Ren'Py - Indecent Desires - The Game [v0.28 Alpha] [Vilelab]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game starts with some visual novel gameplay and suddenly it becomes a boring sandbox. There are two things I don't understand, the first is seeing users giving 5 stars and saying that the game is great and the second is why the hell did the gameplay turn into a totally empty sandbox? navigation is not one of the best, there could be buttons that would make the player’s time a lot easier, the interactions with the characters are limited, after all, what is the cause of turning the game into a sandbox? I've asked this question twice, because the developer makes a game without a tool for tips or information, because when you're playing you don't have any information on where to go and what you need to do, so how am i going to play this? will I have to keep clicking on the places so that a random event arises and waste hours of my time on it? another big problem in this game is the relationship you have with the characters, I keep asking myself, how am I going to increase the characteristics of the characters if there is no option for that? you need to increase your obedience with X character, ok, how am I going to do this? you can follow a walkthrough... is that serious? will I have to keep up with the walkthrough while I'm playing? it wouldn't be easier for the developer to improve the game's interface and add more information about it, a simple way to play instead of making the player follow a walkthrough. I really tried to play this, I didn't want to get a walkthrough to play and I wasted my time playing this shit.
    extra information :
    don't waste your time playing this shit game, the game that instead of the MC fuck the girls, he ends up being fucked. It was supposed to be a good game, where you would corrupt your aunt and your two cousins and it ended up being a game completely the other way around, a game that the MC is fucked by a shemale and likes to suck dicks. Do not waste your time!

    History: ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Gameplay: ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Graphic: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰
    Sex Content: ✭ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Creativity: ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

    History - It was good when it was a VN game
    Gameplay - A sandbox game without information or tips
    Graphic - Render of the girls are good
    Sex Content - Good but I couldn't appreciate it very much
    Creativity - There are people who like to shoot themselves in the foot
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Updated review: Disappointment is unfortunately the main feeling I had playing this. Can't recommend.
    The sandbox that doesn't feel good with the little amount of options given. Storylines that not just bug out but also feel very limited in terms of choices, almost always with connected to some right/wrong kind of twist, where the wrong option is a dead end potentially cutting off the entire rest of a storyline.
    Bad design choices all over the place imo, which can't be compensated by the pretty characters there are, unfortunately.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the worst games on f95.

    When this game started it had so much promise, an enjoyable VN with interesting characters and 5 star potential. Then suddenly it turns into this open world nightmare.

    Without a doubt this is the worst implementation of an open world game I’ve ever seen. Huge empty world with countless possible times of the week and you must find the right place at the right time to trigger the next scene. Making this game impossible to play without a walkthrough.

    On top of that, the story is completely gone and forgotten and the main LIs which showed so much promise at the start, have pretty much disappeared (probably quit in protest).

    So now every update is just a new meaningless lewd encounter with a random who cares character, which you’ll never be able to find without a walkthrough.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    We can say that the graphics in the game are partially good. I do not want to denigrate the story chapter. But when we come to the guiding part, a huge problem really greets us. You cannot advance the game. It's really hard to come across something and move the story forward. In addition, while playing, the things on the right and left sides of the screen could be positioned in a more aesthetic and beautiful place. So the most important thing in a game is gameplay and the gameplay and progress in this game sucks. (Google Translate - from Turkish- : Oyunda grafiklere kısmi olarak iyi diyebiliriz. Hikaye faslını da kötülemek istemiyorum. Fakat yol gösterici kısmına geldiğimizde gerçekten bizi çok büyük bir sorun karşılıyor. Oyunu ilerletemiyorsunuz. Bir şeye denk gelmek ve hikayeyi ilerletmek gerçekten de çok zor. Ayrıca oynarken ekranın sağ ve sol kısımlarında bulunan şeyler daha estetik ve güzel bir yere konumlandırılabilirdi. Yani bir oyunda en önemli olan şey oynanıştır ve bu oyunda oynanış ve ilerleme berbat.)
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Way too forced story, wait there isn't an actual story, the most content in this game is about a side character, can't really fuck the main girls, over a year on development for only getting scenes with unrelevant side characters, the visuals are good, if you want to stare to the smile of Monique (older sister) the entire day you can, she's absolutely beautiul but keep in mind that the only thing you're going to see about her is her nipple and getting fingered while she's sleep, wasted material overall, if you hate feet also don't even try to play it, the game uses every opportunity to show you feets. Content aside, the UI is terrible, can overlap the actual game, making it seem buggy or unfinished, partially covering your screen while you still play, pretty poor navigation system that forces you to be in a specifi point to travel and the currency system being so poor where most of the content is locked by buying items. Big dissapointment overall.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Great potential. Wasted.

