
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
@GateKeeper can you please help me i try running the game it opens in the browser but then gives me a fatal errer
One of two things is happening:
1. You have your browser set up to not save information (No cookies, that kind of thing.) and the game needs to store information in order to track variables in the game (Relationship values and the such.) By not allowing your browser to store information, it won't run properly.
2. Try a different browser. Some browsers are more friendly than others with browser based games. I use Firebox and I've heard Chrome is a good one for browser based games.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
i got it working i needed to use firefox thank you
You are very welcome! Hope you enjoy the game!

Check out the wiki for clues on how to trigger scenes, and remember that the girls don't move on their own yet, so you'll need to summon them to rooms if you want to see their content related to that room/character(s).


Jul 20, 2018
You are very welcome! Hope you enjoy the game!

Check out the wiki for clues on how to trigger scenes, and remember that the girls don't move on their own yet, so you'll need to summon them to rooms if you want to see their content related to that room/character(s).
oooo that makes sense as to why they where in the bathroom for so long thank you


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
"After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."


I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below. If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge. With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time! Every little bit helps.

Inheritance is a text based game with art. A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game.


What's new in the latest Supporter Build?

-Added a new scene that triggers in the Entry Hall some time after the picnic scene. 6.4k words of content. Generously sponsored by Matty.
-Added a new scene for Anna that can take place at any relationship level. Can appear in most rooms in the mansion. .7k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Eve that takes place at high relationship values late at night at the Greenhouse. 2k words of content. Submitted by Nynx.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko to the Library. 1k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko to the Living Room (Actually triggers through sleeping). .8k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko that appears in nearly every room in the mansion (Exceptions being: Attic, Dungeon, Laboratory, and Sauna). .7k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added seven casual conversations for Mitsuko. .7k words of content between them, Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added six personal conversations for Mitsuko. 1.4k words of content between them. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added the option to select a show to watch from the couch in addition to watching something at random. Right now there is only a single show to be watched.
-Added "Futa Apocalypse" Season 1, Episode 1 to the game. 1.1k words of content.
-Added "Futa Apocalypse" Season 1, Episode 2 to the game. 1.1k words of content.
-Added "Futa Apocalypse" Season 1, Episode 3 to the game. 1k words of content.
-Added Mitsuko to the mansion Schedule you can access in the the sidebar.
-Minor rewrites to the returning home drive scenes. Was describing the arrival in town rather than your arrival home. This has been resolved.
-Added background art to Ballroom. Four images.
-Added background art to Living Room. Four Images.
-Added background art to Sauna. Three images.
-Added background art to Study. Four images.
-Added background art to Bathing Room. Four images.
-Added background art to Guest Rooms. Four images.
-Added background art to Dining Room. Four images.
-Added background art to Library. Four images.
-Fixed an images issue with the entry hall.
-Fixed a couple of minor bugs in the code, nothing game breaking though.
-Added a mountain of exits for scenes that didn't have them before. Thanks to Nynx for helping out so much, they started helping out recently and they've been doing an amazing job.
-Fixed a host of spelling and grammar issues.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 8/31/18


What's new in the latest Free build?

