If you could buy a completed game in a store, would you?

How much would you pay for a finished game?

  • Nothing, I'll wait for it to appear here

    Votes: 34 22.1%
  • Nothing, I prefer monthly updates

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • less than $20

    Votes: 57 37.0%
  • $20 - $40

    Votes: 49 31.8%
  • $40 - $80

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • More than $80

    Votes: 6 3.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Yes, but just because you're into it in porn doesn't mean you have to have it in real life. Plain and simple.
I agree.

There are a number of reasons someone may choose to find interest in a subject in a book, movie or whatever media they choose but have no real life interest in it.

Scary movies a lot of people like seeing them because it builds excitement. But most by far don't want to actually be hunted down and killed or do that to another person. Some people watch scary movies for entirely different reasons. Myself I find them more humorous than anything else simply because of the stupid reactions people have to them. Go to one real life bad crime scene and most scary movies will no longer be scary at all to you. I know guys who like the movies because they like figuring out the affects used to create them.

When it comes to porn people look at various porn fetishes for different reasons.
The feelings or thoughts generated for each person is different. Sure there are groups of people that will have similar experience.
But unless you can read everyone's mind there is no way to tell why a person plays a game or reads a book or watches a movie.

There are people who will play a game because they like the feeling of disgust they get from it. It is part of a superiority complex were they look down on others that play the game or created it.

The point being is the reasons reads, plays, watches something may have nothing to do with what their likes are in regards to what they are watching.

That said most people do tend to watch what they enjoy or fantasize about. That again doesn't mean they have an interest in doing it in RL.
However, their interest in doing something in real life can be affect by influences like law, appearance, community, religion...
Again we are back to the aspect we can't read people's minds. At least not yet.

It doesn't really lead to any great truths poling people. Even a blind pole people lie to. Some do so because they really wonder if it can be tracked back to them. Others well they just want to screw with the pole. There are as many reason people lie on poles as there are reasons they do stuff.


Aug 11, 2020
I wouldn't buy one in a store, but if I could buy a completed game online I would.