Ren'Py - Innocence or Money [S2 E1 Fix1] [MarcialART]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: Season 1
    Time Played: 5+ hours, reached the end of content
    Gallery Mode: Yes
    In-game walkthrough: Robust hint system

    While they often paint a very bleak picture of the fairer sex, FeMC games are probably my favorite second only to sharing games. While MC Jennifer is a cock hungry harlot at heart, like most women, (/s for the dense misogynists) her internal struggle is fairly well-portrayed, and importantly for many players, seemingly left up to the player. This appears to even allow for an entirely pure playthrough, though my own was mainly trying to get her a first class ticket to Slutsville asap. This aspect of payer-control is also important since a lot of the dudes Jennifer can become entangled with aren't exactly Adonis-tier. Naturally, if you do want to keep her more pure or avoid some of the more grody looking dudes, you won't get certain scenes. Thankfully, there are a healthy amount of other women (including Jennifer's smoking hot lil' sis) who you will also get down and dirty and most of those scenes don't have any element of choice.

    Speaking of choice, aside from your decisions on how much to slut Jen up, the game plays out mainly linearly making the pseudo-sandbox map, hygiene, food and fitness meters and earning money a chore -- particularly in the early game where you need to grind money to buy a phone. Maybe these systems will be expanded upon in the future, but for now, they just add a layer of busywork that doesn't do the game any favors.

    + Smoking hot FeMC whose corruption is entirely up to the player
    + Other lovely ladies who you can also enjoy getting boned
    + Simple, yet sensible narrative with a hint of mystery

    = Male characters are mostly pretty gross-looking. (Honestly, that adds to the hotness for me, but I could see some people really being turned off by it.)
    = English, while entirely serviceable, isn't exceptional causing some conversations to feel like they are lasting too long.
    = Not a lot of penetrative content yet, but the build-up is hot, so I enjoyed it.

    - Long, drawn out animations that are tough to skip through. I really don't need an animation sequence of Jennifer doing leg lifts that I can't just entirely skip
    - Sandbox system and various other parameters feel unnecessary and can be a chore

    Overall, I really enjoyed the game. A lot of work clearly went into it and it does some pretty cool things with camera cuts and the music also isn't half bad.
    If you dig FeMC corruption and don't mind a small grind, you'll find a lot to enjoy here.

    Note to Dev: I've really enjoyed this one! Please consider making the animations more skip friendly -- particularly for mundane things like the gym workouts.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Not really a sandbox, should actually be a VN because it's actually pretty linear. Check the quest and just do that 1-2 things everyday on repeat. Reason for 1 star? Fake reviews that are one para long, they got lazy and even posted 2 back to back... You've been warned.

    Renders are good, some scenes are rather nicely done, however it gets repetitive really fast to see the same models from multiple angles. Also, the plot and dialogue kinda sucks because dev decided this must be in many languages.

    If you run out of things to play, you can give it a go to pass the time. Pro-tip: DO NOT BUY THE GYM MEMBERSHIP before you buy the phone.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A really nice corruption AVN. The FMC is super hot and the gameplay is rather easy for a sandbox AVN. For me the grind is minimal and the story progress is at a good pace. There are multiple paths to go with and it is not linear if you choose different options. Have fun corrupting Jen.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A really nice corruption AVN. The FMC is super hot and the gameplay is rather easy for a sandbox AVN. For me the grind is minimal and the story progress is at a good pace. There are multiple paths to go with and it is not linear if you choose different options. Have fun corrupting Jen but if the path is to dark you can always have options refuse some of the options.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The slow corruption is really good, the only thing that are kinda bad is the tedious grind, I get that it's the "core" mechanic since the mc need money. But once you got the scene from it, it just feel like dragging out, I just wish there is a skip daily chore thing after you got to certain point.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Grind. Grind grind grind. Soulless, unintersting grind. Music can't carry a game alone. It really doesn't require two hundred characters to explain where this game falls flat. Five characters covered it nicely. G-R-I-N-D.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot itself excels. I found this game to have one of the most intriguing storylines. However the game demands lots of clicks to proceed through animations(especially if there's the scene you're not interested in this clicks become irritating). Even though I strongly recommend this game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Well the story was good, but what makes me wonder are the MC is a women, but the side character mostly women/girl too and too many lesbian than the normal one.

