HTML - Completed - Incubus City [v1.15.0] [Wape]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellently written, excellently constructed, and features some truly excellent uses of lurid gifs and images! The game has an immense amount of replay value without getting bogged down in the grind that plagues many other games. The gold standard for HTML games.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty "meh" as for game, and pretty good as porn/html game. 6.5/10 for me. I feel that game after a certain point if you understand it gets super eazy, like you have "utopia" ending that needs like 15 impregs, i got it on basic beging or LBS, the hardest is possibly dystopia, but not with caged beast begining. To be honest i feel that beginigs are not much impactfull to be hones, and i whoud acualy like to see more in deph endings, like for example i started as cult owner, ended marrying Cindy, what happend to other girls in my harem? What happent to those that my character raped ? So many questions so little answers, to me there are a lot to much beginings, most of them add maybe like one beginings scene and 1S 1I or some item like lockpick/wade number. With only LBS you can have lockpick, wade number and drugs and even own harem/brother/sex slaves, more acual interactions with girls especialy those in harem/brother etc whoud be nice, pornography in my opinion in joke mechanic. But overall good writing, sadly some sex scenes are also pretty much "meh", girls are also not bad, and maybe idea was to make them look generic as possible, but ive seen hoter onces, or gifs where mostly "meh" quality.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Smartly designed game that avoids the typical pitfalls (boring grind or shoddy minigames). Because there is constant decision-making it always feels like a game and not a VN. Efficient use of content makes the game feel surprisingly large.

    Of course you have to like this violent sadistic stuff (which I do).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Just appealing to every degenerate fantasy I have that can be legally made with real women, big thumbs up. A little bit of power fantasy, rape, mind control and slaves. Also the amount of content is pretty damn good and I was fully engaged with this for hours
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Takoto Ama

    Quick review:

    I love games that put you in the driver's seat as a rapey male dom, I love the night prowler theme, and real porn games are nice when they're pulled off well. And you know what, the whole groundhog week thing is pretty cool. For all the rough edges this game has, I really enjoyed my time with this game. Wape's on my radar now.
  6. M
    5.00 star(s)


    Possibly the best HTML game on the site right now. Very replayable, goes to show the importance of good game design. Many choices for branching paths and fetishes. Read the walkthrough if stuck.

    Great work, wape.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the best games I've played due to how many options there are. I didn't know there were cheats nor did I care which is rare, though this is HTML so I know how to cheat without the dev's help.

    Slightly modiying my review. Score is 100% the same because in the year and 3 days that it has been since I posted this, the game has expanded and gained more depth than it had before. Sure in older versions prior actions could affect future playthoughs but now you can start with a wife and kids or own a brothel, slaves or manage "e-celebs"/camwhores based on what you've done in the past.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure what to say more than my fellow comrades, I LOVE this game. I guess the only way you could make this game even better would be to add more content.. cause everything is great. God I love it. Thanks a lot Mr. Wape.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Taboo Lord

    This game was fun and I loved how raw it was. The animations were great and the amount of different ways you can play the game is what makes it so much fun. Some people might say there's a lot of grind to the game since not every possible ending is obvious, but trying to figure out the other fun endings or different scenarios is more than half the fun! I hope there are either more updates to this game or a new version similar to it
    Likes: Wape
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of quality writing, images, story branches, and thoughtfully-implemented game systems. And critically for games that have a multitude of endings to find, playthroughs are pretty breezy, especially as you unlock the various quality-of-life shortcuts after the first handful of playthroughs.
    Likes: Wape
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're a fan of these genres the game is a must-play! The first three playthroughs may be a bit repetitive but then NG+ comes into play and quite nicely changes the gameplay.

    It's not super wrong, each game might last 10 - 30 minutes depending how fast you read the scenes but it's very very satisfying to try and get all the endings. It can get a bit confusing at the times but I'd recommend using the map included in the GUIDE.

    You can pretty much take any path here, seduce your way to the end or never take "No" for an answer. Looking forward to new versions.
    Likes: Wape
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Landladies & Tenants

    This is a fine game in general, and an excellent one for those who share the tagged fetishes. The writing is very good and definitely a highlight of this game. It's dark without taking itself overly seriously, and brings balance to the game even as the MC is doing truly awful stuff. The scenarios are diverse enough to keep your interest through most of the playthroughs.

    The game uses pics of popular porn stars from the late 2000s/early 2010s, using images of pregnant ladies when possible and other times using "pregified" porn stars via Photoshop. The match isn't always seamless (sometimes 2 blond-ish porn stars are used for the same character in different states), but it's still a much better option than using hentai. Having a big impregnation/pregnancy fetish, I would support the use of more images in the game, perhaps using maternal lingerie pics since those models are a lot less trashy.

    Game mechanics are mostly good, if slightly shorter on the time limit side. You'll cruise through the first couple of endings, and hopefully by then you'll know what implements need for certain actions (e.g. the lockpicker is really important). It does become a bit of a grind as you try to hit certain endings; that said, the use of New Game+ starting options does make it somewhat rewarding.

