HTML - Completed - Incubus City [v1.15.0] [Wape]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Impressive and endless fun. So many different scenarios to play through and just enough story to play with on top of the salacious images and gifs. You'll get your guilty kinks full-filled in this game and so much more.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucked up in all the right ways. Rape, murder, enslavement and mind control. Just a "family-friendly" CYOA. :)
    Since each play-through is relatively short due to the in-game limit of actions per day, and days per "hunt", a play-through rarely overstays its welcome.
    They're almost always fun and wild, so the grind for every start and ending doesn't feel like a drag. Highly recommended for some fast fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The developer (Wape) has demonstrated they are capable of creating consistent and quality content with Incubus City. There were no long delays between updates, which added an acceptable amount of content every time, and they were properly coded and displayed.

    I believe using HTML can restrict games sometimes, but that wasn't the case with this one, where you are meant to play it over and over again. The game is seemingly simple on it's face, but there is an intricate story line as you being to unlock new scenarios as well as variations to old ones through new game+.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing what can accomplished with pure imagination and originality. No drawing skills, not a kick ass graphics rig or DAZ3d knowledge, no python or unity expertise, just sheer originality. Well done.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    i really enjoy this game it is well made and satisfies all type of kinks that people may have. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but besides that fact it is put together beautifully from the writing to the multiple endings and starts that you can have and your actions have effects on you. I honestly can't wait for the second one to come the only problems i can say i have with the game is i wish to be able to customize the main character race and what not but that's not a big problem or off putting. The second problem which is silly but i can't get the damn beginning Daddy's girl lmao I've done all that i can to get it but have yet to unlock it ( i have looked up how to unlock it but still no success) other then that keep up the amazing work.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is deceiving. What looks like rape power fantasy is a well-designed game with hours of gameplay.
    The thing is, you don't have to be a rape fan to enjoy it. It's just that this game doesn't limit your characters, and he is free to do whatever he wants - seduce or rape, bring joy or pain, marry or break families.
    The real pics used in-game is usually a no-go for me, but here it's actually good placed - and if any, you can switch images off or use hentai mod.
    The main feature that makes the game so interesting is a variety of endings and related starting backgrounds. Many of them change the game significantly your next walkthrough, making possible another set of endings, and so on. This system is great and I recommend you check it out just for this.
    It also makes you think after the game. The protag represents the extreme level of woman objectification, he is a non-human predator for pussy. And this is quite sobering as you don't have to be one.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like rape, this is your stuff.


    - Clean UI
    - Well written story, short and to the point, does one thing and does it well
    - Actually completed story
    - Great variety of choices
    - Rape, mind control, male dom


    - not much
    - rape, maybe?

    Overall Verdict:

    A short play for a good fap.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a fan of real porn in this game, but still give 5 stars due to the game design concept, right to my taste.
    - Quick and clear: each run takes ~10 minutes on average.
    - An impressive variety of branchings based on your stats and choices
    - New Game+ system: you unlock new start conditions as you achieve new endings, which leads to great replayability: you make use of your new start condition and explore different possibilities of the same encounters.
    - Progression of each mini-story pretty well written, characters vivid, branchings elaborated. You decide who you are: you can be brutal and rapey, or polite and/or seductive. And you may try all these in different runs without feeling grindy and tiresome due to how short each run can be.
    It's actually an...OPENWORLD RPG. Strongly recommended if you like to explore how different choices and stats affect the story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Just my kink! Based on v1.9.7:

    First off, if you think games should be politically correct , not you're game, plant a tree or hug a kitten.
    Great amount of content, multiple endings that can influence your next play.
    My only critique, is more of an observation that it's not complete yet: placeholder poor quality clips on all of the random ho's.

    What you get:
    the ability to be as brutal, rapey. murderous as you want. Or to be sensitive & nice as you spread your seed & knock up all the girls.