    Great graphics.
    Good storyline and environment even if it is classic.
    Open World.

    The game is a maze.
    The main house is the absolute worst for navigation with no way to identify the useful points of interest. We have to click every corner of the game to test for new content (witch there is none most of the time).
    No walkthrough or indications whatsoever.

    So the game is a riddle with a Dev basically saying « Good luck to find any content » to play with your nerves.
    I was a Day One fan. I reached a level of frustration that I don’t even try anymore.
    A waste of great potential... :/
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had lots of potential in the beginnig and i loved it a lot, but lost it's soul as the update kept coming and i completely lost all interest in it.

    A Visual Novel with a sand box, it's like a woman without pussy, it limit the pleasure
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    My Rating for this Game is:

    + Graphics Nice
    + Dialogs OK
    + Story is OK

    - Senseless Running around
    - Boring Game Play
    - Repeating Scenes

    For me the Game was just Boring,I liked the idea with the memory game to earn money and it was not that hard to play, but I hated to run around in the room over and over and then getting lost in the house.
    The renders are nice but for me the Game play wasn't for me, the best thing for me was deleting it.

    Save yourself the time and frustration and just leave it be.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow,literally one of the most boring story/games i have played. There is just nothing interesting about it. Female characters are good but there is no real story to them and so little to do except grind it's like being caught in a everlasting loop. Not to mention the errors that just suddenly pop up, if i could give a zero in the rating i would certainly do that. Dev has no imagination, and is just milking the patrons and has been for 2 years. There are much better games than this, don't waste your time downloading this brain cancer.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Visually stunning, otherwise a disaster. This is a game that does literally one thing right and everything else wrong.

    Hell I still check in on this one from time to time - the artwork is that good. Which is a shame because the gameplay never seems to improve in the slightest...

    GAMEPLAY - this is an open world semi-sandbox done in the worst way possible. All the crappy tropes are here:
    • Hint system? Nope.
    • Useless locations? Tons.
    • Event triggers at specific times on specific days? Check.
    • Events locked behind completely unrelated events? Check.
    God the more I think about it the worse it gets. Let me give you an example.

    In most games if you see a girl on the map you can interact with her. Maybe talk, ask about her, do something to build relation stats. In this game? Naw I'm on the phone, fuck off. Every single day of the week. Why include it then? If I can't interact with her then she may as well not exist. All this does is make me check back at the same time every day of the week to see if maybe Tuesday something changes, or Wednesday. Oh, it never does? Then why the fuck is she there?

    There's...way more problems than I've outlined so far. Honestly the gameplay is so fundamentally flawed that fixing it almost demands a full redesign.

    Mr/Ms. Developer: If you read this, please halt your work on content updates. You need to completely switch gears to quality of life, or no one will ever get past the first hour of your game.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Everything not sandbox, such as the great renders, and what used to be a cohesive game before sandbox. The story is intriguing, and the drama is actually plot relevant and interesting. Thrilling even.(IIRC, have not played the beginning of the game in 1-ish year, and will not do so either)

    EVERYTHING that plagues the game after the still ongoing identity crisis of sandbox vs VN. Just get rid of the sandbox, seriously. The sandbox** in this game is pure rotting cancer..... squared! Especially since there's no form of journal to keep track of things, or even so much as a faintest trace of hints in it's place.

    **EDIT: I should add that I enjoy sandbox, as long as it's actually playable as such... Which IMHO this game is not, as a sandbox. It is so poorly designed in that regard, it makes me livid, since there was great potential in this game.

