
Oct 15, 2017
can someone tell me how many love interest are there and who are they and how does the gameplay work i played the game for a time and i still dont understand can some explain it


Walkthough-mod Creators are a godsent <3
Apr 30, 2017
Im gonna buy the game.
but im pretty sad about the dude stuff.. <_< but i still they deserve some support.


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
I'm going to be honest, I don't mind him changing it at all.

I've been beging and pleading for translators to get rid of things like that and honorifics in English translations for years. I'm not Japanese, we don't use them, they look ridiculous. I realise that's only my view but when a translator does remove them it gives me the happy.

I live in the UK, nobody here is sensei, chan, san or whatever other silly title they give each other that makes supposedly intimate friendships and relationships look formal as fuck. For me it completely ruins romance novels. When you have a couple that are supposed to be in love addressing each other with surnames and titles they don't look in love to me.

Where I live, if i meet someone called Dave then it's just Dave and my big brother is my big brother. If I called him onii chan I think he'd disown me. I've never heard anyone use that word unless it was to take the piss out of someone.

I know some people disagree vehemently but i'm English and i'm reading these novels in English. We don't use honorifics or titles I don't like them and they have no place in an English translation.
Well, I for one completely disagree.
It doesn't feel like a real japanese VN/anime/manga for me if they try to translate typical Japanese expressions, that simply can't be translated without losing cultural context.
Heroines speaking in third person, girls who call everyone who is older onii or onee san/chan, old people being called obaa or ojii-chan, calling older schoolmates senpei etc..

Those are not just their translations, they are part of the culture, if I like Japanese media, I should also respect their culture, people like this translator don't.

Mind you, I'm fine with people not agreeing with me and not liking the use of the Japanese expressions. That's just my two cents.

Given completely unrequested. ;)


Jul 9, 2017
I'd like to hope this has a harem ending. But I can tell it doesn't. (Unless someone who has played it tells me I'm wrong. I can only hope...)

Might look at this later tho.


May 16, 2017
Is it that bad ? I cant deal with 4.3gb download just to be disappointed with wimpy loser protag type (fucking hate that type in VN's)
He literally got his pants pulled down in class by one of the female characters in class few minutes into the game
and they keep mentioning that he's a BETA, and he also calls himself a "gamma, worse the beta" soooooo yeah

who knows, im gonna see if it gets any worse before i decide if i should just delete the game
Aug 7, 2018
Since this thread seems to be about localization now:

My opinion on this is simple:
If it's a fantasical story about, say, the physiological differences between elves and orks, and how a group of spirited young orks lead by Krakrox Skullsmasher(-kun) tries to overcome them, then I don't care if it's Galadriel-chan's tight elftwat that gets stretched to its limits or plain Galadriel's. Doesn't really add or subtract from the story.

If it's set in (fictionalized) japan and referencing specific elements of japanese culture, then just leave those honorifics where they are, because their use is part of characterization.

Sural Argonus

Chimpanor Productions
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
in regards to the Translator changing words:

Terminology I can accept. Most of it is just words. Sometimes just made up shit.

The honorifics...yeah...I can see the point. Mostly because they actually can matter.

When referring to a teacher, family member, or person of import...it can change the meaning of the interaction.

Like when you are talking to a classmate, if they are senior to you, you should be giving them a bit of respect. Especially if it is a Japanese style school. That's just the way they do things there. Teachers, people in authority, they are spoken to in a certain manner as well.

Family members are usually spoken to in a certain way in traditional homes as well. It is growing more common to use "western" style methods these days, but there are still a lot of traditional people and families in Japan. A lot of these VNs are still somewhat traditional...so yeah...it would be nice if the translators would at least respect that.


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
That's the point.

I'm not reading Japanese, i'm reading English. I'm reading them for a story not for the culture. Again, i'm British, not Japanese the honorifics put me off and they have no place in an English translation.

If I cared about them, i'd learn Japanese.

That does seem like a bit of that old British arrogance seeping through.
The old "why should I learn another language, they should all just speak English approach?" :)

I find it strange to want to experience a story without cultural context, as it is part of that, otherwise stories would sound the same whether from the UK, Germany or China, which they don't, because stories originate from the culture their writers/creators live/lived.
And again, a lot of these expressions have a specific meaning that can't be translated, if you don't want to use them as a translator, it would probably be best to just leave them out completely, not come up with some bullshit like "my dude."
That's just asinine and makes zero sense. Have you seen the examples posted fe. on reddit, where he actually uses that in sex scenes?
I hope they don't pay him a lot, because he has no skill as a translator.

The experience of a story in the right context, preferably, if you are able to read it, its own language is much more rewarding.
I'm German, but I read, watch and play anything that was created in English in that language, because nuances get lost in translation anyway, and if you have a translator that does his job with a chainsaw, like that guy, then that certainly doesn't speak for the quality of the translation.
Jun 9, 2018
I would love it if someone would answer the question, "What does the restoration patch do?". The description doesn't really provide anything besides that it deals with yuuki, so what does it do? Or is it just poor writing?
Unless I'm mistaken, it quite literally just changes the name Yuki to Yuuki because it's meant to be Yuuki, but the translator's an idiot.

Sural Argonus

Chimpanor Productions
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
I would love it if someone would answer the question, "What does the restoration patch do?". The description doesn't really provide anything besides that it deals with yuuki, so what does it do? Or is it just poor writing?
The only answer is what is in the installation instructions.

No one has an explanation.

It literally just says: "Here's v 1 with the most important part - Yuuki
I went through all the routes with no issues (after sacrificing like 6 Yuukis in 2 super long scripts which didn't want to be changed) so I'm like 95% sure it won't break your game horribly.
I'll do another one with images - calendar, birthday, and confession choice aren't changed because they're a pain to edit.
There will also be a bunch of other unimportant stuff in it like dudegirl removal and Mahiru's third person master race. Might reverse the name order too. Aiming for the end of December. "

That's a straight copy from the IMBD as well.

Either it adds another route for a character named Yuuki or it restores something for Yuki and it fixes a typo. No one has an explanation.


New Member
Dec 14, 2018
Unless I'm mistaken, it quite literally just changes the name Yuki to Yuuki because it's meant to be Yuuki, but the translator's an idiot.
If that's the case that's pretty minor compared to ,say, the restoration patch for If my heart had wings.

I also don't think this translator translates many games for them anymore, because having read like 3 others that came out this year by MG, they all seemed pretty normal with Onii-chan and other things. This one has been completed for like 1-2 years IIRC
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