    What you don't get:
    Judgement (unless you change the terms the game uses for race, then *beepboop ... you're a racist* which had me in stitches.

    EZ to edit money & days via saveditonline. (i imgine I could alter the source code, but I'm content for now.) I've been playng for like 15 playthrus & they're all different. Shit, I got a Superhero ending & banged the mayor at her press conference. Now I can start the game as a superhero, just toooons of content. Writing is perfect for the atmosphere. So glad this is my first try at this game, it's nearly complete as is. Totally playable, totally awesome.

    Added bonus you ask? Dev is cool as fuck, not schilling Patreon yet, open to modders, just old school
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great casual game for anyone who likes real porn. Not recommended for anyone who dislikes rape though. One playthrough is only about 20 minutes and i have seen games with more content, but here it is arranged in a clever way, therefore it is fun to play it over and over again.
    For long term motivation you got different endings and collectable tokens. Even though the scenes will repeat a lot with each playthrough, i discovered new scenes/events even after 100+ playthroughs.
    In my opinion one of the best HTML porn games out there.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    So it sounded like it'd be great ... but it's got basically no exposition, just choose a place, go fuck someone, repeat ... plus the use of these sorta porn gifs throughout is really immersion breaking and stuff ... was rather a let down.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Top tier html-based game, with surprising depth and complexity beyond what you would imagine from playing it for the first time. High replay value and very engaged developer makes for perhaps the best html-game I've played on F95
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    27 different endings, many let you restart with power ups or items to help you out, incredible writing, UNBELIEVABLE attention to detail as every event can be done is SO MANY different ways depending of powers or items or kind of power ups form the restarts ( a single play lasts maybe 40 minutes but if you manege to become STRONG can last much more with as much content ).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It’s a game that helps you drain your snake like no other. Good writing for each scenario and interesting outcomes. Not many games where you can be an evil rapist bastard and impregnating being the main focus is great. Good enough to get me going 8 times a day.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a deliciously dark game for those that enjoy rape games.

    Personally I don't like overly brutal rape that really details trauma in a way that makes me imagine it too vividly, but this game does not do that.
    It has just enough detail to be hot, without over doing it.

    It has a surprising amount of content with the replay of it as well.

    I gave up trying to 100% it, but I did get a fair amount of it done.

    I'd say my favorites would have the be the sisters and the babysitter.
    And maybe the cheating husbands girlfriend. >:3
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Not poorly done for what it is, but what it is is not much. Click on woman in list, fuck/impregnate woman, click on next woman, fuck/impregnate woman, repeat. If all you want is repetitive sex/rape scenarios, I guess you'd like this. I like a bit more story.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly degenerative game one of the first I ever played. It is fantastic with lots of rapey scenes. Lots of endings. You can most of the time, do whatever you want. Bad things honestly the number of turns per story and even though there is a wiki knowing where to go can be a little problematic. All in all though the good vs the bad good still wins so i give you 5 stars
    Likes: Wape
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The content in this game is great in terms of subject matter. Kudos to the developer to have the stones to present this kind of fantasy. But the game is excessively repetitive in order to get any of the items or powers that make it interesting. You can play it through in 20 minutes. Then it's "Play again?" So you go through the same scenes over and over when it seems as though finishing with one victim should open paths to others in the next "season" and leave the conquered behind. The images are ok for real porn but nothing spectacular. The writing is good but overall the experience that is fun is over too soon and it begins to feel grindy.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Beast game with tons of endings lots of scenarios. You play as a straight guy (that's a rare thing with most text games lately) without all that transforming, herms, homos, etc. I don't want to spoil too much but the unlockable starting bonus add a unique flavor to each play through and tons of hidden things that can be difficult to unlock but worth the effort.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really rounded out and has a lot of fun scenarios. The progression system could use more development but right now it's probably one of the best games on this site.

    I'd love if the new game+ options had a bit more personality to them, like more unique options depending on your start, but I can tell the game has been heading in that direction anyway.