-Added a new scene to the "Meeting Maki" story. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene. It's a big one, spanning 11.9k words of content in total. Submitted by LFNPark.
-Added a new scene to the "Meeting Maki" story. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene. 1.8k words of content. Submitted by LFNPark.
-Added the final scene of the "Meeting Maki" story to the game. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene in the set. 1.7k words of content. Submitted by LFNPark.
-Billiards Content. Began fleshing out this content quite a bit. Added new text for the portion of the scene where the main character breaks. Probably tripled the amount of content there. .8k words of new content.
-Eavesdropping Content. Wrote two new eavesdropping events. .5k words of content.
-Punishments Content. Added a new spanking scene for Anna, requires very positive relationship stats to appear. .4k words of content.
-Conversation Content. Added "Work Conversations" to Anna's conversation options. There are currently five small scenes, of which between 1-3 can play out at a time depending on your relationship stats with her. .6k words of content.
-Shower Content. Added two new small pieces to the Shower content. One for turning on the water, one for stepping beneath it. .2k words of content.
-Added the Anna and Eve sauna content. 8.9k words of content. Submitted as a contest entry by AbyssalEros.
-Added one new ambient scene that can take place in the back yard during daylight hours. .1k words of content.
-Added the "Forest" area to the Mansion Grounds. Includes six small ambient scenes. .6k words of content.
-Added "Isawu Cumming's Fortune Telling & Witchcraft" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .6k words of content.
-Added "My Neighbor's Closet" to the Mid Main Street in Pendleton. Includes five small ambient scenes. .5k words of content.
-Added "Sharky's Bowling and Billiards" to the East Street in Pendleton. Includes seven small ambient events. .7k words of content.
-Added "Needle Point Tattoo & Piercing" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes three small ambient events. .4k words of content
-Added "Wet Willy's Titty Trap" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes ten small ambient events. 1.4k words of content.
-Added "The Muffin Top" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .4k words of content.
-Added "Tricky Dick's Pawn & Loan" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .3k words of content.
-Added "The Bookworm" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes three small ambient events. .3k words of content.
-Added a new slave named Mitsuko. This scene introduces her and makes it so you can add her to your household, but there is no followup content yet. 2k words of content. You can find the scene at The Love Shack in Pendleton. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out at middling relationship levels in the livingroom during the evenings. .6k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out at mid/lowish relationship levels in any room with a hard floor. .5k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added the first set of punishments for Mitsuko. There are currently two possible scenes for each style of punishment. 1.3k words of content. Irish Major Tom revised my work for this content (Their character, so I felt it was important that they have a chance to make adjustments to the content as needed to fit their vision for the character.)
-Wrote and added the code for displaying Mitsuko's stats and to let you change her assignments.
-Added Cheat functions for Mitsuko.
-Couch content. .2k words of content for a single small scene for the interactive couch function. This is for the middle segment of that scene structure.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .6k words of content spanning ten small scenes for when you initiate sex while in bed.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .7k words of content spanning four small scenes for when you initiate sex while not in bed.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 1.7k words of content spanning fourteen small scenes for the missionary sex position.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 2.1k words of content spanning seventeen small scenes for the doggystyle sex position.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .7k words of content spanning four small scenes for cumming on her belly.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .3k words of content spanning two small scenes for cumming on her back.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .4k words of content spanning three small scenes for cumming in her pussy.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 1.2k words of content spanning ten small scenes that can end the interactive sex scene.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 2k words of content spanning twelve small scenes for oral sex.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 1.1k words of content spanning six small scenes for oral cumshots.
-Added the ability to initiate sex with Eve in the master bedroom.
-Added three background images to the Master Bedroom. The time of day will affect which image you see.
-Added three background images to the Entry Hall. The time of day will affect which image you see.
-Added the code for a new NPC. She won't be appearing in game for a couple of builds yet, but the ground work has been done so all we have to do to get her into the game is to add content..
-Rebuild of the name system.
-Fixed a bug that was preventing two of the Love Shack scenes from playing.
-Had a couple of images improperly named in the intro, have been fixed.
-Implemented a new system in the background that should help minimize the number of broken saves we have between builds. It's probably not going to catch everything, but it should be a big step in the right direction.
-One of our helpers did a rework of the Billiards code. Mostly it was a case of adjusting probabilities so it was much less likely that someone would run the table.
-Fixed a couple of minor bugs in the code, nothing game breaking though.
-Fixed a host of spelling and grammar issues.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 8/03/18


Patreon Links:
A19 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

A19 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

A18 Public Build: (Free):
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Both the A19 and A19 CHEAT are Patreon only. The A18 build is the free build. When A20 comes out, then A19 will become the new free build.


Jul 20, 2018
ok, its nice to have a interactive developer most of the times it is not the case. Keep up the good work on the game!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Before I started creating my own projects, I sent out messages so several creators, and I almost never heard back from any of them. It made my day on the rare occasions I got a reply, and I wanted to be that kind of creator. I make an effort to reply to every message (Sometimes things fall through the cracks, but I try at least.), engage with the fans. ;)


Jul 20, 2018
That is all most players want from a developer. Keep doing what you are doing, I am not financially stable enough to contribute, however I wish you luck!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
That is all most players want from a developer. Keep doing what you are doing, I am not financially stable enough to contribute, however I wish you luck!
That's why I make sure there's always a free build available. This may be how I pay the bills, but even so it's more important to me to share my work than get rich off of it.

