So, after around 8h of playing it, i can say a few things about it
1. This is a reskin of Meritocracy of the Oni & Blade. It rips everything off, down to the story. It have the same plot points, same characters but obviously reskinned, same world structure, same progression and same flaws. Even a couple of the same bugs and sex/battle fuck/post-win animations
2. to get to the sexy parts, one must lose to a boss. The sooner the better. That unlocks ability to grind sex stats, which are also capped by the story progression. Worst system ever.
3. Items in chests matter a lot. They are shit at the beginning, but as time goes, they change from consumables to unique sex-related items, such as no pregnancy item.
4. the best way to grind sex stats is through battle fuck. Just let the monster fuck you for the first 30 times, and you get seduce move that lets you grind further. The best monster to grind at so far is a tentacle monster in the golem ruins (it trains all sex levels at once, but not with the same speed)
5. corruption is based solely on the number of kills, and you can't kill anybody till chapter 4, so don't even. Once you're able, kills can be grinded on respawning human mobs.
6. As far as chapter 4 goes, pregnancy doesn't work and the pills do nothing.
My verdict after some hours into :
If you played Meritocracy of the Oni & Blade, don't bother. It's 4 gigs,and the initial grind is boring as fuck.