
Oct 28, 2017
I went partial dick, being a nice guy to her and her sister then i decided to smash her like a complete dick, i like mixing things, i'm 100% chaotical neutral
If that's how you want to play, then more power to you! :) - Really, I have no problem with people being assholes in games (doing so might even lead to being less of a dick in RL because you have scratched that urge and might be less likely to feel the need in RL...might be good for people who have a temper ;) )


Jul 18, 2017
Very small amount of content so far, but very well written. I am really looking forward to more!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
First, as the author of this game, I want to thank the original poster for sharing it here. I had tried posting the game previously and it was pulled down without explanation. Nice to see this thread staying up.

I'd have chimed in much sooner, but the thread was only pointed out to me a little while ago.

Now to try catching up on the conversation.

PS: Should have a new build of the game up some time late this week for those of you who are interested.

PSS: I don't know if there are any writers in this thread, but I figured this may be a good excuse to plug something I'm doing. I am currently planning a writing competition for the game, using funds earned through Patreon to cover prizes. Right now, I'm just gauging interest, but I'm thinking about opening the competition starting this weekend.

You can learn a little more here (Free post to view, and free to vote):

Looks like a fascinating setup for a game, definitely going to keep an eye on this project as it develops. Thanks!
I'll look forward to having you along for the journey!

really like the way the game is setup :3 gonnakeep checking back on this guy
Glad you are enjoying the game so far.

this looks interesting, new person to stalk.
I'll keep watching over my shoulder then, . . . .

I will shower one of the sisters with love and understanding and the other with sadism and neglect. Curious to see how that will play out :evilsmile::evilsmile::evilsmile:
I actually have plans that will allow for exactly this kind of thing. Eventually, I want to write content that will allow you to drive a wedge between the sisters and let you use one to manipulate the other.

Alright, i'm sold this game has my attention. Once this starts updating more i'll definitely pledge on patreon.
This is why I try to ensure there is a free version of all my projects. While the money may help me pay the bills, and a portion of it goes into art for my projects, its still more important to me that everyone who wants to has a chance to enjoy this and other games that I create. That's why the game is set up with early access, for people who can't afford the expense, or are patient, they just have to wait a couple extra weeks for the latest build to become the public one. ;)

I like the writing.
Glad you like my writing. If you're interested in seeing more, you can find my other games here:

I also contribute over on chyoa.com from time to time. You can find my profile page here:

I sometimes use chyoa.com as a proving grounds for story ideas. I can post the start of a story there and see how much interest people take in it before pitching the story idea past Patrons to see what they want me to work on next.

This is true! I tend to alternate my time between this and another game named The Allure of Wanton Cove (Nearing completion of the main narrative, but intend to write some side stories within the game as well). When I prepare to work each week, I create a to-do list for what I plan to complete that week. I get a four day work week for this kind of stuff, and I can usually complete my to-do list in 2-3 days. At the start of each week I start a poll to ask Patrons what they want me to spend any extra time on. The extra day or two at the end of the week ends up being invested into whatever is voted for that week.

Nice - I always like going to opposite route of breaking or corrupting somebody :) (takes me down memory lane, too because my first girlfriend was very insecure and had a history of self-harm (cutting herself) and thus she needed a confidence boost (note: I am not the most confident guy, but I was tons more confident than she was) or some emotional reasurance a lot of times - funnily enough there were times she was downright bossy and in charge, too...I really loved her - till she left me for an asshole (I sometimes think I was too nice, but then again I've never been the typical nice guy either, because I don't let people walk all over me...well, strange...got to stop rambling))

BUT: Either I am doing it wrong (or I am just to dumb for this game!) or there is no more story after the first day? (Girls aren't showing up when summoned...it just tells me that they should ("This will allow you to move *insert girl's name here* to your current location...")...strange!)

Well, still I like the writing - the art could be less influenced by Mangas, but that's ok (as the artist avoids some of the pitfalls of that art-style like overly large eyes or (especially in Hentai) boobs that are blown out of proportion (looks stupid and breaks all immersion for me, when the boobs don't fit the frame of the girl/woman that's being shown!))

ps: I don't like the navigation with the menu (especially since you have to go back the way you came if you are say in the bathroom - can't just go to the entrance hall from there, no sir, you have to return to your bedroom, then to the hallway and finally the entrance hall!)
As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the game is still an early alpha. I've been working on it for about a year now, but only in recent weeks reached a point where its "playable." There's about 50k words of content in the game right now, but there is a lot more that has been written that is still being added. And all the while I'm continuing to write new content.

