3.90 star(s) 38 Votes


Apr 30, 2019
To clear things up regarding the updates

the cracked releases had a tendency to be patched, making them non functional
previously they were removing the public releases when they uploaded the cracks
So sometimes there was no way to access the last few updates of content since the code it downloaded was for the past several updates in patreon releases (failed crack = worse then public)

I reached out and asked them to keep both a public and cracked release
It has changed lately due to better crackers making the crack

Pretty sure these guys just rip the DRM out to prevent it from updating
but that requires unpacking the code which requires custom updates to certain tools at times
updating the code to run without the DRM

I basically just added code that told the DRM it was legit
set legitvariable to "true"
didn't even have to unpack the code

PS: im also sad it wasn't a new patreon version, us crack addicts are 2 updates behind for the first time in awhile.

View attachment 3484988
we need you like now, it got leaked!


New Member
Jun 28, 2023
Hi! I'm Fallen Eros. I really hope you enjoy this.

If you want to support me, get early access, android versions, gallery patch, you can visit my . This game is being made thanks to them. You can also help by liking the main post and reviewing the game.

You can play a WEB version in-browser .

The latest PATREON VERSION can be found .

What's the difference between Public and Patreon builds?
Patreon builds contains the latest content regarding the story, always including new CG images. You will also be given a password to unlock it. Without it, the Patreon build will have less content than the public build. You can check the to see if there's enough content for you to consider supporting. If you decide to wait, I'll upload a Public Version.

I'll only upload public versions to this forum. I don't condone the sharing of Patreon versions. If an user uploads it without cracking, then, it's out of my control and I apologize if you feel baited. You can consider waiting as a way of supporting this game without spending money. I appreciate your patience.

Why are the controls different compared to other Ren'Py games?
This game plays like an old-school japanese VN, with the same controls and 2D CG image quantity. If you are looking for thousands of 3D renders, this is not a game for you.

How frequently do you update?
Monthly updates.

Why the blurred images and how can I access them?
This images represent the protagonist imagination, as part of the fetish is 'not knowing'. They will be unlocked after playing Hana POV, however, that part is not made yet.
When will you make Hana POV game?
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Active Member
Dec 11, 2021
The dev still implementing the stupid ass drm in this? smh focus on the game more instead of wasting time with DRM
3.90 star(s) 38 Votes