's just important for developers to acurately describe what's in their game, so no one has some sort of bad surprise, at least as far as controversal subjects like rape or NTR go.
I don't really know a huge amount about NTR to be fair, so I have a question if you wouldn't mind.
Would it still be NTR if it was a girl-on-girl? The reason I ask is I am in the process of making a game in which failure to act by the Player would result in a bullied woman having lesbian sex with the bully.

Would this be something that I should tag as NTR and expect backlash on, or would it only be the same if it was with a guy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2018
As a dev you need to balance between making the game you want to make and the game people want to buy or invest in.

If a dev is into cuck shit but he/she does market research and finds out that the market doesn't really like it. The dev should make the game the people want in order to make money.

I personally think cuck/ntr stuff is retarded. If I want to play an incest game I want to bang my daughter/little sister and romance her. Everyone is different.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
[...] but there were a few people who just couldn't help themselves, spewing rage... as well as a huge NTR hater making a stink about the wife in the failing relationship having an NTR route... as if that's even NTR.
Reading this, and thinking about what @sansusername said about Freeloading Family, I feel puzzled. Neither last Ptolemy last game, nor FF have NTR in them.
In FF there's one girl you can try to seduce, but who's already with someone, in something which is more an abusive relationship than anything else. The only thing you see is a kiss (not started by her), and she stopped her relationship few time after this. So, here, you are the guy who tried to hit on a girl who isn't free. She's gentle, so she let you do, but she also always stopped you before you go too far or thought that you have a chance. Hey, it's not NTR, it's you acting like a dick !
In Ptolemy's game, you just see few pictures, while searching without permission on her friend's computer. She took the pictures after she ended your relationship, and she sent them to her friend. So what ? The girl you saw in few sexual dreams, and want to bang since the first time you saw her, let her computer at your house. Then you abused of her kindness with the hope to find nudes of her. Here again it's not NTR, but you acting like a dick...
In both cases, the girl don't did it for you, nor because of you, and she had no intention to put this to your knowledge. Even me, who dislike NTR and can stop playing a game I liked, just because of it, I fail to see where's the NTR in those two cases. I'm pretty sure that anyone with at least two neurons in working order can't really see this as NTR, even if they use a very loose definition for "NTR".

So what ? Are they just fucking idiots, idiots who can't stand to be sanctioned for acting like a dick, or trolls ? Because the last option must not be forgot. Talk shit about any fetish you want, you'll receive few rough comments, but it's exceptional that there's hate inside them ; you'll just be seen as stupid and address as it. But if you start to talk about NTR, whatever in good or bad, outside of a thread like this one, and you'll receive few atomic bombs before the end of the first hour.
So yes, talking about NTR is the easiest way to trash a thread here. At least a game's thread, because meta threads, like this one by example, tend to stay gentle. And sometimes I wonder how many hatechanner are laughing behind their keyboard...


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I don't really know a huge amount about NTR to be fair, so I have a question if you wouldn't mind.
Would it still be NTR if it was a girl-on-girl? The reason I ask is I am in the process of making a game in which failure to act by the Player would result in a bullied woman having lesbian sex with the bully.

Would this be something that I should tag as NTR and expect backlash on, or would it only be the same if it was with a guy?
Fair question, but I don't know if I'm the right person to answer. Purely subjective and by my own taste, no, it wouldn't have any of the repulsive qualities a straight NTR scenario would have on me. But this is just, because I prefer lesbian porn to straight porn in any case and I'm not that much of an immersive player when it comes to identifiying with a protagonist. So to be absolutly fair, you would have to give it an NTR tag, though it will be the first and only NTR game I'd possibly play.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
In FF there's one girl you can try to seduce, but who's already with someone, in something which is more an abusive relationship than anything else. The only thing you see is a kiss (not started by her), and she stopped her relationship few time after this. So, here, you are the guy who tried to hit on a girl who isn't free. She's gentle, so she let you do, but she also always stopped you before you go too far or thought that you have a chance. Hey, it's not NTR, it's you acting like a dick !
You should really play FF again - specifically the version before they allowed you to ignore the lesbos. The MC gets teased, the door closed in his face, sits on the couch alone while they fuck, then wanks himself off in bed because his life is so awesome.

It certainly isn't what you described.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I don't really know a huge amount about NTR to be fair, so I have a question if you wouldn't mind.
Would it still be NTR if it was a girl-on-girl?
NTR doesn't depend of the fact that it's straight or homosexual sex, but of, both, the relation, reason behind the act itself, and the way you know about this.
In Daddy's goodnight kiss, by example, your wife is cheating on you, and you can see a sex scene of her with her lover. It's not NTR, just a bitch cheating on you. Kill the guy, dump her, reconquer her, in fact do whatever you want, it's your fault if you see them.
To be NTR, the act must be done by someone you're in an effective sexual (or at least sentimental) relationship with, it must be done for you (because you love knowing that she have sex with someone else) or because of you (mostly to cuckold or cuckhold you), and you must know it because the other want it and do what's need for you to know about it. So, by example, if you found some pictures, they'll not be hidden, but put somewhere you'll not miss them.

