
Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
I have just played this demo to completion and it just kinda fell flat. I tried to give it a fair chance and like it, but I just couldn't- the story just seems overdone at this point, the art was decent, the characters are kinda interesting, the renders...I'll get to those in just a minute
  • (Aunt) Sarah- she has a decent model, but just comes off as a real bitch (which I'm sure will be delved further into in future updates). Her hatred and disdain for the MC's mother/her sister has to come from somewhere and it sounds like her husband is cheating on her with the MC's mother.
  • Monique- she's has a really good model- you can just tell from her little quip about the "favorite cousin" that she's most likely going to be a pain-in-the-arse. Which means probably somewhat of grind once you have stats and other elements of the game in place.
  • Kate- has a really good model, she's cute and has the most likeable personality so far.
  • Karina- also has a really good model, but she just seems so damaged and choices that the MC is presented with don't really show any signs of trying to help her or save her. It would have been nice if so much of the story didn't focus on her- especially for early introductory episodes. I think more time should have been spent with the cousins, as they're probably going to be more of the main characters, not tertiary NPC's.
  • Trevor- how is it you know right out-of-the-gate, that you aren't going to like him? He tries to be everybody's buddy- but even then he just comes off as a total d-bag. The way that he talks about and treats women is just deplorable and uncalled for, BUT that seems to be the trend in a lot of these games lately- it's just...
I don't mean to go off on a bit of a rant, but it REALLY does seem like this is where a lot of these games start off as, work towards, or just end up being. I can't tell you how many games that I've played recently where you're given the option of a "Love" route or a "Submissive/Dominated" route and it really doesn't seem to make that much of a difference. I choose the "Love" route and I (thought) the object was to romance her and woo her, but it (somehow) ultimately devolves into "you like that slut?", "you're my b*tch, say it, you're my b*tch", "you're a little whore aren't you?", "I'm gonna eff your [insert orifice here] and fill you with my..."- you get the picture. WTF?! Where is the "Love"? Where is this supposed romance that you were trying to start? If that isn't bad enough, sometimes you're given choices to progress in the game- that aren't really choices, it's more like;
You see her sleeping peacefully in her bed, do you-
  1. "Leave her alone and close the door quietly behind you."
  2. "Fist her with a softball glove."
There are a few, FEW, games that present you with the "Love" options and (for the most part) stick with the original premise- BUT so many of them either get lost/confused or had no intention of letting you take any kind gentlemanly path. I understand a lot of these games are (most likely) written by men, for men- I get that, I'm one of those myself- however there are some of us that still feel women (all people really, but especially women) should be treated with dignity and respect. Considering that these are games- it would just be nice to be presented with options, other than ones that would land you in prison in the real world, that didn't make you as the MC come off as a total dickbag. AND no, I'm not a PC or SJW- I'd just like to see some content diversity in more of these games; give me a "Love" route and let it be just that, not "Let's hold hands -> bukkake party". Okay, apologies- that's been roiling for a bit... and Trevor started it first. :)

  • And lastly Aiko- ....., um just out of curiosity, has the artist ever seen anyone of Asian descent? She kinda resembles a "walker", she's,...unattractive for whatever species she's representing? She just appears awkward and gangly and photoshopped into that scene- she has no weight or depth imo.

I'm not trying to sound harsh- these are just my opinions, there are other people that really like the game that you've released so far- I, currently, do not stand among their ranks. I may be basing a lot of my dislike for this game, solely on Trevor- I could just tell with the few words that he uttered that he was going to sour my mood and my distaste for him only grew the more he kept talking. I also have a feeling that as the game progresses more of the girls that you're going to meet have already been tainted by Trevor... I am curious to see what the future updates are like- maybe less Trevor, more cousins might balance things out a little better. Only time will tell. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
I tried to really give this game a try, but the main character made it really difficult, besides being faceless, the only way to describe him would be utter fuking boner, no personality, no emotion, no character, no feelings, everything boils down to "Uhhh my dick is hard, oh no I have a boner, oh I better stop this before I have to jerk off". He moves state and doesn't really show any awareness of him starting a new life, meets his long lost family for the first time in 18 years, spends 5 minutes with them and they fuk off to the beach, while our MC goes to beach bar where he meets another utter fuking dolt boob that can only be described "Muh BBC caricature"

Maybe with following updates and the addition of university, the story will gain depth and worth while character investment


Jan 17, 2018
@ I agree with some things that you say:

1- The "love route" doesnt look like love when MC says that kind of things, you cant even "help" Karina (for now, atleast)
2- I dislike Trevor and there should be options to literally ignore/be enemy of him since the start
3- Aiko model's face is odd
4- Mc shouldnt be so douchebag thinking about fucking every woman if you dont want to since there will be different paths, as you said isnt not credible.

