
Game Developer
May 19, 2022
Lets see. RARELY a reboot or remaster of ANY adult game means something good. Normally the game is abandoned, or milked, or have almost all fetish scrapped out for only vanila stuff.

Hope this is not the case, this game was VERY promissing.
Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. But rest assured, this is a soft reboot, and the core of the game will remain the same. What I’m really focusing on is what should've been done in the 0.2 update - moving the plot forward and giving the characters the development they deserve. I had a solid idea for the story from the start, but I rushed that update and missed some key opportunities to bring it to life. Now that I’ve gained more experience during development, I believe it’s the right time to build a stronger foundation for the story while the game is still in its early stages.

For example, Cody's introduction, frankly, was lacking. He just showed up out of the blue, handed over his phone, and vanished until the USB scene. He had no real personality or meaningful introduction - he was essentially just a plot device. Similarly, Apryl's character suffered from a lack of depth. She appeared suddenly, and her interactions with the MC felt forced and out of place.

Now, I’m working hard to properly flesh out these characters, so you can build real connections with them. Every character will be woven into the plot naturally, with their own motivations and arcs, so the game feels more immersive and engaging.
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3.60 star(s) 8 Votes