Also, I post the game to about twenty different places, so I don't usually post updates everywhere I share new builds. That said, I post progress reports that area available to the public over on Patreon regularly if you want to follow what is going on with development. And we've got a discord as well if you ever want to drop in and just chat with other people interested in the game. ;)

Discord link for anyone who is interested:


May 5, 2018
If I may make an observation, it seems like you are making life harder for yourself by focusing on events and neglecting actions. I could be wrong(I've never programmed in Twine), but it seems like a few actions would be almost trivial to implement and would add much to the gameplay experience. For example, a 'Play checkers' action could be a one-sentence scene and add one to trust. It would make sense, be easy to make(I think), and would give the player a small amount of controllable stat gain. Or maybe a 'Read to Eve' action, same thing. And if you want to get fancy with it, you could add unlock events for them, like finding a checkers set in town that isn't missing any pieces and buying it for them as a replacement for their current one. Or, if you think it would be too easy to spam, make it a once per day thing.

If it doesn't seem like a good idea, feel free to ignore it. It's just that I was thinking "If I was living in a house with someone that I wanted to be closer to, I wouldn't just wander from room to room hoping to find her falling off a ladder so that I could save her."


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
If I may make an observation, it seems like you are making life harder for yourself by focusing on events and neglecting actions. I could be wrong(I've never programmed in Twine), but it seems like a few actions would be almost trivial to implement and would add much to the gameplay experience. For example, a 'Play checkers' action could be a one-sentence scene and add one to trust. It would make sense, be easy to make(I think), and would give the player a small amount of controllable stat gain. Or maybe a 'Read to Eve' action, same thing. And if you want to get fancy with it, you could add unlock events for them, like finding a checkers set in town that isn't missing any pieces and buying it for them as a replacement for their current one. Or, if you think it would be too easy to spam, make it a once per day thing.

If it doesn't seem like a good idea, feel free to ignore it. It's just that I was thinking "If I was living in a house with someone that I wanted to be closer to, I wouldn't just wander from room to room hoping to find her falling off a ladder so that I could save her."
Actually, if you look at the last few builds, you'll see that we just recently added the basics of billiards (With the bare bones, for each of the girls. Got it in place for Anna in one build, got it in place for Eve the next.), set up the framework for TV shows in the last build. I'm actually working on creating "Hide and Seek" content for the younger sister right now that should appear in the next build of the game. So "Actions" are something that is getting added a bit at a time. We've also got someone writing code for playing several card games and a rebuild of the meals system is in the works.

You haven't found the checkers scene yet huh?

Working in twee, it's actually quite a bit more work to create something like a game (Billiards, cards, Hide and Seek, etc) for Inheritance than it is to create an interactive scene for the game. That said, I really love setting up functions like your suggestion, so that's something I DO want to add a lot more of to the game as it continues to grow.

Reading to Eve is a neat idea. I'll pencil that down for a rainy day. I was thinking about doing a sort of "Schooling" storyline, but it may be worth it to include the option of reading bed time stories or similar.

Also, I'm always open to ideas, if there's something you'd like to see, say something. If I like it, I'll get it onto my list of things to eventually add to the game.

I'm hoping to get movement into the game soon so the girls will start moving of their own accord rather than needing to summon them from room to room. (Actually saw you mention the ladder above and sent another message to the guy who is coding that, see if we can't light a fire under them.) At present, there's around 60-70 interactive scenes in the game across a wide range of rooms.
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Jun 21, 2017
So, in general, how far has development come along since A11? which was the last version I played.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Well, The last three builds combined has accounted for roughly 100k words of new content. So that would take you back to A16. Don't remember how much for sure went into each build before then. I'd wager that we've more than doubled the interactive scenes since then. Added the grounds around the mansion and added the town near the estate recently, though neither have much content for them just yet.

The game is growing in leaps and bounds. If you're worried about how playable the game is, watch for the first Beta build (Right now it's Alpha, indicated by the A in the build number. That will change to a B once all of the major functions are in the game.
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May 5, 2018
Actually, if you look at the last few builds, you'll see that we just recently added the basics of billiards (With the bare bones, for each of the girls. Got it in place for Anna in one build, got it in place for Eve the next.), set up the framework for TV shows in the last build. I'm actually working on creating "Hide and Seek" content for the younger sister right now that should appear in the next build of the game. So "Actions" are something that is getting added a bit at a time. We've also got someone writing code for playing several card games and a rebuild of the meals system is in the works.

You haven't found the checkers scene yet huh?