About girls personalities... its good that there are different styles, i dont feel like Sarah or Monique are pain in the ass.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
The writing went from bad to atrocious. I despise the MC and Trevor...they are both complete douchebags that talk and act like sexually frustrated 13 year old boys. Also that wasn't a threesome they just raped Karina at the beach so yeah....this game can go and die.


Oct 3, 2017
I actually like the writing in this one. Finally a MC who isnt a total rtard and understands sexuality and know what the fukc is going on. Rather than some dimwit who acts like he's afraid of having a boner or having sex. The fact MC likes to take control and be more assertive is great. I fucking hate these sissy ass MC's in most of the incest games even if i like the incest games in general. Not every.

Also, you can avoid the scene at theb each by just not staying. Your own fault for deciding to stay with Trevor when he said he'd show you how to "beat a girl". Y'all need to take some hint as to what is being said rather than just clicking through dialogue. I'll never understand people who complains about in a game when you can clearly avoid it by just selecting the other option instead.
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Active Member
Jun 12, 2017
Okay here is not entirely negative opinion. Yes MC needs some improvement. he went from "hi nice to see you after so many years" to "you are hot so i want to fuck you brains out" needs some development inbetween. he doesnt really have a goal. yes its an incest porn game, so the goal is to fuck whoever girl you like, but you need some filling. at least he isnt a total tool, who acts like 12 year old who doesnt know what a vagina is.
dont mind Trevor, he is not a person i would like in real life, but you cant have only nice people in the game. it looks to me that ive opened a path to sharing. i hope that i will keep getting choices if i agree or not, since its not really my thing. its fine if we fuck some random whore (like katrina) but dont want him going after aunt and cousins (potentially other girls that will be introduced)
Katrina, wouldnt mind to suck Trevor and MC's dick, but the scene was kinda rapey. I guess rape might be a possible fetish in the future, so i advise the dev to keep giving choices to the player when it comes to this, because i like it but people are really sensetive about rape and NTR(cuckolding)
The whole smoking thing was weird. i guess they talked about weed since thats pretty common and would kinda fit, but by the way they described it i expected to see a meth pipe. then you see its actually about a cigarette (i guess there is no model for a joint, so thats why a cigarette was used)
Characters thoughts were a biiit too much for me (but maybe its just me, since i dont like being able to read their mind in games)
i guess @Vilelab is russian and he isnt really that good at English, so i would advise him to look up synonyms on certain words while writing, because he is using the same word 4-5 times in the same scene.
from what i see, this shapes up to give you a lot of choices so you can tailor the story however you want which is GREAT. curious how the points system will affect the game when its time to see the consequences of your choices.
i hope @Vilelab keeps the format of story just progressing and the player simply making the choices. im tired of so much games which implement this "sandbox" crap where you just have to click on map and icons. not to mention the grind which is 95% of the time mandatory.
as a overall experience, this game is enjoyable. there are quite a few other games which are better with their story and character development but this is the only thing in this game that you can complain about.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
Also, you can avoid the scene at theb each by just not staying. Your own fault for deciding to stay with Trevor when he said he'd show you how to "beat a girl". Y'all need to take some hint as to what is being said rather than just clicking through dialogue. I'll never understand people who complains about in a game when you can clearly avoid it by just selecting the other option instead.
Yes, you can avoid it, by abandon her to her fate with that d-bag (I want to be gentle), moreover while she is totally stoned, which is clearly written in the dialogues I have read. I understand that nothing is seen, but...
Just my opinion and personal taste, of course, but I don't see this MC as "brainy" as you describe him.


Apr 6, 2018
Is vilelab another patreon of LewdLab made for this game? Or is a just a copycat wannabe of DoD? Either way, the game looks great and looking forward to development but still curious.