Right now, the girls do not move about the house on their own, but there are plans to change that in the future. Summons were a little broken in the current free version, but the new build should fix that as well as several other things.

Sorry to hear that you don't care for the navigation in the game. I'm actually in the process of streamlining it a bit. I have a "Three Click" rule for all functions and movement in the game. If it takes more than three clicks to accomplish something, its probably more complicated than it needs to be. In the case of navigation, I want all locations to be within three clicks of a hub. In the case of the mansion, the "hub" is the entry hall.

So nothing to do on day2 I think.
Depends on the version you are playing. A1 didn't have a lot going on. A2 has some interactive scenes added, and A3 added another interactive scene AND the interactive sex scenes for the first few positions.

Reading seems a very usefull skill - I should do it more ;) (or to spell it out: Sorry, I kind of didn't read that *sits in the corner ashamed of himself*)

Thanks for pointing this out BTW :)
Reading is AWESOME! Its one of the few things I enjoy doing ALMOST as much as writing!

Oh shit, this is by the guy who is writing The Allure of Wanton Cove. "An emotionally damaged woman who is haunted by the horrors she has experienced" huh? Considering it's this guy, those horrors might be pretty harsh. Looks awesome
Yes I am! Turns out that having a traumatic childhood of my own prepared me to write emotionally damaged characters, . . . go figure. :D

I do intend to detail some of what has happened to the girls in the past, as much to set a precedence for that kind of content in the game as it will be to create a contrast for those playing a more kind hearted/nurturing approach to the game. After all, one must understand the horrors of the past to truly understand the significance of the change you are given the opportunity to bring to their lives.

I love the concept, can't wait for an update or does someone have a 5$ pledge to get the actual A1b version?
No pirating please. After all, I have to pay the bills somehow. That said, the A2 build will become the new free version at the end of this week with the A3 build becoming available to the public some time next month when the A4 build comes out for Patrons.

Haha I already did, You got a 5 dollar backer.
And I love you for helping make this all happen!

This could potentially turn into an experience like "Teaching Feeling", pacing would be the key factor to see how well it comes off, but so far it seems like a good intro to an original concept.
Teaching Feeling is one of my favorite games, and a big inspiration for this game. I've actually written a couple of easter eggs into the game already that are respectful nods towards Teaching Feeling. I encourage everyone who hasn't played Teaching Feeling to look it up and give it a play. Sylvie is a sweetheart, and there are few things more rewarding than seeing her go from being an emotionally damage and terrified young lady and blossoming into a happy woman.

It's just a teaser at present, but it is interesting. I hope there will be some middle ground between 'rape and torture' and 'lovey dovey'.
Right now, the intro is about 20k words of content between all branches. There are probably another +30k words of content related to minor events and room descriptions. Then another 15k words of content in interactive scenes as of A2. So while this is very early in development, there IS a lot of content.

Yes, the intent is to present a setting where the player can treat the girls however they want. Platonic relationship where you treat them like employees? Sure. Freaky torture sex slaves? Why not. Sex slaves? Absolutely. Romantic interests? Yep!

"I tried to make friends with one of master's slaves that he kept locked in his room most of the time. She was really sad and her voice was a little raspy from all the screaming he made her do, when he found me in his room talking to her, he made me watch as he hurt her," Eve's expression starts to fall, becoming terribly sad, "Anna says it was acid that he was pouring on her and that he liked it when she screamed. She's the only one he made cry more than my sister."

Fearing the answer, you can't help but ask, "What happened to her?"

"A man, an oriental man with a long brown coat and a hat came right after our last master died. He scared me a little. He gathered up all of the slaves except for us. He told us to care for the house until our new master arrived, then he left with the other slaves and a few other things," Her voice is small when she adds, "I hope she's ok."

