3.90 star(s) 38 Votes


Nov 21, 2018

dont understand the point of drms anyway, like it someone wants to pirate your game from the beginning they were not going to buy it or support you even if it didnt have drm.

The DRM on this game has only succeeded in doing one thing: Making me more patient.

I will not pay for this game. I personally don't view it as being worth it (even on the lowest tier) for the content I'd be getting in return. As such, I'm either going to play it for free or I'm not going to play it at all. The end.


Dec 3, 2019

The DRM on this game has only succeeded in doing one thing: Making me more patient.

I will not pay for this game. I personally don't view it as being worth it (even on the lowest tier) for the content I'd be getting in return. As such, I'm either going to play it for free or I'm not going to play it at all. The end.
DRM in a game or VN is a big red flag signalling to me to "DON'T BUY OR SUPPORT!". For example: I like the game Dragon's Dogma, that I bought DRM-Free on GOG. When Dragon's Dogma 2 was announced I wondered why it was not announced or/and available on GOG. When looking at the Steam store page I discovered the horrible truth. They put that garbage Denuvo in that game. Result? No buy for me. Sad, because I was really looking forward to that game, but there are other games that are far more user friendly...

The problem with DRM is, that a game infected by such kill-switch garbage is guaranteed to be unplayable after a few years. The moment they stop maintaining the authentication servers you are screwed. The same if stop maintaining the DRM in the game itself and you get a Windows update that let the DRM choke. Good luck playing a DRM infested game after a few years. All the DRM-Free GOG games, at the other hand, will be perfectly playable year after year, after year, after year (yeah - you get it).

Anyway - I will play the public version of this VN, but since the developer has put DRM in his VN I will never support him. Financially or otherwise. That may sound harsh, but for me it's a principle. And for those that are wondering... Yeah - I payed for all the games that I play and are DRM free (that includes VN's that are downloadable on this site, like the Flowers series and many more). DRM infested games and VN's at the other hand...
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Dec 27, 2017
I understand if the game is like a triple A game that the suits control but indie games really cant afford to have their fans turn their backs to them.
They also can't afford to lose out on potential subscriptions because someone decides to dump the game update within minutes of it being released.
I'm certain this has been discussed previously but the reality is the vast majority of people are not patient, therefore being able to inhibit an immediate leak has a very meaningful benefit for income because people will cough up.
Every comment that complains about DRM in this scenario is 100% just being obtuse.

The DRM allows him to protect his incentive for his patrons, ultimately protecting his income.
Without said income, he cannot afford to work on this game.
Look at Denuvo, it may be cancer but it obviously works.

I'm well aware this was wasted effort in trying to enlighten you guys, since it's more a matter of entitlement than anything else. I've never paid and I likely never will. Yet even I, a fellow pirate, can see and understand why Fallen has to put effort into his DRM.


Aug 26, 2021
They also can't afford to lose out on potential subscriptions because someone decides to dump the game update within minutes of it being released.
I'm certain this has been discussed previously but the reality is the vast majority of people are not patient, therefore being able to inhibit an immediate leak has a very meaningful benefit for income because people will cough up.
Every comment that complains about DRM in this scenario is 100% just being obtuse.

The DRM allows him to protect his incentive for his patrons, ultimately protecting his income.
Without said income, he cannot afford to work on this game.
Look at Denuvo, it may be cancer but it obviously works.

I'm well aware this was wasted effort in trying to enlighten you guys, since it's more a matter of entitlement than anything else. I've never paid and I likely never will. Yet even I, a fellow pirate, can see and understand why Fallen has to put effort into his DRM.
Pretty much this. I've pirated more than my share of games, but I'm also self-aware enough that I know that piracy is generally a net negative. Some companies embrace it, the best companies meme it (imo), the companies that get hurt the most tend to be the indie devs.

Say you release a game, sell 50k copies at 20 bucks a head. That's a cool million that goes down to 650k when steam gets it's cut (I think it's still 35%?) Then the government takes 50%. 325k is your payday.. split among staff and expenses you might outsource. Now imagine a small 5% of your legit player base is mirrored in pirates. Stuff adds up and can put definite strain on a dev.

I also am kinda sorta against patreon being used for game development. It's too easily abused, so I can understand pirating as a reaction to bad business practices related to monthly donations. And as someone who used to supply audiobook rips to a pretty big audiobook torrent community.. I know for a fact that most pirates stay pirates. Only a very small percentage of pirated copies get converted into actual sales.


Aug 26, 2021
Still, I find what the resident crackers in this thread do to be pretty neat. I'm not patient enough or anything to dig into python for the find a key to the digital lock.


Aug 26, 2021
Can you temme one thing which is that do we get 0.38 in it any saves ?
I'm fairly sure they just crack it. The save is on you.. Some games do have a "skip to new content" option, so I'd look for that. I believe this game probably has it too, since the history of this thread seems to indicate a lot of people saying so.


Jun 1, 2021
I'm fairly sure they just crack it. The save is on you.. Some games do have a "skip to new content" option, so I'd look for that. I believe this game probably has it too, since the history of this thread seems to indicate a lot of people saying so.
This game has that too, but it skips to the new content in that specific version, so since there was a delay in the cracks and we jumped from 0.37 to 0.39 there technically isn't a skip to the starting point of the new content in 0.38. However, it's pretty trivial to play 0.37 until the ending point and put a save there, since ren'py saves carry over to the new game without you having to move any files.


Aug 26, 2021
Ah, yeah. Ren'py saves are in the Appdata directory if I recall right. So, not too likely to even come with the game itself in most cases.
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3.90 star(s) 38 Votes