Okay, finally preparing to make that leap of faith here...
Question, if I am going from the totally vanilla retail 1.0.0 version (+ preorder bonus)... All I need is "r1.3 full" correct? This patches and updates everything to current no?
I am just curious and will back up everything of course... but, I would like to see how much improvement in gameplay and bugfixes there are from the initial launch version I have been using...
Not to mention, it's likely getting to a point now that most people are using this (I noticed in various Japanese and Chinese forums that are discussing the game, we have the latest mods and patches here), and my mods would be meaningless if I finished them up now without the updates, because they would likely conflict and crash clients. I also made a CheatEngine script to allow you to freely mod each girl's stats (the main 8 in the status cards) on the fly (just Alt+Tab or put in windowed mode and change her Humanity to 0-9999 or make that vigilance 0, then tab back in, swap off her card a second, then back and viola, whatever number you entered is the new amount, stays and saves clean) without any hangups or issues, however it is only going to work on v1.0.0 presently...
I was doing this with various things to test and will have the ability to swap out pretty much any editable stat. When I was done testing and modding I figured I would go ahead and just drop it all together in a mod pack. Also looking into making a working male uncensor, an updated shader pack, tweaking down all the particle effects to simpler billboards (like the campfire, because the sparkles and stars seem to be 3D emitter objects, also maybe enable a menu/console to switch on/off things like god rays and such, simplify distant water, etc), cutting down the 300m view distance to maybe 1/2 or so (who really wants/needs to see the ruins base from the roof of the beach base?), also trying to add a distance culling script to unload 3D objects and shaders that exist a short distance outside of what the camera sees so you aren't rendering the whole world even when you are not looking in that direction (which is exactly what you are doing now, look at the ground, then run around, normal fps, then pull the map, look in the direction where more than one girl will fall into the cone, now try to look up straight quickly, lag spike? Yeah, you are loading them in the camera cone all the way across the island, even when you cannot possibly see them). This should reduce load times and increase fps dramatically, although you'll probably still get low spikes when multiple girls run up on you. Also, I want to see what voided post processing is being used because they are utilizing multiple post processing plugins as well as Unity's base post processing plugin. Ergo, you probably aren't even seeing half of what you are paying for in the data stream.
Not to mention I'm about 85% certain that I can mod in additional girls, probably have two mods for that, one that is progression sensitive (waiting until the secret base capsule is opened) and the other will be a free for all at the first stasis-capsule, I will just stop the game from flagging and unloading the add girl option at the first terminal. I will need to set scripted limit to the final number because each girl needs to receive a unique ID. I doubt most will be able to handle 9 girls but I was thinking to cap it at 30 to make it Artifical Academy Island or something... LOL! Yet there is a separate script entry for each girl, so I have to duplicate that then add a new number to the internal ID. So I need to choose how many will be the max as there was no original intention to add unlimited girls, although they did leave some script overrides in to add more... I think more will be arriving in the near future... which may break my mods... Staying hopeful for now...
Sorry, kind of ranted on there...