
New Member
Aug 31, 2020
#1. I was just pointing out that it could be triggered fairly early, easily within 2 weeks if you didn't understand the mechanics at all. Also, it's the first interaction of this type in the game.

#2. I didn't mean the relationship between the two of them, I meant more the dynamic between the husband and wife and her treatment of the situation. She is very nonchalant about the whole thing, I could see that night with being drunk and all, but even the next morning there's no regret or concern with how the husband feels about it or if he is actually okay with it and how it will effect the relationship. Just because he says he is doesn't mean he is after actually seeing it. It just sort've got glossed over. As a side note, the reason I mentioned not giving the player a chance to choose how they felt about the situation seems more relevant if you chose to peek on them. I get that that seems to be the trigger for if you wanna be cucked or not but if you clicked it to see all the content or if you were curious to see how far it would go, It seems the game assumes you like being cucked and you get locked into for the entire week with no way out. Combine that with how casual the wife is about the whole thing, it seems especially out of place on the open relationship route where you most likely wouldn't want to be cucked.
#2-2?. lol I was definitely talking about Brian on the swinger path and not the couple. I just tested it again and she will definitely have sex with him on that path. That's a bug? On the cuck and open paths I get the Brian sex no matter what, so if you are saying it due to a choice, it must've been something I missed earlier than the save I was testing from which was made during the talk about what path to take. If so my mistake. Tbf though, I did miss the near naked or naked choice.

#3. That's actually interesting that all those other actions actually figure in, I knew it affected her overall happiness so to speak but I didn't realize it went that deep. I did notice for example with the tv sex scene with satisfaction being below a certain point. I am still really certain of the point of seducing the wife in the bedroom though because it really does seem pointless since it doesn't drop her arousal enough (not being a real sex scene). One of the big things I meant with my statement about her not seeming to give a shit about the husband is even with high stats (meaning talking to her every day and taking her out) you still get stuff "I guess maybe she's not so interested in what I did today." when you tell her about your day.

#4. Actually my main reason for pointing this out is I was genuinely curious what the stat is going to be for considering it's already happening without grinding the stat. But yeah, I already knew all of that and saw where you said new stuff was coming I just thought I'd mention that I do see how it could come off that way to someone.

But I appreciate you clarifying a lot of this stuff. I will make a disclaimer that I didn't actually peek at the variables for all the scene triggers because is didn't wanna spoil everything, once you look under the hood and know the exact variables it's too easy to cheat the system so to speak.
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Feb 6, 2023
2. Brian is not an LI at all unless on the open or cuck paths. The wife shouldn't even cheat with him, though I think someone reported a bug where the path jumps sometimes (I need to find and fix that). It's choice-based, not stat-based. When the couple chooses the swinger/wife-swap path, meeting the other couple is not stat-based, it's the only option.
i have mentioned the path sometimes will jump
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