No, the main character won't be allowed to change his name. It's not that kind of story. You could name a predatory plant.ello, the game is very fun. I wish we can name our MC : (
No, the main character won't be allowed to change his name. It's not that kind of story. You could name a predatory plant.ello, the game is very fun. I wish we can name our MC : (
How will be where to insert this feature. There are no scenes where this can be implemented. Some girls have hair according to canon.When u gonna add pubic hair option![]()
ello, the game is very fun. I wish we can name our MC![]()
Stingy OzeCat > : (No, the main character won't be allowed to change his name. It's not that kind of story. You could name a predatory plant.
Я уже писал вам под постом однажды, что вы очень долго всё делаете и слишком затягиваете с геймплейной частью, вместо того чтобы начать добавлять больше "клубнички". Я понимаю ваше желание создать больше, чем просто порно-игру. Но вам нужно понимать, что ваша основная аудитория пришла не за этим. Вас поддерживают англоязычные пользователи, а они не любят ждать. Уже начинают бунтовать и писать: "Зачем ждать обновления столько времени?" За целый год ваша игра набрала всего 16 страниц на F94zone. Это ужасный результат, который показывает, как ваш проект не цепляет из-за отсутствия контента. Есть проекты, которые сложнее в реализации, чем у вас. В некоторых из них начинали с одного разработчика, но даже так они предоставляли больше контента с каждым обновлением. Честно говоря, если вы так продолжите, то всё может привести к закрытию проекта. Это очень грустно. Я ещё в начале вашего пути писал, что люди приходят к вам за клубничкой, а не за геймплеем. Они приходят за порно-игрой, за контентом, и за это вам платят деньги. А в итоге два месяца ждать обновление с картинками почти без порно-контента... Вы так потеряете всех своих патронов, потому что за такое платить деньги не особо хочется. Вам надо переосмыслить свою стратегию касательно разработки. Если вы не зацепите потребителя на этом форуме, что уже происходит на данный момент, о стабильном заработке можно не мечтать. Ваши обновления должны кричать и показывать: вот, смотрите, новые секс-сцены. Пока что не вижу будущего у вашего проекта, 16 страниц за год говорят сами за себя.
We didn’t add the game to this forum ourselves, we were planning to do that much later, when there would be much more porn added, so that everyone could be pleased. Since someone did it before us, we decided to just run with it.I’ve already written to you under a post once, saying that you’re taking too long to do everything and dragging out the gameplay part, instead of starting to add more "strawberry" content. I understand your desire to create something more than just a porn game. But you need to understand that your main audience didn’t come for this. You’re supported by English-speaking users, and they don’t like to wait. They’re starting to revolt and write: “Why wait so long for updates?” In an entire year, your game has accumulated only 16 pages on F94zone. This is a terrible result, showing how your project doesn’t engage because of the lack of content. There are projects that are more complex to implement than yours. Some of them started with one developer, but even so, they provided more content with each update. Honestly, if you continue like this, it could lead to the project being shut down. It’s very sad. I wrote at the beginning of your journey that people come to you for the strawberry content, not for the gameplay. They come for the porn game, for the content, and they pay you for that. And in the end, two months of waiting for an update with pictures almost without porn content... You will lose all your patrons this way, because people won’t want to pay for that. You need to rethink your development strategy. If you don’t engage the consumer on this forum, which is already happening right now, you can forget about stable earnings. Your updates should scream and show: "Look, here are the new sex scenes." Right now, I don’t see a future for your project. 16 pages in a year speaks for itself.
See way too many games fail this way too.I’ve already written to you under a post once, saying that you’re taking too long to do everything and dragging out the gameplay part, instead of starting to add more "strawberry" content. I understand your desire to create something more than just a porn game. But you need to understand that your main audience didn’t come for this. You’re supported by English-speaking users, and they don’t like to wait. They’re starting to revolt and write: “Why wait so long for updates?” In an entire year, your game has accumulated only 16 pages on F94zone. This is a terrible result, showing how your project doesn’t engage because of the lack of content. There are projects that are more complex to implement than yours. Some of them started with one developer, but even so, they provided more content with each update. Honestly, if you continue like this, it could lead to the project being shut down. It’s very sad. I wrote at the beginning of your journey that people come to you for the strawberry content, not for the gameplay. They come for the porn game, for the content, and they pay you for that. And in the end, two months of waiting for an update with pictures almost without porn content... You will lose all your patrons this way, because people won’t want to pay for that. You need to rethink your development strategy. If you don’t engage the consumer on this forum, which is already happening right now, you can forget about stable earnings. Your updates should scream and show: "Look, here are the new sex scenes." Right now, I don’t see a future for your project. 16 pages in a year speaks for itself.
Twisted World :<See way too many games fail this way too.
The MOMENT you add 18+ sex scenes, you cut your audience in half.
