We don't need a crack. Somone who has this game working should post the save files instead, because they bypass the password/internet requirement. However after the transition to each new scene the game asks for the password/internet conncetion again, so there should be a save file after each new transition to a scene.
the game now needs to be online (so you cant avoid the below checks without a good crack)
The game has a method to disable shared save files (i used to share those, they often broke within hours)
the game has a method to disable shared passwords (happened previously several times, sometimes needing a new download)
the game now has a method to update the DRM online (so the previous crack methods alone wont work)
posting a save at most maybe gives us like 8-10 hours assuming its posted when fallen is asleep or something
So like Rob Ford, we need crack
ALSO there is less updates now then there used to be, its currently at about 1 per month
Latest Patreon Release (v0.19):
VIP/Mega Fan: Feb 18
Next Patreon Release (v0.20):
VIP/Mega Fan: March 18, 21h00 PT
FallenEros basically said he was at risk of burnout, having to do the artwork and story and post every 2 weeks
id assume he has a real job and things to deal with, so they extended time between updates to make it easier to handle
for us, big sad. for him, better work life balance, and less risk of the game being abandoned
us free users cant complain because we get it for free, if i was paying for it, i may have complaints if updates got halved
its possible the patreon leaking it immediately is going to impact FallenEros to do more, who knows
the DLC also makes it a little weird because its kinda spending time on a 2nd project, but he is meeting his new deadlines
but thats up to the patreons to decide how to support, hes doing well compared to Infidelisoft with 6 times the supporters
so he is doing something right
ill agree that this update isn't my favorite, its a story update, no H scenes, just CG
but that's kind of the thing with VN and erotica, you need story to set the stakes for the H scenes
otherwise the CG pack has the same value as the game only better because you can look at anything without waiting
without longer updates its a necessary evil
i really liked the bed scene update the will they wont they
i didn't care for the actual creampie update, it seemed very direct in where it was going, i had hoped for more teasing
hana being like i control what's allowed, so ima get a creampie the very next H scene, seemed fast paced
maybe he can retroactively add scenes there like he did with a bathroom BJ awhile back