Oct 3, 2017
Yes, you can avoid it, by abandon her to her fate with that d-bag (I want to be gentle), moreover while she is totally stoned, which is clearly written in the dialogues I have read. I understand that nothing is seen, but...
Just my opinion and personal taste, of course, but I don't see this MC as "brainy" as you describe him.
I understand people got different taste and that's totally fine. But, Since your taste isnt the "taking advantage" of kinda thing, then you could've easily avoided that whole scene by going to your cousins instead of staying there. And if just knowing that it happened bothered you, then maybe a lot of these games isnt for you tbf. Cause most of the games you find right now is about just that. Taking advantage of someone one way or another. Very rarely is any of these adult/porn games about "love". Even in incest games when it's father/daughter or son and mom, it's very rarely love. It's a person taking advantage of someones hormones. But when it comes to adult games i prefer things that isnt "vanilla" when it comes to sexuality and kinks cause in the end a perfectly happy love story bladibla gets boring really fast. atleast for me. I like some diversity in kinks and fetishes. Also in the way characters act. I do believe you need douchebag characters just to spice a game up. To make it feel more lively and bring out some kind of emotion other than your cock/vagina being hard/wet.

And i do agree Trevor is utter douchy kind of guy. But someone is into that too.
Also, I never said the MC was brainy. I just said he acted his age for once. Any 16 year old knows what a cock and vagina is. Also what sex is probably has had it already and do on the reg. Which is why i like this MC. Cause he is matured up in the way he percieves things like that. It's not something alien and scary. It's a boner for god sake or a naked girl. The fact it's not written in the way where he acts totally oblivious to it and dont know what horny is, is great. I cant stand MC's who act like it's the end of the world when they get a boner and get all uppity about it. Or when they see a naked girl they go all sissy and scared and freaks out. No dude freaks out when you see a naked girl or you get a boner. atleast not at a age above 16. That's just a fact. Unless you've lived some kind of sheltered life or you're missing something uptop.


Game Developer
May 1, 2018
@Deadlyreaper i needed to update Chapter 1 because of the attributes system that was implemented in Chapter 2. If you start the game again it should work. Sorry for the inconvenience ...
May 21, 2018
@N1K17Y i'm not russian but i'm not also from a country that speak english natively. I will hire a proofreader for sure as soon as i can afford one. My apologies until then ... :)
Why would you apologize for something like that, you are doing your best and that's all that counts. Also thanks for your hard work, and also good luck with it can't wait to see, what you manage to come up with in future.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
Apologies, I don't know how to do multi-quote replies.

After reading a lot of your comments- I agree with a lot of you, while the Trevor scene is avoidable- his character in the game is not, nor is his influence- I'm pretty sure. If you go along with him- you get respect (which feels more like compliance, and you ultimately become one of his "bitches" as well), if you choose to oppose him- you get disdain; there's no option to put him in his place and take charge. You end up coming out of this as an ignorant bystander or a mewling, obedient kitten.

Considering the amount of time that was spent on his scenes (with and without Karina)- you can't think for one second that he isn't going to be a much larger part of this game. There will be no avoiding him or his depravity and if/once you get in good with (probably) any character in the game- he's going to convince you to let him have a "turn" and you can either deny him which will probably have later consequences, he'll kick your arse, or you'll get more disdain. (Oh no, Trevor doesn't like me. *Boo hoo*) OR you end up becoming just as big (if not bigger) of an a-hole than he already is... What fantastic choices.

Trevor is too entrenched in the game, and just from his introduction alone- it's quite obvious that you'll need to rely on him to "get you things" once any type of quests open up in the game. His interference and interaction seems almost unavoidable. It just appears that any choices you make are going to make you just as repugnant and disgusting as he is- no matter what options you're given in the future.

What little of my soul that isn't tainted- I'd like to keep that way. *mic drop*


Game Developer
May 1, 2018
First of all i would like to say thanks for all the feedback! ;)

After considering the comments that came after the release of Chapter 2 i took a better look at the character Aiko and i gave her a little bit of love...

I hope you are going to like it guys!

P.S. later this month i am going to release a version 2 of chapter 2 and the character is going to be replaced with the new one.

Full HD image and more other here:

A resized image here:



Feb 1, 2018
First something positive: The characters look very good.

I didn't like that there were only two options with Trevor. You leave her with him or watch/join him. Why not add an option to stop him? (beat him up, call for help or the police or something). Is he supposed to be a our friend?
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