So this is supposed to be set in the same universe as "Dorei to no Seikatsu/Life With A Slave -Teaching Feeling" huh? interesting.
Mostly it is just a nod to a game that I enjoy very much and which acted as inspiration when planning this game.

That said, if you were to try to place them in the same universe then this game would be taking place parallel time wise. While Sylvie is taken to the good doctor, Anna and Eve are left to tend the mansion as they await their new master's arrival.

Anyone know of another game that falls along the same vein (aside from Teaching Feeling)?

My only quibble with this game is the lolicon. It's a fantastic start otherwise.
Eve is actually 18 years old, and this last weekend I actually started writing content related to her 19th birthday. Eventually however, I have mechanics planned for the game that will allow you to adjust both girls' apparent age and appearance to whatever you want.

Fantastic start, really immersive.
I tried to go the cruel path and can't continue, the girls' reactions are just too strong
Time to be a carebear for a little while I guess.
Glad to hear that you're enjoying it! Its always very rewarding to know that you've accomplished the kind of feeling you intend when writing. I wanted to pull at the player's heartstrings, to make them naturally inclined towards wanting to protect and nurture them.

Hm...I am conflicted (I know it's only a very very very early version of this game, still....)...the writer is good at making me question what the best path is (especially since there's no outcome yet, because that choice ends this version of the game!)...I mean of the two choices here (I will never be a total abusive asshole, not even in a game so for me there's only two choices here, not 3 (abusing her is out of the question!)...no, I can't even roleplay that! I can roleplay a greedy person, a person driven by revenge, hell even someone who's a racist should I really need to etc. etc. but not someone who's just an evil asshole!):

- stop Anna from having sex with you (either by saying you aren't even remotely intersted in her, which would in my case be a lie, not to mention totally uncalled for! Or by saying that if there's going to be sex then it will be consensual (which more or less means she has to initiate it without thinking that she has to, but because she wants it!))

- have sex with her but make it special for her (the absolute opposite to the uncle who basically used her as a living sex-doll!)

The first choice seems to be the better one at face value, but on the other hand: She's enjoying herself in choice two (she clamps down on the protagonist's head when he's eating her out because she has an orgasm and she seems to like kissing, too) and it seems to establish a better connection between the protagonist and her (not to mention that giving someone who's had very few good things happen to them a very good one seems like something you really should do)

I really don't know which is the morally superior choice...:(

ps: I love it when games challange me like that, sadly most AAA-Developers have stopped making games that really challenge you like this :(
I agree, there are a lot of games out there, but few of them really encourage you to think with your heart and make hard decisions when more than one answer can be correct. Thank you for the high praise, and I hope that I continue to live up to it!

"I really don't know which is the morally superior choice...:(" That is the sign of a good writer my friend. Nothing in life is ever black and white, and a good writer translates that onto paper... even if it hurts a little.
Life is made of shades of gray, and even when presented with clear choices, it is often difficult to know which is the "right" choice.

And never forget, all the hurt in our lives just means we have to love a little deeper. ;)

I know :) that's why I was posting this...(ok and maybe to get a discussion going!)...I like this about writers: The good ones challenge us!
For what its worth, I love this kind of conversation, it shows me where people resonate the most with the story, pointing out the strong parts so I know what people enjoy, or where there may be room for improvement.

Actually there is an even darker Anna intro scene in the making :D
I think it appears in the A2 build of the game. Basically it is a foreshadowing of your ability to follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps.

darker for anna or the pc ?
is it an anna scene where she loses her temper and threats the pc or a pc scene where he misshandles her harder ?
See above. Lets just say the sex is a little rougher.

Anna is fragile and terrified much of the time. Short of potential harm to her sister, she's going to let you do whatever you want with her with little or no complaint.

i would actually also like to se a lose her temper kinda thing you know if you take the more she can relax kinda choices that at some point she loses it and starts raging her past off on you
Not physical mind you but verbally and you can then choose to punish or accept
i feel like that would make for a good way to make her accept a caring master if thats what you choose instead
she has seen hell and i feel there should be a way to get it off if you let her think she can
I don't really picture her as a yeller. That said, physical violence is possible if she feels her sister is in danger.

