No, there's still regular translation mistakes, which is noted in the reviews as the most striking problem for an otherwise very good game. Dev is Russian, and while I hope at some point he'll go through fixing the english mistakes with someone's help, it's a bit annoying that they're not being corrected even after several updates.English (translation) is very poor, grammar and spelling mistakes all over the place always really breaks my immersion. Does this get better in later chapters?
The tutor elf feet is suuuuper early in the game, so yeah, I'd say it get better. I didn't feel the scenes were really 'shoehorned' but I see what you mean: at that point in the game the sex scene have no plot significance/intertwining and thus come in-universe from the MC being kind of an aimless hedonist manchild (and out-universe, from the dev's need to give sex scenes in a sex game). It get much better later in that regard, as MC get thrust into the plot. It should be noted that you can ignore such scenes if you do not feel like playing a horndog without any standards nor restraint tooSo far nearly all the sex scenes (I stopped at the "rape your sleeping elf tutors feet in her sleep") feel SUPER shoehorned in. Again, does this get better?
Honestly I think you should continue the game, just play it like you want, don't feel obligated to go for every sex scene if you don't want to play your character that way, and try to ignore/get over the spelling mistakes. The game is worth a try I'd say, and the very beginning is not where it shine the most.