Does anyone have tips for making singles ? All my singles are complete failures.
When you're making a single there's three major things to take into account: your group's stats, the demographics of the center's fans, and how many copies you decide to make.
If you don't have a ton of fans already aim low and use the single to score some and skew the demographics in the direction you'd like them to go. What sorts of fans your idols (and the group as a whole) have depends on both their aesthetics and these song choices you're making, so try to find a combination of genre, lyrics, and dance moves that mesh together.
And a good way to build buzz, which will have positive effects on p. much everything you do, is to launch some media shows. The internet ones aren't too expensive to the point where you can actually turn a profit on them and they'll build buzz and add fans.
So basically polish their skills, launch some media projects to hype them up, make songs that appeal to their fans, and start small with the first few singles - 100 units or less if you're obscure.