Few things changed, few things need to be changed.
Security Room:
- Ari blocking your opened door or opening your closed door isn't a pure asshole move. Your sanity goes down slower and if a girl is at the window and attacks while she's there they reset. Still able to get you shortly after she leaves so spam that door button. Good!
- Sammy "sitting on your lap" is still major bs and will almost always happen on later nights if someone is at your window even when doors are closed. At the very least don't make it so that players can't close the doors until she completely leaves. It's bad enough you can be caught while she there but that long as hell delay between you successfully shake her off and her leaving is just awful. Still Bad!
- Nile destroying camera when you change camera on her now is a bit more forgiving. If you accidently change cameras quickly, she won't destroy the camera if you go back to her. Also, she won't destroy the camera if you do the mini-games on the same map as her. Good!
- Last night's RNG hell is still utter bullshit. Either nothing happens and you can watch the camera on Saya or everything happens at once and you'll lose. If you have bad luck, you're going to have a bad time still.
- Videos are gone (kinda) but in their place are poker chips. And they work pretty much the same, every night a random amount from 0 and up will spawn in the spawn locations. Pick them up and then successfully complete the night.
- Return of the gacha. Use poker chips (10 per pull or 10 pulls for 100) to get dating gifts, videos for gallery or maybe plushie too? I haven't gotten a plushie besides Sammy.
- Each girl has a unlock condition for Dating. To my knowledge, once you unlock one this mode is unlocked.
- Plays out SORTA like the spin-off VN with some major differences. It's mostly one-on-one, the girls (story-wise) chose you for the date, and you use the gifts won from the gacha during the date.
- From what I can see, each girl has 3 items they like. Some are more obvious than others.
- Limited voice acting, which is pretty cool.
- Personally like the situation and writing (Except the MC's dialog. It's REALLY cringe worthy.....) better in this compared to the spin-off, but the art style was better. The in-game models used don't display emotions as well.
Night Club:
- Pretty much the same. Have the girls use the dancer pole to slow down the customers patience lost.
- Poker chips randomly show up here too.