- Mar 14, 2018
- 544
- 184
I hope in the next update he will add more ntr ans share content
found it thanksThe mod does not have a thanks screen so I am not sure what exactly you are seeing. maybe something from the game itself? Try pressing the “g” key in-game and see if the mod pops up.
1st Anniversary
Hey folks ! Perkel here.
edit: Everything you are about to read is written directly by me and for this post I did not want to use proofreading software etc. This is raw me speaking directly to you in my non native language.
On 22nd of February 2024 I released 0.39 version of the game. Which means It is exactly one year anniversary. I wanted to make this post yesterday but I was too tired from working all day in my job and finishing v0.73 patch after it.
0.73 releasing on 22nd was my sort of present to you guys as I wanted to release it on anniversary rather than a week later at the end of the monthI pulled some extra nights in order to do that but the end effect was worth it.
I come from it/business and keeping track of progress is very important to myself to set realistic goals. Seeing your own performance is crucial to understanding your own limits too. So we need a sum up for a whole year.
How's v0.73 compares to initial v0.39 version ? :
✅ 2h -> 7,2h Gametime
✅ 20 -> 93 Events [+73]
✅ 2,500 -> 26,858 Lines of text [+23,858]
✅ 294 -> 3185 Images [+2891]
✅ 6 -> 196 Animations [+190]
Updates: roughly every 2 weeks and 2 days.
The "Lines of text" is a bit nebulous so I usedYou must be registered to see the linksthat counts stuff and dropped my txt with dialogues giving me those stats:
121,484 Words
668,025 Characters
10,967 Sentences
7h22m Read Time
Just to compare it to something Fellowship of Ring by Tolkien is 160,000 words long... Kind of nuts I wrote all of that in a year. Obviously I am amateur writer but still... And this doesn't include scripting work as sometimes you need 2-3 lines per dialogue line to show images, play music etc.
Moving on some stats about you guys instead
Overall stats across Patreon and Subscribestar:
712 - People who supported me directly (both single time and long term)
1530 - People who followed my project (both current and who left)
Top 5 oldest members who still support me every month:
Ricky Johansen (Feb 23, 2024)
Silentbob (Mar 8, 2024)
jorgi (Mar 12, 2024)
Litos Mendes (Mar 21, 2024)
BeastMaster (May 1, 2024)
To you guys I am immensely thankful. You don't know how much it matters to see first people to pop up and spend their hard earned money on something you make even more when you are the first ones that got here and you are still there
Top 5 biggest supporters:
$135 Swen222
$133 Flamedemon
$130 재경 허
$77 Morte Jackson
$71 ashish gupta
To you guys I am humbled by your support. I know all too well just how expensive $60 game can be when you try to get what you like and realize that you need to pick and choose. In sea of new games both erotic and normal it takes special someone to show support and do it consistently in big way each month.
In Her Service 1.0
I started to develop IHS back in 2023. Now that's 2025 here is updated roadmap:
✅ 0.39 - initial release (2023 - 2024-02-28)
✅ 0.4x - mistake arc (2024-03-08)
✅ 0.5x - calm arc (2024-04-30)
✅ 0.6x - the message arc (2024-08-06)
⏰ 0.7x - the general arc (2024-12-06)
❌ 0.8x - unannounced arc (2025 april)
❌ 0.9x - endings (2025 july - end of 2025)
❌ BETA - reworks: music/sound/ui/prologue (end of 2025)
❌ 1.0 - final game (end of 2025) (pro eng proofreading)
From original prediction back in 2023 which was 1.0 in the summer of 2025 we are only half a year delayed. Considering how hard is to predict anything I think I was able to more or less predict well enough.
