So, I'm late to the party, but I wanna assure,
@anne O'nymous and
@muttdoggy, it's not a generational thing. Its a matter of math. When 5 people get together, they're civil. When you walk into a room with a 100 people, they're all selfish. It's basic human psychology. It's why when you go to a small town everyone's cheery and willing to help, but when you wave to a stranger in a city you get a dirty look.
As the internet has grown, it's become less a place of civil friendships and more a city, where everyone is in it for themselves. I do honestly think that this is one of the more civil forums I've had the pleasure of being a part of. However, I also see the rotten element and it's spreading. I think this thread has the potential to be constructive, so lets try to keep it that way.
People have different interests. What feedback do you think people should give if not their honest one?
That's very simple, technical feedback. If their art isn't up to your standard, if their writing is technically weak, etc, then and only then do you have something to add. If you don't like the content of the game, then the game isn't for you. Not every game is going to be tailored to your specific kinks. Its insane to think that they will be.
Personally, I prefer to see tons of non-constructive criticism in a ton of thread about good or bad games, rather than a ton of thread to complain about the comments of others.
If people do not like the ntr in the games of incest they have the right to say it ... If the developer stops working because of that .... It just proves that he does not have what is needed for this job.
You aren't providing anything of value by commenting that you aren't interested in the game's kink. So sure, you're free to say, "I don't like this game because it has NTR," however, you've only proven that you're a snowflake who can't handle things not going your way. And if you're one of those assholes who doesn't stop at, the simple statement of dislike of NTR and decides to direct that hatred of a fetish toward the developer, as if they've personally wronged you, then no, you have no right to act that way, and that is what he's saying shouldn't happen. Not being able to hear that people don't like your fetish isn't why Devs are leaving, they're leaving because they are getting so much violent hatred aimed at them personally because you don't like their fetish.
Really? Because when I read this:
If you think that a game is ruined the moment your incest love interest shows an interest outside of you as the player character, you're ruining this entire industry.
I have a doubt .... Anyway it's still a thread to cry over other comments. But if you want I can change "people do not like ntr" by "people say the game is shit" it does not change anything. They have the same right to say it. They are wrong if you want, non constructive if you want, it does not forbid them to say it. But there is already a tones of thread to cry about it I think ...
If the idea is to change the way people express themselves then do it the right way already. Without putting forward a false argument like the one mentioned above and stopping posting your own visions in a thread they may never see. Speak directly to them ....
If you want to defend your adored game, do it on the game thread ...
In short, do not complain about constructive comments when your own discussions do not bring anything.
Or keep talking to each other and go around in circles. For my part I leave you, good luck.
Seriously, this is a discussion intended to garner the community's attention as a whole to address an issue wherein people can't have a civil discussion in a thread when a fetish they don't like shows up in a game. To be completely honest, the anti NTR crowd are very toxic in every thread for any game that has even a hint of it. And it may not be you personally Aellion, but you're certainly not putting your best foot forward by acting so entitled in this thread where people are simply asking that if you don't like the content of a game, ignore it and move on. To be perfectly clear, you're not going to find me going on all of the "Retard in Lechertown" games and complaining that the game is a mentally challenged molestation victim simulator, why, because it wouldn't be constructive. I might make an inquiry, to see if it's got such content, but I'll not stick around to bash the developer.
I have spoken in private with devs who've been messaged privately about the NTR content in their games and how it's "fucking bullshit" and "unavoidable", in games where avoiding it is as simple as, "don't let the rival into your house your dimwit." So no, this isn't a pointless circle jerk. Its a thread addressing a real issue with the whole community, and not just in the threads themselves.
To the player, the game is ruined, when the player doesn't like it any more. There are no absolute rules here and it doesn't have anything to do wether a relationship within the context of the game is considered sacred. When a marriage that was the result of pure innocent love breaks apart due to cheating, but the player is an NTR fan and likes that, it doesn't ruin the game for him. When a mother is forced into an abusive relationship with her douchbag son and only casually flirts with another guy and the player doesn't like it and considers it a boner killer, it does ruin the game for that player. It doesn't matter wether the characters' actions are justified within the setting, it matters wether the game appeals to the player's fetishes.
People like what they like and have every reason in the world not to play games they don't like. It's certainly sad for developers, but nobody will play a porn game he can't enjoy. I prefer lesbian games, only very rarely play games with a male protagonist and I certainly wont play a game with other male characters involved in the sex scenes.
Again, Ataios, the point isn't whether or not you are personally interested in the game's fetish. I've found myself making this distinction to you often, and I think it's probably because your kink is so specific. But it's not a developers job to target you specifically. It's their job to make the best game they can make, and that means making a game they're personally invested in. I'm making and incest game because I'm a siscon, so I can write that story well. I'm making a fem protag (almost completely lesbian) game because I will enjoy writing it, however, I'm also not gonna be writing monogamous characters who are all just waiting for the MC to come and boink them, because that isn't realistic to me.
Sorry, but I don't see the point of talking about personal attacks. If you really discuss this then I'll just put you a link to the forum rules that forbid this kind of thing. So you just have to report it to a moderator.
But as I think it is only comment that remains in the rights granted by this forum but expresses (awkwardly or not) the fact of not enjoying something (here the NTR in games with incest) so yes I stay on my previous comment.
But hey, if it really is necessary, I put you a link to the rules.
A third mention and this time because your passive aggressive attitude makes me question whether or not you belong on the forum at all. Final warning man, you didn't come out and call the person who made this thread any name, but it's clear from your wording the contempt you feel for them, and your patronizing tone shows you to be immature. Keep it up and you'll be the one being reported for personal attacks.
The last one I saw rage quit did so because
@Sam of all people agreed his update was buggy.
Ptolemy isn't really gone though. I'm guessing he was just going through some shit, checked the thread, read a lot of vitriolic posts calling him shit, and then the last straw happened to be Sam. I was there hoping to give constructive criticism, talking about how the update hadn't been very fleshed out and felt wooden, but there were a few people who just couldn't help themselves, spewing rage... as well as a huge NTR hater making a stink about the wife in the failing relationship having an NTR route... as if that's even NTR.