Maybe...you can comfort her then (it's kind of like a therapy session that way)...on the other hand:

Would someone who was punished harshly all her life ever lose their temper like that? Wouldn't the fear (that's still there in the back of their heads) make that next to impossible? (I am not a therapist, so I don't actually know!)
I think that people carry their scars with them for a life time. Those scars make us who we are, and the deeper they are, the harder it is for us to fully overcome what hurt us in the first place. While humanly possible to overcome the kind of mistreatment she has experienced, I see this particular hurt as something that defines her, and I plan to write her with that underlying fear in mind.

I think as long as you don't hurt Eve, Anna won't rebell and will "heal" if you treat her well
Someone's been looking at my notes. :p

Yeah, in time that's quite possible...I don't want to hurt either one :) (just not my style to hurt others who haven't harmed me first)
And in turn, they will grow to love you for that.

I'm not sure I like the exploration mechanic perhaps if you limited it to a specific period of the day rather then making it 24 hours? Its sort of boring to not know when to do what/etc.
I think that as more content is added to the game, this will become less of an issue. Right now, there are day time events while the girls are working, there are evening events after they have completed their chores, I recently added the ability to eavesdrop at their door and a few other things I'm not thinking of at the moment. A lot of scenes are affected by relationship values, or even sleeping arrangements at this time. Eventually you'll even be able to watch them sleep or even molest them in their sleep at night.

i suppose that is a problem i dont know i feel like even though she will always have her fear if she gets enough clues over the course of the intro that you dont just punish her everytime she speaks that at some point it might come boiling up :) not sure but if it could work it would be a great way to make the nice guy route work
She wont be a yeller, but I do have plans for ways she might retaliate against the protagonist if her fear is low enough and he does something to upset her. ;)

This was the first text based game I tried and I liked it a lot more than I expected. I might consider supporting the developer in the future when there is more content if they can maintain the quality of their writing.
I am overjoyed to hear Inheritance made a good first impression with you.

Jdoe1239 if you are starting to take a liking towards text based ero games you absolutely have to try 'Free Cities' too ;) when it comes to ero games, I myself is really a picture person, but this game and Free Cities are so well written, that I can abstract from the fact they don't have that much visual stimuli and just enjoy the text! :happyblush
I can second Free Cities, its pretty good.

I actually approach art from a perspective I don't see often. I like art in my games, but I feel it must be consistent. Additionally, I feel that if you pulled every bit of art out of the game, that the text should be able to stand on its own merit to still be a complete and enjoyable game. I feel the same about sex in general within my games, if you can pull it all out and the story is still both enjoyable and complete, then the sex is just the icing on the cake. :D

or you could be a dick, and smash her without caring
Very true.

stupid question is this a completed game or not? couse it seems interesting
Not even close.

i guess A2 means alpha stage 2, so i doubt its finished.
You are correct. A2 indicates the 2nd Alpha build.

No, unacceptable! There's things I just won't do (unless it comes down to live or death (survival)) and hurting people who are dependent on me and in a weak position is one of those things, so NO!

note: I like that this way exists (to be an asshole and a tyrant and a slaver!), there's after all people who would go down this road in RL and others who can roleplay a total asshole! It just isn't for me!
I know that feeling well. I know a lot of people who play this are going to want to play it as just another slave trainer game, but I want it to be much more than that as well, rewarding players for other play styles.

why ı cant open this
I have no idea. You should be able to simply double click the html file and it will open in your browser. Can you tell me any more about the problem? Error messages? Operating system? Browser?

I went partial dick, being a nice guy to her and her sister then i decided to smash her like a complete dick, i like mixing things, i'm 100% chaotical neutral
If it makes you happy, then you're playing it right.

Let me join this bandwagon will you?
Welcome aboard!

seen this story on chyoa
I will sometimes post content over on chyoa. By posting there, I'm able to explore a setting a little bit as I write and at the same time gauge interest in the story. I see it as kind of a proving grounds, or a place to pitch an idea.

And, . . . sometimes I just write over there for fun. ;)

If that's how you want to play, then more power to you! :) - Really, I have no problem with people being assholes in games (doing so might even lead to being less of a dick in RL because you have scratched that urge and might be less likely to feel the need in RL...might be good for people who have a temper ;) )
Couldn't agree more. Finding healthy releases for our less healthy urges is always far better than the alternative.