Some of you know I also have aspirational goals and a bit more to IHS than 1.0:
❌ 1.1 - scenes expansion
❌ 1.2 - new mini arc
❌ 2.0 - enchanted edition
Enchanted Edition is aspirational version of game provided I will get enough support from you guys. It would include:
✅ Voice actresses for Sylvia, Talia, Iris and Fiona
✅ Professional translation into FR/ITA/GER/SPA/POR/CHN/JAP/RUS
✅ original music for the game
✅ tighten up / reworked some of scenes for better quality
I especially want to hear Sylvia and Mistress. While in general western erotic games don't have voices for characters I am avid fan of japanese erotic games and good voice acting can make poor game into amazing game overnight. Especially erotic game. I am super fan ofYou must be registered to see the linksandYou must be registered to see the linksgames and actresses there elevated those games for me to 11/10. Obviously I don't want bad voice acting so whatever it will be done will rely on chance after I pull enough money.
Everything after 1.0 will be developed as side project to my other game I will be developing. I know that some of people would love to stay with characters for longer and me too would love to spend more time with Sylvia and Mistress but in order to make something good you also need to say stop somewhere otherwise it will live past its greatness and mire itself in mediocrity. Who never watched a show that had amazing first season that wrapped everything perfectly with a bow tie and then you watch second and ask yourself "why ?".
The other important aspect is to finally give something finished to people. I don't know about you but I love to read something from start to finish and have memories of it rather than constant 2 weeks/ 1month/ 3 month update where i have to remember things, things change, plots go nowhere etc. and that's assuming it is good in the first place.
Once something is released it is not the end of things. It is the beginning as it starts to live on its own through our culture. With people being able to finally talk about it and compare their experiences to final product and not some 0.1 or 0.5 trying to come with shared memory of vastly different experiences.
Next game
The next game ? Yup. I have in design total of 3 games. One of which is what you are playing now. So let me share some news about my 2 future projects. Mind you that those are designs that are yet to be confirmed 100% so plans might change.
Genre : Erotic Visual Novel
Type : Vanilla
Length : Around 2 hours (half a year project)
Other : Single Path, Low Replayability
Themes : Fun, Comedy
Premise : TBA
Pre-Production roadmap: (2023-2026)
✅ planning (2023)
✅ design (2023-2024)
✅ engines testing (2023)
⏰ rough story (2024-2025)
❌ technology research (early 2026)
❌ character design (early 2026)
❌ assets (early 2026)
❌ licensing (early 2026)
Production: (2026)
❌ 0.2 - initial release (2026 march)
❌ 0.5 - 1st part (2026 April)
❌ 0.7 - 2nd part (2026 May)
❌ 0.9 - 3rd part (2026 June)
❌ 1.0 - final game (2026 Summer)
PROJECT ORANGE was born because I needed a way to asses my ability to make PROJECT RED. So with this project I will be reworking my workflow, upgrading my tools, testing limits of my capability when it comes to graphics, writing etc. PROJECT RED is a game I actually tried to make before IHS but i quickly realized I was too green to make it and at the rate I was going it would take me decade+ if not infinite amount of time. Moreover the quality of it would be shit. So I had to redo my plans and that is how In Her Service was born. PROJECT ORANGE idea of a short term project then grew into me trying to go at comedy aspect of writing. As you play IHS you might spot here and there fun parts like with Iris and Sylvia and this project will be more focused on such gags etc. than sensual atmosphere you know me for. I am directly inspired byYou must be registered to see the linksso that's the kind of vibe I will try to go for.
The other reason is that I need to recharge my batteries for sensual themes for PROJECT RED which will delve back into those themes... So let's talk about it.
