Yeah, the addition of planned Swinging the first thread update, plus the dev's progression of contradicting his previous statements, makes this one extremely dubious.
15 Days Ago:
4 Days Ago:
1 Day Ago:
Since the rest of the dev's games are all NTR games, it's pretty clear that NTR makes the dev horny.
With the repeated walking back of his original statement, I no longer have any reason to trust this dev.
Overall, the above all makes it sound a lot like the initial "there won't be NTR!" comment might have been a bait-and-switch to try to pull harem fans into a game that ends up being an NTR game, which is pretty shitty.
Lastly, on a technical note, for me personally, the game's immediate sharp branching and the strict sandbox-like health/money/cool stats/currencies (which severely restrict what you can do) make the game actively unpleasant to play.
Yup, that replacement pill of "Do a 180" for the old "Do a 540" works way faster, eh?

The old ones usually took 2-3 months at minimum to kick in.

Slippery slope Skipper. Slippery slope. Also a sure-fire way to toss any trust in future projects over the cliff's edge, and onto the jagged rocks far below. Not to forget the whole "completely impromptu writing"(.

.), or in other words; "by the seat of my pants, without a proper direction, plot or outline with an endpoint" writing, which by itself, in my opinion, is bad. Really fucking bad.

More or less translates to "SIKE! Get shit on, scrubs! I actually don't know what kinda game I'm making. I just used the tags that are popular! Tehe!

" now, and in the future, "I got horny, so I decided to add stuff I promised not to, cause fuck promises, amirite?

Edit: Forgot about that "I do not view/treat my game as a product" spiel too. Why the fuck is it(a product that is) on Patreon then? A place to crowdfund products, if you do not treat this as a product

Sure, you want to share it, and it's not paywalled, but god damn, it's a bit contradictory to get monetization on work-in-progress updates(a digital product) on something not deemed a product.
Last edit: Wrote 720 instead of 540, that's one rotation too much;P Also;typo