Developers need to understand, you are either a porn game or you are not.
Regular people aren't going to play a game with sex scenes. Degenerates play games with sex scenes. To cum.
The moment you add sex scenes, you shift your audience to the gooners. Gooners are profitable, but they will not support games that take months-years to update with little goon content. They came for the goon, they will only stay for the goon.
Too many games start as porn games but suddenly start wasting development time on implementing pointless gameplay mechanics because they think they're making a real game. But they're not making a real game. People who play real games will never support them. If you're making a porn game, you must appeal to porn game audiences.
Мы не порно игра, если вы пришли за порно игрой, эта игра не для вас.
Мы делаем визуальную новеллу. Порнографический контент НЕ ЛЕЖИТ в основе. Нам все равно как и сколько тут страниц. Наша аудитория растет и нас это устраивает.
We are not a porn game, if you are here for a porn game, this game is not for you.
We're making a visual novel. Pornographic content does NOT lie at the core. We don't care how or how many pages there are. Our audience is growing and we're fine with that.
Мы не порно игра, если вы пришли за порно игрой, эта игра не для вас.
Мы делаем визуальную новеллу. Порнографический контент НЕ ЛЕЖИТ в основе. Нам все равно как и сколько тут страниц. Наша аудитория растет и нас это устраивает.
We are not a porn game, if you are here for a porn game, this game is not for you.
We're making a visual novel. Pornographic content does NOT lie at the core. We don't care how or how many pages there are. Our audience is growing and we're fine with that.
Once again, this is not a porn game. All of the games you mentioned are. We have enough finances to keep the project going.Это не критика — мне действительно нравится ваш проект, но я переживаю, что вы можете его закрыть из-за нехватки финансирования. Проблема заключается в том, что у ваших коллег, которые занимаются похожими проектами, всё идёт намного слаженнее и успешнее, потому что они поддерживают баланс между порно-контентом, сюжетом и геймплеем, что очень важно.
Ещё раз повторяю, что у меня нет желания критиковать ваш проект. Мне действительно нравится то, что вы делаете — это очень круто, и я желаю вам только успехов. Но на данный момент, по моим наблюдениям, всё развивается не так хорошо, как могло бы. У проекта с таким большим потенциалом удивительно слабая отдача от аудитории, например, на том же F95Zone. Обратите внимание на такие проекты, как *Demon Deals*, *Daily Lives of My Countryside*, *Warlock and Boobs* и *Summertime Saga* — в них есть грамотный баланс между порно-контентом, сюжетом и геймплеем.
Я не говорю, что ваш проект плохой — напротив, мне очень нравится качество изображения и ваш подход к работе. Он действительно невероятный и заслуживает похвалы. Но я боюсь, что проект может закрыться, как многие другие перспективные разработки. Я уже не раз видел, как проекты на этом форуме закрывались из-за неправильно выбранной стратегии развития.
Я понимаю, что вы хотите сделать из этого проекта нечто большее, чем просто порно-игру. Однако на начальном этапе это будет сложно. Ваш проект по-настоящему оценят по достоинству только тогда, когда он будет завершён в полном объёме. А сейчас вам необходимо получать финансовую поддержку от ваших фанатов. Какая бы благородная цель у вас ни была, отрицать тот факт, что для её достижения нужны деньги, невозможно. Очень мало людей готовы тратить своё время и силы на проект бесплатно. Кроме того, финансы помогут в его дальнейшем развитии.
Я искренне надеюсь, что у вас всё получится. Не воспринимайте мои слова как критику — я просто переживаю, что всё может пойти не так, как хотелось бы.
This is not criticism — I really like your project, but I’m concerned that you might close it due to lack of funding. The problem is that your colleagues, who are working on similar projects, have everything running much more smoothly and successfully because they maintain a balance between the porn content, storyline, and gameplay, which is very important.
Once again, I want to emphasize that I have no intention of criticizing your project. I really like what you’re doing — it’s really cool, and I wish you nothing but success. But at the moment, from my observations, things are not developing as well as they could. A project with such great potential has surprisingly weak audience feedback, for example, on F95Zone. Take a look at projects like Demon Deals, Daily Lives of My Countryside, Warlock and Boobs, and Summertime Saga — they have a well-balanced combination of porn content, storyline, and gameplay.
I’m not saying your project is bad — on the contrary, I really like the image quality and your approach to work. It’s truly incredible and deserves praise. But I fear the project may be closed, like many other promising developments. I’ve seen projects on this forum shut down due to poorly chosen development strategies.
I understand that you want to make something bigger than just a porn game out of this project. However, in the beginning, this will be difficult. Your project will only be truly appreciated when it is completed in full. Right now, you need to get financial support from your fans. No matter how noble your goal is, it’s impossible to deny that money is needed to achieve it. Very few people are willing to spend their time and effort on a project for free. Moreover, finances will help in its further development.
