Alright, game's fairly okay, but it sure does need work.
These hoes staying too damn long in these windows, bruh.
Am I supposed to do something, aside from closing the door to make them go away?
Also, 2 in 1 window?
Pretty sure their models were clipping.
Didn't get to any of the scenes yet, working on it right now.
Fairly decent, no real plot, or tutorial, though.
Just yet, anyway, heh.
Keep at it, dev.
Also the way the ambience SFX just cut off and come back on after some time, damn.
Loop's too short, or not looped properly, heh.
Also, ain't a damn thing in the vents.
Anyway, just so this isn't some sort of hate party.
I do actually like the game, models are
Plenty of potential and a niche game type.
Which I wish wasn't niche, 'cause the format is fun.
Such vast potential.
Only games we got are what, FKNAF and FNIA, which isn't even a real h-game.
Also, like the original FNAF, I think the girls should be added night by night.
There's also little variety in the nights, all seem to have the same difficulty.
Also, I think there could be some bamboozling done with the cleaning bot tail.
Like have a girl wave it, or just have a very similar one, which you couldn't distinguish at first glance from the real one.
Probably talking so much, because I don't want this game to die, heh.
We finally get this format, gotta finish it.
More edits to come, probably.
Forgot to mention, the mouse isn't forced to stay in-game, so when I look to the right, my mouse goes to the monitor.
Shit sucks, heh.