I'd rather welcome a diplomatic solution to the current crisis
Having seen many evolutions of media over many years, if this is a crisis it is one with an inevitable crash and burn outlook more than hope for a solution. Beyond what is in front of your eyes, that is. Hard work, long hours, working weekends, dedication, struggle, two jobs, self funding, and a scratch and pull to the finish line. Doesn't sound glamourous, but it is what it took for many of us to succeed, and having done so made for some pretty well made productions...and talented seasoned producers. Lost words on most of today's generation of "creators". Fast tracking, meager dedication, no job, my love life sucks so I'll take 2 months off, give me patron money or I can't do this, and then when you do I'll feed you monthly scraps to string you along. Then when I'm sick of that I'll scrap the whole unfinished bit seems to have taken over as today's mindset. If I was 20 again with the tools these youngsters have at their fingertips....geez it makes me want to puke.