If you could change 1 thing in a particular game, what would it be?


Deleted member 992182

I would overhaul Dating My Daughter. Why? It's full of such quality...everything...and still seems strangely "off" to me.

I can ignore that the girls are all built like very stacked or very flat 8yo girls (lol). If you say she's 18yo I'll buy it. It doesn't bother me.
What bothers me is that the scenarios they all find themselves in are comically unreal to a degree that seems insane. I guess that's the point of Adult VNs but this game hits the uncanny valley BECAUSE of how polished it is while also being so insane and cliche.

So, it's not one thing as much as a few little things. If we can call "realism" one thing I guess I'll say that. I'd make it more real to match the quality.

Also, if not that I'd remove the rape scenarios OR develop them. Hinting a lot at rape while never doing it is a pet peeve of mine and goes for anything constantly dangled in front of a reader. Do it or don't. If you focus on a gun you better have a character use it. That's writing 101.


Nov 28, 2017
I would overhaul Dating My Daughter. Why? It's full of such quality...everything...and still seems strangely "off" to me.

I can ignore that the girls are all built like very stacked or very flat 8yo girls (lol). If you say she's 18yo I'll buy it. It doesn't bother me.
What bothers me is that the scenarios they all find themselves in are comically unreal to a degree that seems insane. I guess that's the point of Adult VNs but this game hits the uncanny valley BECAUSE of how polished it is while also being so insane and cliche.

So, it's not one thing as much as a few little things. If we can call "realism" one thing I guess I'll say that. I'd make it more real to match the quality.

Also, if not that I'd remove the rape scenarios OR develop them. Hinting a lot at rape while never doing it is a pet peeve of mine and goes for anything constantly dangled in front of a reader. Do it or don't. If you focus on a gun you better have a character use it. That's writing 101.
I have completely given up on DmD lol, the girls just looks way too young for me, it's like a 14 years old face on a body of a 18 years old with disproportionately big bewbs. Plus the unlikely scenarios as well. It was his first game though so I don't blame him.

Melody has definitely been an improvement so far, both in writing and visual. Hopefully the dialogues can cut down a tiny bit on cheesy lines though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
There are several things, in general (and not game specific), that I'd like to change, but many of them can be overlooked. Perhaps allow user defined Save locations by default which also includes disallowing changes to the System Registry. (I'm looking at you Unity-based games!) Things should not be messing around in the System Registry as any little thing that goes sideways can flatline someone's PC; plus, it's messy when saves get in there especially after porting to other versions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
1. Removing sleep-rape as an option from a bunch of games, with the MC thinking "what kind of sick fuck would do that? What am I, Bill Cosby?"
2. Adding the "Family murders Eric in the first month, and hides the body under the foundation of the swimming pool" storyline to Big Brother
3. I would have the female characters in Urban Demons openly discussing the fact that the MC has turned all of them into his happy fucktoys
4. I would rewrite Milfy City so that virtually every character seduction path winds through the counselor's office and a session or three with her(Judy the evil, manipulative therapist FTW)
5. Stepfather can be set up to get killed within the first month or two when the MC just gets tired of having to deal with him, in Tyrant
6. I'd remove a bunch of autism-spectrum socially inept MCs from games
7. Dinner table scenes in several incest games where the Mom asks the MC in front of the sisters "So when were you planning on telling each of us that you've been fucking all of us, Son? Do you really think we're that stupid?"
8. Neala in UD should be a playable character
9. More actual superheroines in Superpowered
10. Change soundtracks for a bunch of games
11. Add good voice acting for some scenes in Milfy City
12. Add an evil path for Summertime Saga
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Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
2. Adding the "Family murders Eric in the first month, and hides the body under the foundation of the swimming pool" storyline to Big Brother
I'll be honest, this one made me chuckle.

4. I would rewrite Milfy City so that virtually every character seduction path winds through the counselor's office and a session or three with her(Judy the evil, manipulative therapist FTW)
I actually like this one. Would be an interesting take. It already seems like Judy is the one who convinced Linda to act out on her feelings and has been actively helping her in seducing her own son, likely because she wants to use the events in her book.


Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Remove incest or make it optional, I just don't like that genre and the market is oversaturated already, I think the only incest focused game I still follow is DmD.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Remove incest or make it optional, I just don't like that genre and the market is oversaturated already, I think the only incest focused game I still follow is DmD.
I think that is one of the incest games I am the least interested in. The daughter is more naive than a 10 year old, (despite having a devious & extremely sexual best friend) the father is a creep, pretending to everyone (including himself) that he is a gentleman, every third man you meet wants to fuck/rape the daughter (or her friend, if they can't have the daughter), the father have been single for ages, despite every woman he meets practically begging to jump on his dick (other than the daughter ofc, whom the dev had to keep "pure" for ages, to extend the gameplay) and the game crawl along at a snail's pace. It took 2-3 years before you could actually fuck the daughter for real.

Don't get me wrong, the game is certainly well-made, but every time I try to play it, I feel like I am doing a chore, rather than enjoying myself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Super-heroines in in Superpowered for the win, in the Rags game there was a part where the Billy worked as a human airport scanner and while working he could occasionally find an on the run ex-hero called something like the pixie or the nymph who had relatively basic mind and memory control, depending on Billies resistance he could either just let her go by, blackmail her or some other stuff, still waiting on that coming back into the Ren'py version, so yeah i'd add that.

Milf City, Judy, she seemed like such a crux of the Mom-Son part of the story but that's what you get for letting the patrons decide development order.