Not much content yet, it's still worth a look if your into text games.
Its in active development. You're right that there's not a lot to do yet, but I'm working on it!

Very small amount of content so far, but very well written. I am really looking forward to more!
Glad you are enjoying what is there so far. New build should be up later this week.

Looking back, I'm a little intimidated to hit "Post Reply" then see the wall of text it creates, . . . . . I apologize in advance.


Jun 1, 2017
I actually have plans that will allow for exactly this kind of thing. Eventually, I want to write content that will allow you to drive a wedge between the sisters and let you use one to manipulate the other.
Glad to hear, looking forward to it!

Yes I am! Turns out that having a traumatic childhood of my own prepared me to write emotionally damaged characters, . . . go figure. :D
I am sorry to hear you had to go through something like that. It is nice there are are people like you who can put some inspiration out of their (past) suffering and convert it into art though. Many of my favorite types of media are made by people who have deeply suffered from depression or trauma. Themes like depression, trauma, mental illness (other than depression) and suffering are not coincidentally some I find very interesting and of great aesthetic value. I am curious to see how you will handle these topics, they are of course very layered and multidimensional so I imagine they are not easy to depict in all its colours for an writer such as yourself.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Glad to hear, looking forward to it!

I am sorry to hear you had to go through something like that. It is nice there are are people like you who can put some inspiration out of their (past) suffering and convert it into art though. Many of my favorite types of media are made by people who have deeply suffered from depression or trauma. Themes like depression, trauma, mental illness (other than depression) and suffering are not coincidentally some I find very interesting and of great aesthetic value. I am curious to see how you will handle these topics, they are of course very layered and multidimensional so I imagine they are not easy to depict in all its colours for an writer such as yourself.
I struggled with depression and some other dark things during my childhood and into my early adult live. But when its all said and done, I like the person I have become, and I've been able to use my own experiences to help some others along the way. I wouldn't change it for the world.

As far as the trauma taking on layers, when A2 becomes the public build at the end of this week, check out the eavesdropping content in the evenings, some of the related events give a glimpse into both girls' mental state that I suspect you will enjoy. Some of those scenes are keyed to only play out if Anna is or isnt sharing a bed with you (Which is selectable in A2) and what your relationship status is at the time.

You are correct that depression, trauma and mental illness can be very difficult to write. There are no words for the feelings that come with those conditions, or at least none that really touch on the depth of those feelings. And honestly, people who have never experienced those things wouldn't fully grasp the gravity of those words even if they did exist. Instead, many creators pour their heart into what they do and let their experience flow through that. There is music that makes you want to weep or rejoice, poetry that calls to your heart, paintings that inspire longing. I know that for me, when I write, its not always about putting words to paper, its quite often about finding a way to convey emotion through those words. Its common for me to mention the eyes in my writing, or use body language, or even ask questions in moments of reflection within the story, to reflect those things in a way that the reader can better understand. Looking at this thread, seeing people talking about wanting to protect and nurture the girls, and the discussion about Anna's mental state and whether or not she could be capable of violence, or even standing up for herself, leads me to believe that I'm having at least some success at conveying the vulnerability and pain the girls have suffered. :D
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Reactions: Boardguy and n0b0dy


Professional Bystander
Staff member
Community Liaison
Aug 14, 2016
First, as the author of this game, I want to thank the original poster for sharing it here. I had tried posting the game previously and it was pulled down without explanation. Nice to see this thread staying up.

I'd have chimed in much sooner, but the thread was only pointed out to me a little while ago.

Now to try catching up on the conversation.

PS: Should have a new build of the game up some time late this week for those of you who are interested.

PSS: I don't know if there are any writers in this thread, but I figured this may be a good excuse to plug something I'm doing. I am currently planning a writing competition for the game, using funds earned through Patreon to cover prizes. Right now, I'm just gauging interest, but I'm thinking about opening the competition starting this weekend.

You can learn a little more here (Free post to view, and free to vote):

I'll look forward to having you along for the journey!

Glad you are enjoying the game so far.

I'll keep watching over my shoulder then, . . . .