Working in twee, it's actually quite a bit more work to create something like a game (Billiards, cards, Hide and Seek, etc) for Inheritance than it is to create an interactive scene for the game. That said, I really love setting up functions like your suggestion, so that's something I DO want to add a lot more of to the game as it continues to grow.

Reading to Eve is a neat idea. I'll pencil that down for a rainy day. I was thinking about doing a sort of "Schooling" storyline, but it may be worth it to include the option of reading bed time stories or similar.

Also, I'm always open to ideas, if there's something you'd like to see, say something. If I like it, I'll get it onto my list of things to eventually add to the game.

I'm hoping to get movement into the game soon so the girls will start moving of their own accord rather than needing to summon them from room to room. (Actually saw you mention the ladder above and sent another message to the guy who is coding that, see if we can't light a fire under them.) At present, there's around 60-70 interactive scenes in the game across a wide range of rooms.
I'm not sure if I'm not understanding you, or if you're not understanding me. If it's the former, then I apologize. In case it's the latter, I'll try to make myself clearer. What you seem to be describing are what I would call 'mechanics,' systems that expand the gameplay beyond what already exist. What I'm trying to describe are single actions, such as an option in the Interactions menu that just says "Play checkers" and simply triggers a message that says "You play checkers with <interactee> for <time> minutes." or something like that.

I found an event involving playing checkers, if that's the one you're talking about, but again, it's an event. Triggered randomly, and requiring time and thought to write properly. If I'm underestimating how hard it would be to add menu options to the interactions menu, then I apologize, but as I mentioned earlier, from my standpoint it seems like adding "Play checkers" to it would be trivially simple. But again, I've never done anything in the language you're using, so I easily could be wrong.

One last, specific request: hugs. I'd love to be able to hug the girls from the interaction menu.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
I'm not sure if I'm not understanding you, or if you're not understanding me. If it's the former, then I apologize. In case it's the latter, I'll try to make myself clearer. What you seem to be describing are what I would call 'mechanics,' systems that expand the gameplay beyond what already exist. What I'm trying to describe are single actions, such as an option in the Interactions menu that just says "Play checkers" and simply triggers a message that says "You play checkers with <interactee> for <time> minutes." or something like that.

I found an event involving playing checkers, if that's the one you're talking about, but again, it's an event. Triggered randomly, and requiring time and thought to write properly. If I'm underestimating how hard it would be to add menu options to the interactions menu, then I apologize, but as I mentioned earlier, from my standpoint it seems like adding "Play checkers" to it would be trivially simple. But again, I've never done anything in the language you're using, so I easily could be wrong.

One last, specific request: hugs. I'd love to be able to hug the girls from the interaction menu.
So, what you're talking about is things like the conversation system or punishment system? Something that you can trigger pretty much at will and you receive a short little scene in response. As far as coding those, it's about the same amount of work to code something like hugs/conversations as it is to code the sex scenes in the master bedroom. It involves me setting up a link (Easy) that takes you to an array (Pain in the neck), then the game selects a scene at random that you qualify for from the list before displaying that scene for the player to view (Easy). For those kinds of scenes, it's fairly common for the writing to include somewhere between 100-500 words of content, usually toward the low end of that. In contrast, setting up an interactive scene usually includes 500-5000 words of content (Usually toward the middle of that), it involves me setting up a link (Again, Easy) to the written content, then at the end of that when presented with a choice I set up a link for each of those choices (Easy) that takes you to the next segment of the scene. The big difference between the two is that the first one takes half an hour of coding to add a few hundred words of content, the second takes a couple minutes of coding to add a few thousand. ;) That said, both are rewarding in their own ways, and I'll keep growing the amount of content for the game across the board.

I like the idea of giving hugs. That can be delightfully awkward at low relationship levels while being sweet and cute at higher levels. I'll put it on my list.

A couple of other things coming down the pipe for the game that might interest you:
-Going to have the option to take the girls for a walk in the woods,
-Got a function half built for the gym that allows you to spar with the girls (Started this quite a while back, just need to find the time to finish it.)
-Eventually you'll be able to take the girls bowling or to the movies.

I can see the hugs thing now:
Eve at low relationship levels, Anna at high relationship levels:
MC: "Girls, come here."
Both girls shuffle forward and you put your arms around both of them.
Eve: Stiffens in your arms.
Anna: Melts into your arms.
Eve: "Anna, he's hugging me, it's weird, and I don't think I like it."
Anna: Snuggles closer, "Just enjoy it Eve."
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3.30 star(s) 20 Votes