Ethan's Legacy, that fact that it was cancelled(effectively) it had such potential and the Dev sadly burnt out/felt the game had spiralled away from what he'd originally meant it to be.

Holiday island, story for each character, in fact some sort of story at all, i know it's a sandbox but really add some interest to the characters like in superpowered, also turn the boobs down a little, not much but a little.

Depraved Awakening, a threesome with Mi-Do, she feels sort of light on content compared to the other main girls, probably the only problem i have with this game is how far removed Mi-Do feels compared to the rest of the girls, i mean come on there is a real opportunity for this in one case where you can choose to go and see Carli or Mi-Do who are in the same hotel, it's late in the game and you've built a relationship with both of them, it's just asking for it.

Dreams of Desire, a more complicated ending, lots of us had spent ages talking over the ending of DoD months before the finale dropped, we'd come up with loads of conclusions, theories, ideas and TBH we'd worked out all the kinks in the ending two months before it dropped, never really found out who the apparition was, never saw or even heard of the Aunt's husband and Alice's friend has the least satisfactory "but i'm just a spare character so i don't get mentioned" sort of ending, again only major problem with this game was the ending.

General: games that either don't take themselves seriously at all or take themselves too seriously, or more importantly games that break away from the "feel" they have set up in the wrong way, some games thrive on the comparison between "hard" and "soft" moments, games like acting lessons work well (mostly) with this but some games that try to be very immersive, go with nameless faceless protagonists but then have them break the forth wall like crazy for no reason, just to make a joke about F95 or Gumdrop or whatever, really grinds my gears, there is no point, we've seen it before, don't go breaking away from your game just for a cheap half assed joke.

MC's with very inconsistent morality and attitude, sure i'll sleep rape, molest barely legal girls, outright rape my neighbours and peep on everything with a pussy but the first time i'm with a girl consensualy i'm perfectly fine with nothing but a bit of blue balling or a HJ, even if I've been reaming her ass every night through some sort of plot contrivance, really?

Oh and faceless MC's, just feels lazy, give me a character any day of the week rather than an empty lump i'm forced to RP as.
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
Every game that you have to wait for the text to roll on to the screen. Why the hell does this even exist anymore? I think it started when computers were so slow that you were actually waiting for the computer to display the text one letter at a time. Renpy fortunately has a Text Speed option that allows you to adjust the text to instant, but it seems that no other engine out there lets you do this. Some of them let you double click for instant text, but that means clicking twice for every bit of dialog, and then of course you end up missing things because you click too fast, and wait, since it's not Renpy you can't scroll back! Fuck that shit.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2017
I would make all devs deliver the game in the day has suppose to be the day of game update

Milfy city: more Judy/school scenes
Depraved Awakening: MI-Do/Carli threesome
Reincarnotica: more updates
Anna - exciting affection: more Timothy scenes
Mythic Manor: sex with Celeste
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Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Milfy city: more Judy/school scenes
Definately agree on the Judy scenes. Other than a brief scene before going on vacation with Linda, she seems to have been large forgotten. It would be nice to see some more of her, especially since she seems to be the one who convinced Linda to seduce her own son, all because she is writing a book about incest or what the hell it was.
It would be cool if Judy was the "master manipulator", who helped out making everything happen from behind the scenes, all for the sole purpose of writing her book.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Definately agree on the Judy scenes. Other than a brief scene before going on vacation with Linda, she seems to have been large forgotten. It would be nice to see some more of her, especially since she seems to be the one who convinced Linda to seduce her own son, all because she is writing a book about incest or what the hell it was.
It would be cool if Judy was the "master manipulator", who helped out making everything happen from behind the scenes, all for the sole purpose of writing her book.
Indeed. You could rewrite the whole thing with Judy talking to various family members, and even Celia and other girls in the school, subtly pushing them in the desired direction of further depravity.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Definately agree on the Judy scenes. Other than a brief scene before going on vacation with Linda, she seems to have been large forgotten. It would be nice to see some more of her, especially since she seems to be the one who convinced Linda to seduce her own son, all because she is writing a book about incest or what the hell it was.
It would be cool if Judy was the "master manipulator", who helped out making everything happen from behind the scenes, all for the sole purpose of writing her book.
Not that I'm saying this particular instance is the case, but I see a trend with a large chunk of these erotic VN/Games being developed, where the developers are allowing too much say in the direction a story goes by their paying fans... They believe, and I'm sure it happens, that by catering to the paying fans every wish (especially the higher donating fans) they will keep increasing their income... So it ends up, more so, being the fans driving the direction of character development, or what characters continue to develop, over the developers sticking to their guns and making what they originally wanted...

Sure, allowing some fan input can be helpful, but when it has too much influence, in some cases I feel the product is lesser for it in the long run, just for the sake of a quick boost in the almighty dollar... It's not something that happens all the time, but you can see it now and then, especially when the developer doesn't really have a 100% game plan already planned out for the story and it's progression... And I understand that many developers want to offer some sort of thanks to their fans, but personally I think they should be thanked in some other way, outside of direct influence over the direction of a project... A real true artist/author/creator should stay true to their vision and creation... And not let money or desire for people to like them, drive their creative process... You don't see the biggest movie stars out there altering how they act in a movie just to say thanks to fans, and you don't see painters changing a project half way through because some of the fans didn't like one of the colors they were using...



Devoted Member
Nov 30, 2018
Not sure if it's been mentioned but for me Indecent Desires put it back to VN and get rid of that awful open world game it has become infact I would do this with most of the open world games it just becomes too much of a grind.
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