
Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
You don't have a conversation bro, the invitation is made, the only comment that was skipped... Just send me private.
Why on earth would I want to send you a private message? YOU made a public thread, YOU wouldn't act like an adult and admit you are wrong and leave it there. I see no reason to take this private.

Ah, I just have to apologize for one thing.. I was wrong to think you was a fan of Lust and Passion..
You were wrong about that and everything else.

I saw your comments, you're just a doormat for the moderators and you go to every post that criticizes the forum to defend them.

one that submits without protest to abuse or indignities

First, the mods and staff don't need defending, their work and actions speak for themselves. They are doing a great job and 99% of the time when there is a "boo hoo mods r mean" thread it's proven that the OP was in the wrong.

Second, I see no reason why I as a member of the community can not join the thread discussion and point out how the story doesn't add up and how every reply ends up making less sense the the previous one. Just like this thread.

Third, the mods and staff are not perfect, they do make mistakes now and then BUT they correct them. Almost all of the whining threads are people NOT willing to take responsibility for their behavior and actions and refusing to accept the consequences that come with them and some of them are just people looking to cause trouble.

For the record, I have received a couple of warnings from the moderators and in EVERYONE of them I was 100% at fault.

I'm even more eager to "argue"... You don't know how much I love flatterers.
Let's face it, you're are shitposting. You created a thread claiming to support myster, got all the details about him wrong, you switched to it not being about myster but the staff, got all those details wrong and then switched back to myster and got the same and new details wrong, not to mention the lies you add in.

At this point you've proved you are one of the 99% and that you just can't be taken seriously.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
You're right, You wouldn't need it... Your shiny medal guarantees that... Ah!
:FacePalm: Oh god...

Here you are, pretending that the adult gaming community owe everything to MysterTheMan, and not only, as I demonstrated, you know absolutely nothing about the adult gaming scene, but you also clearly know nothing about the community itself.
You registered your first account in 2017, and your current in 2019... How can you not know ThunderBob? How can you not know that his yellow shiny badge don't prevented him to be perma ban?

Do you have a group of sycophants on discord who monitor the posts criticizing the forum or is it just you and morphnet who do this in every post?
Poor baby, if only you knew...

The whole forum is nothing more than a cover for our cult, and all the games are modified before being published here, so we can gather all the energy you release while fapping to them. And don't believe that your lover's games are banned, in fact they are just hidden from simple peoples like you. We play them during our ceremonies with the Lizard men; gigantic orgies during which we share all that precious sexual energy we gathered... They are all there with us, John John, Lady Di, Elvis, younger than ever thanks to this... Thanks to all the simple minds like you who can't contain their urge to fap, especially now that we spread powerful aphrodisiac in the water... :illuminati:

I was wrong to think you was a fan of Lust and Passion..
It's "Lesson of Passion", you fucking idiot!


Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
Also reporting the thread to be deleted because you saw what you wanted? Running away are we?


Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
he could still be telling the truth that he didnt do it. his mum could have snuck down to the basement when he was away and deleted his posts
True maybe there is an oedipus rex complex going in here.
  • Haha
Reactions: Rafster


May 11, 2017
i agree, i dont see why RetsymTheNam is locked out when theres plenty of games here that are no different and are still being updated.


Failed to make an unlimited money mod for my life
May 1, 2020
Look, if you have a problem with me, let's arrange a meeting and you can "argue".. If you're not a moderator and you're advocating someone's PERMANENT ban, what kind of guy are you?
A guy who has read rules of a forum he decided to actively participate in?

For the record, I have received a couple of warnings from the moderators and in EVERYONE of them I was 100% at fault.
You deserve another warning. You're at fault for trying to show the facts to him. :Kappa:

The whole forum is nothing more than a cover for our cult, and all the games are modified before being published here, so we can gather all the energy you release while fapping to them. And don't believe that your lover's games are banned, in fact they are just hidden from simple peoples like you. We play them during our ceremonies with the Lizard men; gigantic orgies during which we share all that precious sexual energy we gathered... They are all there with us, John John, Lady Di, Elvis, younger than ever thanks to this... Thanks to all the simple minds like you who can't contain their urge to fap, especially now that we spread powerful aphrodisiac in the water...
Don't leak all the info :WutFace: I'll have to uninvite you from next one otherwise....


Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
RETSYMTHENAM AKA Myster the Man is an OG, but he didn't finish his old games while the games made by his current alias are trashy cash grabs. Could have made something of himself at his corner of the net but failed.

Disappointments and milking has become too common these days.


New Member
Feb 11, 2023
How can I get the cctv ussr game full version? Without paying? Any ideas?
Since I'm pretty silent member of f95 and that could be suspicious I decided to avoid loading any modding tool and just leave here the way to cook that author's games by you own. The method works because author not cuts his content in free versions and just relies on code:
0a. Download free version
0b. Download (
0c. In dnSpy: click in the top left corner: File -> Open -> *Game_Directory*/*GAME_NAME*_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
(Next steps you can also see in the attached screenshot)
1. In the left side of the window now appeared a foldable tree named "Assembly-CSharp". Click on "Assembly-CSharp" > "Assembly-CSharp.dll" > "{} -" > "FreeVersionEntity"
2. On the right you can see now opened text editor. Press right mouse button on the line with text "private void Start()" and select option "Edit Method (C#)..."
3. Replace appeared text by next:
private void Start()


        CORE.Instance.FreeVersion = false; //just add this line

        if (!CORE.Instance.FreeVersion)




4. Press on the "Compile" button
5. Press on the floppy disk button in the toolbar (top side of the main window)
6. Your version is unlocked now. Congratulations, you little mother hacker.
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Reactions: NoName12234


New Member
Jan 14, 2023
Since I'm pretty silent member of f95 and that could be suspicious I decided to avoid loading any modding tool and just leave here the way to cook that author's games by you own. The method works because author not cuts his content in free versions and just relies on code:
0a. Download free version
0b. Download (
0c. In dnSpy: click in the top left corner: File -> Open -> *Game_Directory*/*GAME_NAME*_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
(Next steps you can also see in the attached screenshot)
1. In the left side of the window now appeared a foldable tree named "Assembly-CSharp". Click on "Assembly-CSharp" > "Assembly-CSharp.dll" > "{} -" > "FreeVersionEntity"
2. On the right you can see now opened text editor. Press right mouse button on the line with text "private void Start()" and select option "Edit Method (C#)..."
3. Replace appeared text by next:
private void Start()


        CORE.Instance.FreeVersion = false; //just add this line

        if (!CORE.Instance.FreeVersion)




4. Press on the "Compile" button
5. Press on the floppy disk button in the toolbar (top side of the main window)
6. Your version is unlocked now. Congratulations, you little mother hacker.