This said, it's like homosexuality...
You'll found millions of people saying that it's gross when it's guy on guy, and suddenly when it's girl on girl it become natural and arousing. The exact same hypocrisy apply for NTR. You'll find hundreds of people saying that, "your game is shit", if the girl have sex with a guy, but only few of them will complain if she do it with a girl. In place, you'll see comments like, "so hot, tell me that we'll have a threesome with both of them".


Active Member
May 28, 2017
I do not agree that complaints or critique is ruining the industry, but caving to the complains certainly can.

Due to every western adult game being crowdfounded, creators have to be populistic and cater to the demands of the people for funding. This hinders creativity and we will never see a game with an original vision, since following the money leads you to copying the already working games.

Is it by itself a bad thing that creators actually create what people want? Well no, not necessarily. But people may not know what they want yet.

Ideally, someone creating a game has a vision. Turning that vision into another bigbrother clone for the sake of profits hurts the industry
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Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 21, 2018
NTR doesn't depend of the fact that it's straight or homosexual sex, but of, both, the relation, reason behind the act itself, and the way you know about this.
In Daddy's goodnight kiss, by example, your wife is cheating on you, and you can see a sex scene of her with her lover. It's not NTR, just a bitch cheating on you. Kill the guy, dump her, reconquer her, in fact do whatever you want, it's your fault if you see them.
To be NTR, the act must be done by someone you're in an effective sexual (or at least sentimental) relationship with, it must be done for you (because you love knowing that she have sex with someone else) or because of you (mostly to cuckold or cuckhold you), and you must know it because the other want it and do what's need for you to know about it. So, by example, if you found some pictures, they'll not be hidden, but put somewhere you'll not miss them.

This said, it's like homosexuality...
You'll found millions of people saying that it's gross when it's guy on guy, and suddenly when it's girl on girl it become natural and arousing. The exact same hypocrisy apply for NTR. You'll find hundreds of people saying that, "your game is shit", if the girl have sex with a guy, but only few of them will complain if she do it with a girl. In place, you'll see comments like, "so hot, tell me that we'll have a threesome with both of them".
Ah okay, thankyou, this clears it up a bit more. So I'm thinking I am going to have to tag it as NTR then and risk a backlash :/

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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
Female on female being NTR? Depends on the person, I guess. With me, it ranges from voyeurism (which is fun) to annoyance or frustration. So it's not NTR to me.
It's only NTR if a steady girlfriend has sex with a direct competitor (another male) just to make me jealous or angry. In that case, I'd tell her to leave within the hour and if she doesn't, she stays with me but has to re-earn trust. Now, if she's having an emotional affair or cheating, that's not NTR. That's straight up cheating. Cheating is where she is with the other male for her own feelings/wants. In that case, she's out the door within the hour and whatever's left goes in the trash.
I just don't personally see other girls as competition and they don't cause feelings of jealousy.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
You should really play FF again - specifically the version before they allowed you to ignore the lesbos. The MC gets teased, the door closed in his face, sits on the couch alone while they fuck, then wanks himself off in bed because his life is so awesome.

It certainly isn't what you described.
Yeah, I was thinking about another game, but still I fail to see where's the NTR here. Haven't you payed attention to the dialogs ?
Anyway, you'll be happy, the last version corrected the problem (and I'm sure that it was FFCreations intent since the start), when following the perversion path, you'll be out of the house when Leah will bang your sister. After, if you choose to follow the pacifism path, don't complain because you'll see NTR. There's two path, one you are the dominant and will submit all the girls, and the other you are the submissive who'll be used by all the girls.
So, I stay on my ground. I messed up and thought about another game, but I still fail to see where's the problem with NTR in FF.

Ah okay, thankyou, this clears it up a bit more. So I'm thinking I am going to have to tag it as NTR then and risk a backlash :/
Just ignore them. It's your game, you should make it for you before anything else. Listen to the comment which have more than two lines, they can give you some ideas even when they come from someone who don't like NTR, and forget all the others.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
Look man, you appear to have no problem calling whoever you were just addressing a passive aggressive asshole snowflake but we've got to dig deeper into Ptolemy's psyche to figure out why he's had a meltdown after a poorly received update and excoriate the two or three 15 year olds who hurt his feelings? At least pretend we're all playing on the same game board.
He didn't have a meltdown. He got annoyed with people demanding he change certain characters in his game and stopped posting. He still talks on Discord.

He even kicked people off his patreon that were demanding changes.
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