I actually have plans that will allow for exactly this kind of thing. Eventually, I want to write content that will allow you to drive a wedge between the sisters and let you use one to manipulate the other.

This is why I try to ensure there is a free version of all my projects. While the money may help me pay the bills, and a portion of it goes into art for my projects, its still more important to me that everyone who wants to has a chance to enjoy this and other games that I create. That's why the game is set up with early access, for people who can't afford the expense, or are patient, they just have to wait a couple extra weeks for the latest build to become the public one. ;)

Glad you like my writing. If you're interested in seeing more, you can find my other games here:

I also contribute over on chyoa.com from time to time. You can find my profile page here:

I sometimes use chyoa.com as a proving grounds for story ideas. I can post the start of a story there and see how much interest people take in it before pitching the story idea past Patrons to see what they want me to work on next.

This is true! I tend to alternate my time between this and another game named The Allure of Wanton Cove (Nearing completion of the main narrative, but intend to write some side stories within the game as well). When I prepare to work each week, I create a to-do list for what I plan to complete that week. I get a four day work week for this kind of stuff, and I can usually complete my to-do list in 2-3 days. At the start of each week I start a poll to ask Patrons what they want me to spend any extra time on. The extra day or two at the end of the week ends up being invested into whatever is voted for that week.

As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the game is still an early alpha. I've been working on it for about a year now, but only in recent weeks reached a point where its "playable." There's about 50k words of content in the game right now, but there is a lot more that has been written that is still being added. And all the while I'm continuing to write new content.

Right now, the girls do not move about the house on their own, but there are plans to change that in the future. Summons were a little broken in the current free version, but the new build should fix that as well as several other things.

Sorry to hear that you don't care for the navigation in the game. I'm actually in the process of streamlining it a bit. I have a "Three Click" rule for all functions and movement in the game. If it takes more than three clicks to accomplish something, its probably more complicated than it needs to be. In the case of navigation, I want all locations to be within three clicks of a hub. In the case of the mansion, the "hub" is the entry hall.

Depends on the version you are playing. A1 didn't have a lot going on. A2 has some interactive scenes added, and A3 added another interactive scene AND the interactive sex scenes for the first few positions.

Reading is AWESOME! Its one of the few things I enjoy doing ALMOST as much as writing!

Yes I am! Turns out that having a traumatic childhood of my own prepared me to write emotionally damaged characters, . . . go figure. :D

I do intend to detail some of what has happened to the girls in the past, as much to set a precedence for that kind of content in the game as it will be to create a contrast for those playing a more kind hearted/nurturing approach to the game. After all, one must understand the horrors of the past to truly understand the significance of the change you are given the opportunity to bring to their lives.

No pirating please. After all, I have to pay the bills somehow. That said, the A2 build will become the new free version at the end of this week with the A3 build becoming available to the public some time next month when the A4 build comes out for Patrons.

And I love you for helping make this all happen!

Teaching Feeling is one of my favorite games, and a big inspiration for this game. I've actually written a couple of easter eggs into the game already that are respectful nods towards Teaching Feeling. I encourage everyone who hasn't played Teaching Feeling to look it up and give it a play. Sylvie is a sweetheart, and there are few things more rewarding than seeing her go from being an emotionally damage and terrified young lady and blossoming into a happy woman.

Right now, the intro is about 20k words of content between all branches. There are probably another +30k words of content related to minor events and room descriptions. Then another 15k words of content in interactive scenes as of A2. So while this is very early in development, there IS a lot of content.

Yes, the intent is to present a setting where the player can treat the girls however they want. Platonic relationship where you treat them like employees? Sure. Freaky torture sex slaves? Why not. Sex slaves? Absolutely. Romantic interests? Yep!

Mostly it is just a nod to a game that I enjoy very much and which acted as inspiration when planning this game.

That said, if you were to try to place them in the same universe then this game would be taking place parallel time wise. While Sylvie is taken to the good doctor, Anna and Eve are left to tend the mansion as they await their new master's arrival.

Eve is actually 18 years old, and this last weekend I actually started writing content related to her 19th birthday. Eventually however, I have mechanics planned for the game that will allow you to adjust both girls' apparent age and appearance to whatever you want.