Genre : Erotic Visual Novel / Game
Type : Swinging/Netorare
Length : Around 6 hours (multiple years project)
Other : Dozen of characters, limited gameplay, highly replayable
Premise : TBA
Pre-production: (2023-2029)
✅ planning (2023)
✅ design (2023-2024)
⏰ rough story (2024-2025)
⏰ engines testing (2023)
❌ technology research (2024-2026)
❌ character design (2026)
❌ assets (2026)
❌ licensing (2026)
❌ complete story event/write (2026)
Production: (2026-2029)
❌ 0.1x - prologue (2026)
❌ 0.2x - gathering "Dusk" (2026)
❌ 0.3x - break (2027)
❌ 0.4x - gathering "Midnight" (2027)
❌ 0.5x - break (2027)
❌ 0.6x - gathering "Dawn" (2027)
❌ 0.7x - break (2028)
❌ 0.8x - gathering "New Moon" (2028)
❌ 0.9x - endings (2028)
❌ 0.98 - alternate pov (2029)
❌ 1.0 - final game (2029)
The inspiration for PROJECT RED was originallyYou must be registered to see the linksthat gave me the idea for mysticism aspect of it (i didn't like sadomaso and scat though ehh...), as you might notice it has "GAME" in it aside from being just visual novel because it will be structured like a game. It's hard to talk about it without spoiling much but game will have sort of gameplay and depending on that gameplay aspect different events will be firing up. Much like In Her Service though it won't be sandbox game as time will move on regardless and if you choose one thing it means other things won't happen. I designed it way back to be highly replayable and whole game on one sitting shouldn't be longer than 2 hours. Players will be incentivized to replay it a lot but not grind or anything like that. Think of it more like multilayered visual novel that needs multiple playtroughs to get to the bottom of story.
Content wise it will go much more than IHS into debauchery aspect of swinging/ntr and it is designed in such a way that adding new characters will be fairly easy thing. So initial version of game might start with say 8 characters but 1.0 might go much higher.
Thank you
Once again thank you everyone for your support. If not for you, my path as in game dev wouldn't be possible.
Comment here what you think and let me feel your feedback
how do you get the hug scene. im on cheating route but couldnt get it. Guide says there's an important choice in ep 54 but what is it
"Hug her tightly." if e054_importantscene == True:
$ e085_taliabecomeslover = True
if e025_heardstory and e037_iloveyou: # if jack heard her story ✅ SCENES DONE
#✅ checked !::
$ e054_importantscene = True
"I'm interested in you.":
$ e037_iloveyou = True
if e021_sylviasaw == False:
if e024_aftersex == False:
$ e025_heardstory = True
if e021_responded == True and e010_heritage == True:
$ e024_aftersex = True
if e013_sylvialied == True:
$ e021_sylviasaw = True
if e019_beautiful == True:
show talia flirty
if e021_responded == True:
play music "music/theme of sadness.mp3" fadein 3.0
$ e010_heritage = True
This "universal gallery unlocker" works for approximately 90% of the RenPy games on which I try it:Is there a gallery unlocker available?
Same here
The player controls what kind of person Jack is through our choices. If you make the choice for Jack to accept the offer you are choosing the path in which Jack is seduced by Fiona and by the promise of a shorter time in slavery. You are choosing a Jack that is selfish and controlled by his lust.Forcing the decision before we can solicit Sylvia's opinion make's the all the drama feel artificial.![]()
Most likely because Fiona doesn't want to purchase them. She wants Jack on his own. Jack basically told her he's staying because of Sylvia and Fiona's first reaction wasn't to offer to buy them as a family unit. Instead she proposed to do something that will break Jack's love for Sylvia. Fiona wants Jack without his attachments to other women.Couldn't Fiona just hire a new servant for Talia and pay Henry some sort of headhunter fee? Or is she specifically looking to eliminate a potential rival - without having to admit (to herself and/or the MC) that's what she's doing?
This is God's work thank youwith 0.80 update around april i will be introducing flow chart into the game so it will be a lot easier to see how to get certain events and you will be able to see what you need in order to fire up event.
I base it on Kabe2 flowchart with some improvements.
View attachment 4582323
After you do that you will have option to hug her and become lover.
- Don't lie to Sylvia
- "Respond" to mistress kiss
- "Go to kitchen." instead of visit mistress.
- "Eavesdrop" on talk between Sylvia and Henry.
- "I'm interested in you." on couch
- "Look at them."
- "Mistress is alluring."
- "Visit her."