Okay, my bad. It's just that there's people who speak English as a first language but care so little that they can barely be understood. Sorry I couldn't help you with your problem though. Still, good luck; hope you find someone who knows what you're asking. Though unless you post your question in your original language, as someone might know it, I doubt that many will understand what you're asking.
Talking about Psychologist (Master Mind)..
1) What end to start with to get master mind?
2) requirement bad karma, to get master mind i'm already forced to kill the jealous wife to mind control the mistress, so my question is what does bad karma mean?
3) Need some specific instructions to get master mind end. "not the one in wiki"
In a single playthrough, you have used your hypno powers on 14 people? But you still can't get the "Mind Master" ending.
The karma system is based on the number of seductions vs the number of rapes you have. If you end with 3 seductions, and 5 rapes, for example, you will have "bad" karma. Murders don't impact karma as far as I know. So, you would need to hypno 4 or more times, and end with more rapes than seductions to get Mind Master ending.
There are 22 possible start bonuses, but some of those need multiple endings to unlock. For example, Cult Master needs Shotgun Wedding and Mind Master both to have been seen. Superhero ending has no bonus or combo(at the moment).
Talking about Psychologist (Master Mind)..
1) What end to start with to get master mind?
2) requirement bad karma, to get master mind i'm already forced to kill the jealous wife to mind control the mistress, so my question is what does bad karma mean?
3) Need some specific instructions to get master mind end. "not the one in wiki"
1) I start with Teacher
2)More rapes=bad karma, more seductions=good karma. Murders do not affect karma.
3)help the jealous wife instead, rape the mistress, sex with jealous wife, coma woman, use hypno on Wade, don't communicate, rape thief, encourage plan at college girl, use powers, sisters, use hypno, study, fish sticks, ignore, split task, rape 2 girls, leave, babysitter, use powers, girl in love, wait until guy leaves, rape. You should end with 12 pregnant, 6 seduce, 7 rape, 1 murder and 5 hypno. gives Mind Master end.
Okay, this is something I can help with.
First missing ending: Get the Looking to the future ending more times. You need about 15 total.
Second and third: Complete the two endings you're missing (Pornstar and Slaver)
With a high enough Brutality you rape all of them while babysitting.
If you have a "Family Man" starting bonus, impregnation of whole Smith family happens automatically.
Or you have a lockpick for the closed rooms. That's how I got it, right after writing.
Can someone explain a little more how to get the teacher ending. The solution in the guide is very short.
Do I have bad karma and then seduce the young girls?
Or you have a lockpick for the closed rooms. That's how I got it, right after writing.
Can someone explain a little more how to get the teacher ending. The solution in the guide is very short.
Do I have bad karma and then seduce the young girls?
The guide's solution is short because the requirements are simple. Have you actually tried getting the ending? The only difficult part is keeping a bad karma rating while still seducing the required characters, but how you do that is up to you.
Well, there's your issue. The endings have an order in which they occur. So, if you meet the requirements for another (in this case Shotgun Wedding) and it overrides it (it's a bit complicated, but the order is: 5, 1, 9, 14, 13, 3, 4, 8, 6, 12, 17, 23, 2, 7, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 10), then you'll get that ending instead. That's why, until you get the ability to pick which ending you get, you should avoid triggering the others. To avoid Shotgun wedding in the future, you can sex two of the sisters, just not more than that.
Also I realise the order numbers might not be the easiest to understand, so here are the names if you want them.
Shouldn't it prioritize new endings over already received ones? If a path works but gives another ending, doing the exact same thing again should give the right ending (or another new one at least).
Yes. Either take the Looking to the Future start, which adds a couple days, or you can buy Spice from the Midnight Fence, which adds one day per purchase.
Shouldn't it prioritize new endings over already received ones? If a path works but gives another ending, doing the exact same thing again should give the right ending (or another new one at least).
The coding of the game will override "higher" endings before any not unlocked. If not, you could possibly get multiple endings with one playthrough. Wape wanted to make 1 ending per playthrough.(This is an educated guess rather than fact.)
Yes, it is. The Midnight Fence sells spice, which will extend the game by 1 day with each spice purchase. Starting with the Longer Breeding Season(getting Ending 10) extends the game by 2 or 3 days.
Is there a way to tell what moves to make while on internet dates? I assume it has something to do with the emoji but it doesn't seem to be consistent.