    It was such an amazing and promising title before the cancer known as (unplayable/broken/poorly designed)sandbox was thrown in. As it is now, I'll advise anyone interested in this.... thing. Just don't. Skip it, as there is no point in continuing after the sandbox starts.
    Two stars for renders and all the stuff before sandbox. I'll come back and replay and re-review once sandbox is gone, and it becomes a pure choice based VN, instead of it's current "WTF am I?!" bag of nuts n' corn status, which I guess'll never happen anyways.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I've played the game up to the first day of "open world".
    1. The Renders are good
    2. Seems to be a decent amount of content
    1. The game had an identity crisis... it can't decide if it wants to be a VN or a Sandbox. The story seemed interesting up until it became a sandbox. I would recommend getting rid of the sandbox and making it a VN
    2. I wouldn't classify this game as having multiple endings at this point in time.... getting kicked out of the house the same exact way but different people is a game over not an ending.
    3. There's no hint system, no guidance whatsoever if I hadn't been following the walkthrough I would have had no idea what to do when it came to open world and even with the walkthrough it just began to seem tedious.
    4. Too many paths possibly, I only played with the decisions I initially chose mainly because it seems like there's too many paths and not a whole lot of difference between the paths besides missing a scene here or there.

    The game has potential as a VN in my opinion,
    it would have to be scrapped and reworked completely for me to attempt to play it again. would need to streamline and make the point systems less convoluted and maybe explain if the points actually do anything.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Making money takes annoyingly long
    Good looking characters and lots of paths to take

    Also you sometimes get told something and forget what it was causing you to miss out on content. (I mean come on who can be bothered to read everything theres a skip option for a reason)
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    After so many months of playing/waiting it's time to write down my own review:

    Game had a really good potential in the beginning, renders and characters are great, slightly interesting story, so clearly everything was set up to trap players for a few hours of really good fun.


    ... and here is the biggest CON- : Dev does not listen to the fans, at all. We suggested so many important changes, like less grinding, hint system, more flexibility between story routes, etc. Nowadays the whole game is just guessing and clicking pointlessly to find and trigger some action IF hours before you selected the right choise. The fact that Dev does not care about his followers prove that the whole project is just a milking machine. Too bad for that
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    long times ago when not many good games,this game game is look good and promising, but after many years this game still still no progress, very bad navigation, not good gameplay, this is not visual novel but more like fps type, we need focus on dot just to navigte, no guid or clue for palying etc, etc, i hope i have feature to ignore thread in this forum so i can ignore this game
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately this is the Sandbox curse (success cases are rare), Dev. gets discouraged and players lose interest because it seems that the plot is abandoned.
    Another one that goes to the list of good games that lost its way, sometimes I think better short games than try long and ambitious projects because are complicated to keep the quality until the end.
    I really hope Dev. finished the game soon before it gets any worse.

  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Pity I caint give 0 stars. This game had a lot of potential, nice images, but giving an update every several months with 1-2 scenes + no compressed version (game is almost 3GB) makes me sick to download the whole game once more to play 1-2 minutes.
    If the updates would be in a separate folder just to "merge" the whole game with new content, then I might raise my rating by 1. But for now it's stays as-is.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    2 stars for renders.
    This game is just bunch of random events and useless sandbox parts + tons of bags.
    Dev must revamp this game again delete sandbox part and make it fully VN with choices, or ADD HINT SYSTEM, walkthrough doesn't work correctly.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    An exercise in a lost cause. What began as a game with lovely renders and actual adult content has become a game of hide and seek for content. Calling this a sandbox game is unfair to sandboxes. It is that empty beach in your dreams where you just keep wandering hoping to find your dream girl but you just.... keeeeeep.... waaaaaalking. Sad really it had so much potential. If the script ever arrives someone wake me up,

    Early portion of the game

    Everything else
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is ridiculous, repetitive with no results, quests with nothing special, sex scenes, are limited, this game wastes my time, the story is nothing special, disorder.
    The picture is beautiful, but the game is boring.
    I was hoping the updates would improve, but the recent updates are nothing special, both ridiculous and time-consuming.