hi Ozecat, this is my first time playing the game well I haven't finished all the available chapters yet, but I just have to say I am loving it so much it reminds me of my favorite game series it is called Rune Factory, and I am curious do you play it as well as. and give you inspiration from it to Create this Gem of a game and before I play the game also even read any post in here I was thinking if they going to add young looking fantasy races like Elves Halflings Dwarfs in to the game, well big tits is fun and all, but variety is spice of life you know, then I saw the blacksmith I'm oh yes hello you fun size cutie

and Wrenna she's quite interesting also her voice actress match her personality quite well, well they all do and I would love to hear more voice dialogue, yeah like on one can tell that I really like her she, has big personality and funny to boot all wrapped up in feisty little package also she sounds like she be very fun between the sheets

cough-cough I meant to date, yeah she be very fun to date

ha-ha yeah it too bad I find out the hard way only Blaine is dateable for now
oh sorry I end up kind of rambling when I get into a game I really like, also sorry about my horrible typing, oh you should see my handwriting it's so much worse even I can't read it half the time and I'm the one that write the damn thing

ha-ha oh I'm rambling a again sorry, I'll be looking forward to the next update