Temperature has no effect on people's skin color. Ultraviolet intensity does. UV rays damage our bodies at the cellular level and the pigment melanin is produced to protect us from this. Therefore, as a general rule, the closer a population lives to the side of the planet that is closer to the sun, the darker their skin is.
I have no drawing skills, so when determining the skin color of my fictional peoples, I looked at pictures of real ethnicities from more or less similar (in my opinion) conditions on Earth. Then, using a color determiner on these photos, I got the RGB color coordinates and transferred them into the editor. For example, for Valatean, I looked at photos of indigenous peoples of Oceania and South America. However, I do not remember who exactly for them I took as a basis, but certainly not Europeans. I also considered that despite the hot and sunny dry season, the second half of the year in this region is cloudy and rainy.
The only thing is that I determined the skin color of Inuatarians by eye, yes. Simply because there are no people on Earth with moderately swarthy, but at the same time with such a distinctive, richly golden hue, skin.