Glad to hear that you're enjoying it! Its always very rewarding to know that you've accomplished the kind of feeling you intend when writing. I wanted to pull at the player's heartstrings, to make them naturally inclined towards wanting to protect and nurture them.

I agree, there are a lot of games out there, but few of them really encourage you to think with your heart and make hard decisions when more than one answer can be correct. Thank you for the high praise, and I hope that I continue to live up to it!

Life is made of shades of gray, and even when presented with clear choices, it is often difficult to know which is the "right" choice.

And never forget, all the hurt in our lives just means we have to love a little deeper. ;)

For what its worth, I love this kind of conversation, it shows me where people resonate the most with the story, pointing out the strong parts so I know what people enjoy, or where there may be room for improvement.

I think it appears in the A2 build of the game. Basically it is a foreshadowing of your ability to follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps.

See above. Lets just say the sex is a little rougher.

Anna is fragile and terrified much of the time. Short of potential harm to her sister, she's going to let you do whatever you want with her with little or no complaint.

I don't really picture her as a yeller. That said, physical violence is possible if she feels her sister is in danger.

I think that people carry their scars with them for a life time. Those scars make us who we are, and the deeper they are, the harder it is for us to fully overcome what hurt us in the first place. While humanly possible to overcome the kind of mistreatment she has experienced, I see this particular hurt as something that defines her, and I plan to write her with that underlying fear in mind.

Someone's been looking at my notes. :p

And in turn, they will grow to love you for that.

I think that as more content is added to the game, this will become less of an issue. Right now, there are day time events while the girls are working, there are evening events after they have completed their chores, I recently added the ability to eavesdrop at their door and a few other things I'm not thinking of at the moment. A lot of scenes are affected by relationship values, or even sleeping arrangements at this time. Eventually you'll even be able to watch them sleep or even molest them in their sleep at night.

She wont be a yeller, but I do have plans for ways she might retaliate against the protagonist if her fear is low enough and he does something to upset her. ;)

I am overjoyed to hear Inheritance made a good first impression with you.

I can second Free Cities, its pretty good.

I actually approach art from a perspective I don't see often. I like art in my games, but I feel it must be consistent. Additionally, I feel that if you pulled every bit of art out of the game, that the text should be able to stand on its own merit to still be a complete and enjoyable game. I feel the same about sex in general within my games, if you can pull it all out and the story is still both enjoyable and complete, then the sex is just the icing on the cake. :D

Very true.

Not even close.

You are correct. A2 indicates the 2nd Alpha build.

I know that feeling well. I know a lot of people who play this are going to want to play it as just another slave trainer game, but I want it to be much more than that as well, rewarding players for other play styles.

I have no idea. You should be able to simply double click the html file and it will open in your browser. Can you tell me any more about the problem? Error messages? Operating system? Browser?

If it makes you happy, then you're playing it right.

Welcome aboard!

I will sometimes post content over on chyoa. By posting there, I'm able to explore a setting a little bit as I write and at the same time gauge interest in the story. I see it as kind of a proving grounds, or a place to pitch an idea.

And, . . . sometimes I just write over there for fun. ;)

Couldn't agree more. Finding healthy releases for our less healthy urges is always far better than the alternative.

Its in active development. You're right that there's not a lot to do yet, but I'm working on it!

Glad you are enjoying what is there so far. New build should be up later this week.

Looking back, I'm a little intimidated to hit "Post Reply" then see the wall of text it creates, . . . . . I apologize in advance.
"I had tried posting the game previously and it was pulled down without explanation. Nice to see this thread staying up. " Wait, what? Really? Sorry, something must have gone wrong or a glitch or something. Sorry about that, that must have felt bad. :( But, anyway, welcome to the community, sorry again about the bad start


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Tell that to all the Lolicon bashers out there! :FeelsBadMan:
Yeah, I've seen a bit of hate because Eve looks a bit young in this game. And that's in spite of no "adult" content related to her yet.