I sincerely hope that everything works out for you. Please don’t take my words as criticism — I’m just concerned that things might not go as planned.
See way too many games fail this way too.
The MOMENT you add 18+ sex scenes, you cut your audience in half.
Developers need to understand, you are either a porn game or you are not.
Regular people aren't going to play a game with sex scenes. Degenerates play games with sex scenes. To cum.
The moment you add sex scenes, you shift your audience to the gooners. Gooners are profitable, but they will not support games that take months-years to update with little goon content. They came for the goon, they will only stay for the goon.
Too many games start as porn games but suddenly start wasting development time on implementing pointless gameplay mechanics because they think they're making a real game. But they're not making a real game. People who play real games will never support them. If you're making a porn game, you must appeal to porn game audiences.
I’ve already written to you under a post once, saying that you’re taking too long to do everything and dragging out the gameplay part, instead of starting to add more "strawberry" content. I understand your desire to create something more than just a porn game. But you need to understand that your main audience didn’t come for this. You’re supported by English-speaking users, and they don’t like to wait. They’re starting to revolt and write: “Why wait so long for updates?” In an entire year, your game has accumulated only 16 pages on F94zone. This is a terrible result, showing how your project doesn’t engage because of the lack of content. There are projects that are more complex to implement than yours. Some of them started with one developer, but even so, they provided more content with each update. Honestly, if you continue like this, it could lead to the project being shut down. It’s very sad. I wrote at the beginning of your journey that people come to you for the strawberry content, not for the gameplay. They come for the porn game, for the content, and they pay you for that. And in the end, two months of waiting for an update with pictures almost without porn content... You will lose all your patrons this way, because people won’t want to pay for that. You need to rethink your development strategy. If you don’t engage the consumer on this forum, which is already happening right now, you can forget about stable earnings. Your updates should scream and show: "Look, here are the new sex scenes." Right now, I don’t see a future for your project. 16 pages in a year speaks for itself.
is there a new cheat code?
Huh what? One of games here are Black Souls and The Last Sovereign. I don't think people jerk off on that game. They just really like the gameplay and story.This is not a criticism - I really like your project, but I am worried that you might close it due to lack of funding. The problem is that your colleagues who are working on similar projects are doing much better and more successfully because they maintain a balance between porn content, plot and gameplay, which is very important.
Once again, I have no desire to criticize your project. I really like what you do — it's very cool, and I wish you only success. But at the moment, from my observations, everything is not developing as well as it could. A project with such great potential has surprisingly weak feedback from the audience, for example, on the same F95Zone. Pay attention to projects such as *Demon Deals*, *Daily Lives of My Countryside*, *Warlock and Boobs* and *Summertime Saga* — they have a competent balance between porn content, plot and gameplay.
I am not saying that your project is bad - on the contrary, I really like the quality of the image and your approach to work. It is truly incredible and deserves praise. But I am afraid that the project may close, like many other promising developments. I have seen many projects on this forum close because of an incorrectly chosen development strategy.
I understand that you want to make this project more than just a porn game. However, at the initial stage, it will be difficult. Your project will only be truly appreciated when it is fully completed. And now you need to receive financial support from your fans. No matter how noble your goal is, there is no denying the fact that it requires money. Very few people are willing to spend their time and energy on a project for free. In addition, finances will help in its further development.
I sincerely hope that everything works out for you. Don't take my words as criticism - I'm just worried that things might not go as planned.
This is not criticism — I really like your project, but I'm concerned that you might close it due to lack of funding. The problem is that your colleagues, who are working on similar projects, have everything running much more smoothly and successfully because they maintain a balance between the porn content, storyline, and gameplay, which is very important.
Once again, I want to emphasize that I have no intention of criticizing your project. I really like what you're doing — it's really cool, and I wish you nothing but success. But at the moment, from my observations, things are not developing as well as they could. A project with such great potential has surprisingly weak audience feedback, for example, on F95Zone. Take a look at projects like Demon Deals, Daily Lives of My Countryside, Warlock and Boobs, and Summertime Saga — they have a well-balanced combination of porn content, storyline, and gameplay.
I'm not saying your project is bad — on the contrary, I really like the image quality and your approach to work. It's truly incredible and deserves praise. But I fear the project may be closed, like many other promising developments. I've seen projects on this forum shut down due to poorly chosen development strategies.
I understand that you want to make something bigger than just a porn game out of this project. However, in the beginning, this will be difficult. Your project will only be truly appreciated when it is completed in full. Right now, you need to get financial support from your fans. No matter how noble your goal is, it's impossible to deny that money is needed to achieve it. Very few people are willing to spend their time and effort on a project for free. Moreover, finances will help in its further development.
I sincerely hope that everything works out for you. Please don't take my words as criticism - I'm just concerned that things might not go as planned.