    Things I'd improve: The developer has already taken note of this from various commenters' (including myself) feedback, but this game could really use a few UX edits:

    1) a clearer walkthrough/requirements for the various endings.
    2) priorities for undiscovered endings when you have results that would qualify for more than one ending. (The shotgun wedding ending butting in when you're going for high pregnancy endings is particularly annoying)
    3) a gallery of ending once you've unlocked them. I don't want to have to play through it over and over again just to see a pregnant Eustace Zimmerman.
    4) In addition, if it's possible a limited rollback/"go back" option. Too often you make a wrong choice on Day 2 that you need for a particular ending, and you're stuck having slog through it and start over again.

    Overall, play this game if you have a preggo fetish. And I hope the developer makes some UX changes and puts more visual content in future updates!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game looks beautiful and is easy on the eyes. There is a lot of different and finished endings, and most importantly it is very well written. Could't find any noticeable bugs, at most could use a better walk through for some of the more complicated endings.
    Likes: Wape
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It hit all the right tags for me, but I still didn't expect to spend over 6 hours compulsively trying to unlock all the endings.

    While little more than a point-and-click, it is well-written and sexy as all hell.
    Likes: Wape
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a fun little gem, with a lot of hidden depth.

    In your first few play throughs, things will be pretty simple. You'll experiment, try different choices, find the optimal solutions to helping you land the girls you want to sleep with.

    And then, once you unlock New Game +, things get more interesting. Access to bonuses when you start lets you accomplish things you couldn't on a vanilla run, and you realize the game has a lot of little bonuses and details that are hidden away, waiting for you to discover it.

    The sweet spot of the game is probably somewhere between the fifth and tenth run, where you have enough knowledge of how the game works, and enough bonuses, to really enjoy experimenting and discovering what other hidden scenes are around.

    Eventually though it starts to falter. Once you have about 2/3rd of the different endings you notice that the remaining endings are very unforgiving. The effort it takes to obtain them can feel disproportionate to the reward, which is often just one short ending paragraph.

    Some of the unique beginnings are very intriguing but unfortunately it does little to change the gameplay of your next run. At most it adds some extra stats and money. It would have been nice to see some unique material for different starting origins.

    Overall, a good game, but people who aren't completionists will likely tire of it in a dozen runs.
    Likes: Wape
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like the fetishes in the tags, you will get some enjoyment out of this one. The pictures and gifs are well selected for the scenes and all the girls look good. The scenes themselves are on the shorter side with not a whole lot of buildup, so it might not be enough to fap to, but its pretty hot nonetheless. The writing is pretty good overall with a nice blend of male dom flavor and a tinge of humor.

    The one glaring flaw is that this game is very short. Your first couple runs will last somewhere around 20 minutes. And every run after that will take less and less time as you skip over everything you've seen already. There are a huge amount of endings and most of them give some kind of perk in the NG+ that can add a few things here and there. Most of the endings, however, are not very satisfying. This short gameplay, coupled with the number of endings, means that you will find no enjoyment from the meat of the game after the first 3-4 runs. It becomes a repeating cycle of reading the guide, achieving the requirements for a new ending, and then skipping to the end.

    I'd say its worth your time to play it at least a few times. For completionists, the silver lining is that you can breeze through the game to unlock all the endings without much difficulty.
    Likes: Wape
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Update for v1.4.2

    Since 1.3.1, Wape has polished the game a good deal. Gone are some of the bugs I'd encountered. Most importantly, though, he implemented my suggestion of prioritizing undiscovered endings over discovered ones. This has a tremendous impact on the fun of trying to "collect them all". He also added an enhancement to that allowing one to choose an ending after reaching a certain attainment.

    Additionally, he added some fun new content. Well done, all round.

    Review of v1.3.1

    I've been tempted to try this game many a time over the years it's been in development. As far as I can tell the author pops up every once in a while with an update. But his own warnings about the content always scared me off. But even without having played it, it was evident that it contained several of my preferences: Male MC, dominant MC, supernatural MC, harem, impregnation, real porn. I finally decided to try it expecting to pretty much close it right away.

    And while I suspect the non-con aspects of this game are probably it's primary focus, I'm really happy and surprised to report that it's quite playable purely seducing your targets! I wouldn't dream of saying you can play a nice guy, but at least you can get endings purely from seduction and without violence.

    The writing is quite good and definitely hot. English errors are present but infrequent and not distracting. The game mechanics are actually pretty fun. You gain powers according to how you play which can be used to give more options with other conquests. I'd say this part is done very well. However, the game is definitely designed around multiple playthroughs.

    You probably have to like or at least tolerate AIF, of course, to enjoy this. It is almost completely text via Twine/Sugarcube and the little vids do little more than spark your imagination. Even though I like AIF, I'd suggest that a few more images for each scene would be welcome.

    It would also be nice if you could back out of routes when it becomes evident that you cannot succeed using seduction. Save scumming does the job for now, though.

    Obviously, because of my preference, I'm hoping the author will continue to add girls and have seduction or at least hypno routes for as many as possible.

    I'm sure there will be plenty of reviews covering the non-seduction routes, so I'll leave that to those who enjoy them. However, I suspect they are at least as well written.

    Overall, a fine effort by the author.