I plan to clearly define her as being of age early in the game before any sexual content related to her unlocks. That said, there's going to be a lot of customization available for both girls appearance, so you'll be able to cater their appearances to your personal preference. eventually.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
"I had tried posting the game previously and it was pulled down without explanation. Nice to see this thread staying up. " Wait, what? Really? Sorry, something must have gone wrong or a glitch or something. Sorry about that, that must have felt bad. :( But, anyway, welcome to the community, sorry again about the bad start
I actually figured it has something to do with how young Eve comes off as in the game. At the time, the thread had stayed up for an hour or so, then was gone. I tried to send a message through the "Ask Question" option in the Frequently Asked Questions, but never heard a response.

No harm done, I learned to be thick skinned a long time ago when it comes to little things like this. ;) Mostly I'm just happy that its reaching a group of people who seem to authentically enjoy the game.
Last edited:


May 15, 2017
After reading this posts I know how this time span comes about :)
GateKeeper said:
+10 Hours replying to messages (eMail, PM, Forums. Probably an hour and a half, maybe just a little more on average each day. Right after releases tends to be the busiest with things dying down to just a couple of messages most days when we near the next release. That said, this is one of my favorite parts of the job, and I love doing it.)
Great writing and the different choices you have with all their consequences make the good path worth playing.
It is not just a cheap slave trainer game without relation to the characters. No, you see and feel the reaction of your doings.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
After reading this posts I know how this time span comes about :)

Great writing and the different choices you have with all their consequences make the good path worth playing.
It is not just a cheap slave trainer game without relation to the characters. No, you see and feel the reaction of your doings.
Yeah, I can be a little long winded at times. ;) And more importantly, I sent messages to a lot of other creators when I first got started, on the rare occasion that I was replied to, I thought the world of it. Because of that, I make a pretty serious effort to reply to everyone. Treat others the way you like to be treated and all that.

Glad that you are enjoying the story so far. I try to put a lot of thought into my NPCs, let the player interact with them and get to know them as a person instead of simple property. Makes the experience more meaningful.

Hope to continue living up to your high expectations!

Deleted member 59977

Jdoe1239 if you are starting to take a liking towards text based ero games you absolutely have to try 'Free Cities' too ;) when it comes to ero games, I myself is really a picture person, but this game and Free Cities are so well written, that I can abstract from the fact they don't have that much visual stimuli and just enjoy the text! :happyblush
Thanks! I will try it out next. I have been getting into text based games lately - am playing a game called last sovereign right now and thats another amazing text based game. Will try out free cities after I am done with that.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Thanks! I will try it out next. I have been getting into text based games lately - am playing a game called last sovereign right now and thats another amazing text based game. Will try out free cities after I am done with that.
Are you looking for any specific kind of text based game? Or just text based games in general?

Splendid Ostrich is creating a game called NewLife that is kind of a life sim that is pretty good. No art at all in the game, but some of the content has an amazing amount of control over how the scenes play out.

Then there is tufty who is creating what may be my favorite text based game of all time, The Weekend. Its kind of a light hearted tale of self discovery. Simple yet beautiful art and some top notch writing.

For both of those, I linked their Patreon pages, but in both cases, tufty has a free build on their page just three posts down at the time I made this post. SO has pretty much only paid posts, but you can find the free version through their blog which I posted below their Patreon page.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Got a new build of Inheritance ready for all of you to enjoy!

Changes made since previous build:

-Added sex mechanic to the game. Currently includes Oral (Receive), Missionary, and Doggystyle content. Sex can be initiated either from the master bedroom, or from bed if you go to bed at the correct time. Additional content will be added in time.

-Added meal time mechanic to the game. Currently has 12 scenes, two with the girls and two without for each meal.

-Ability to assign an eating arrangement for the girls has been added.

-Started cleaning up the sidebar.

-Added one new interactive scene that takes place during the work day in many locations in the mansion.

-Put some art back into the game.

Patreon A3 CHEAT Build ($5 Version of game):

Patreon A3 Build ($1 Version of game):

Public A2a (Free Download):


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
I screwed up this morning in my rush to get the new build out. The "Free" link above was routing people to a pay link. That has been corrected. Sorry about the inconvenience.
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Jun 19, 2017
What's the difference between the CHEAT version and the normal one?
Anyway thanks for the update, I'll be trying the 3rd ver. sometimes soon I guess.
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