    All the females in the game looks great, but not for the males, mostly are ugly, overweight, have skin disease. It will be better and a lot better if all the males good looking too like all the females, you can replace the old ugly character with sugar daddy just like game called "Hunky City" and the normal males just like "beauty and the thug, or the copy cat or Hornstown" to be honest all the males looks like old guy from japanese game, and the penises are bad, nothing special no veins no detail or interesting shape, and yes it really turn off because people barely watch porn ugly actor to be honest
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    T ☯ K Y ☯

    almost half the game is basically you watching scenes of other characters that are totally forgettable and unnecessary, a waste of time and resources that could be invested in the character that matters, the main one. the developer didn't even bother to make the scenes optional.

    about the work in the cafe, at the beginning everything was flowing normally, interesting scenes, good progression, but as the game went on the developer had the "brilliant" idea of adding a second character to work with the MC, why the hell did he do that? lots and lots of scenes focused on the secondary character with the owner that could be focused on the MC, a waste of time and resources.

    the scenes at the gym, the vast majority of scenes are pointless because they focus on secondary characters that nobody cares about, again a waste of time and resources.

    another thing that bothers me, at certain moments you have scenes that you can't skip, very annoying.

    it's a shame. this game could have been a great game if the developer had focused more on the main character and left out secondary characters that nobody cares about.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I really really enjoyed it, very hot MC! But it desperately needs to allow you to skip scenes you don't wanna see, like panning over that gross monster silvia or whatever her/it's name is at the Gym lol. You can skip almost every scene like normal games, but certain slow panning scenes you can not and it just feels boring staring at Gym equipment or a double take of a model I have no interest in. I just pulled up my phone and watched videos every scene with that monster in it hahaha, seriously though a real mood killer and time waster
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Save yourselves the download and play something else.

    On the plus side, the renders are very well done and the MC is also displayed well. Unfortunately, that's about it...

    I really tried to like the game, but the game and the story are so bogged down in stupid dialogues that I don't feel like following the story anymore. MC is portrayed as stupid, very backward and extremely naive. How am I supposed to identify with such a character if she doesn't know the simplest things ... An absolute turn-off. Also, MC only wants money and has no other goals or hobbies in life. Which is totally stupid.

    Another big negative point: the side characters are absolutely shit, toxic and just want to take advantage of MC. She's constantly put down or sexually propositioned or told to let herself be sexually exploited... Yes, I know it's about corruption, but as a player I still expect something different.

    The game structure is just boring and I have nothing to do as a player... Why do I have to wait a week at the beginning of the game and just clean my host family's house... Apart from that, you have nothing to do as a player... When you get the map after a week, the story picks up a bit, but it gets to a certain point and you're back to a point where I'm just working, showering and sleeping.
    It makes absolutely NO sense!!!

    This could have been a better game if the developer had taken a more time for the dialogues, character development, game structure and not made MC so stupid and superficial that I think she has a mental disability...
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Marian Godina

    Truly the best corruption with cheating game I've ever played. The slow start so makes it worth it in the end.

    If down the line we also go into transformation, with hair, nails, increase lips and breasts via surgery to become more of a bimbo, it will probably be the best game on this site.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game starts out great. It has a sandbox and a little grinding but properly implemented so it is not really annoying.

    Then half-way through the 3D artist (probably also the author) discovered panning and then throws in one unskippable panning animation after another to the point of annoyance.
    Why do I have to watch 10s panning of a reception area?
    Why do I have to watch 20s of panning animation of the MC on a treadmill?
    Why do I have to watch 30s of panning animation of the MC using gym equipment?
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Some of the best renders in any game, the story is a bit of a slow burn, but still worth a look 3 of the females are among the hottest in any game, only bested by steps of debauchery mp and a single female in the boring bobby saga, was interested in the lesbian stuff till i saw happened here, looks like sloth (from the goonies) mated with the cat lady and this was the result, so ugly i wouldn't tough her with your dick and my best friend pushing, had to take a hard pass there, now if it was her hot ass sister (shockingly even hotter) or her supposed coffee shop replacement i would be all in lol
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh man, I really wanted to like this game!

    Renders are awesome
    Story isn't too bad
    Quality transitions

    Really nasty guys in the story (revolting)
    Too many men to be honest
    Grind grind grind.
    Tries to make up for story by using different angles

    Still has potential
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This VN is very professionally done, I encountered no errors or glitches on my playthrough. At least in the English version it looks like it has been spelling and grammar checked and I did not encounter any noticeable errors.

    This is a VN, it is NOT a game, you do make choices but those choices only seem to close off possible scenarios. For instance their is a scene in the park that has her sister losing something precious if you choose yes she loses it and you see the results, choose NO and it ends that storyline. So if your looking for multiple paths, endings and having a dozen different scenarios matter look elsewhere. It is a story.

    Art design and animations are really well done, multiple viewing angles on important scenes was greatly appreciated. The MC and her sister look amazing plus most of the other characters. Even the old man looks like a youthful old man and not a haggard mummy. Some models could be better in my opinion, any scene with Sylvia in it I skipped the model is not very attractive imo, I'm not sure what it is as I have seen that model used in other VN's and in this one something seems to be off in the renders, Eve is another one of the less attractive models but to each their own, you may love the renders.

    The story is OK to Good, most of the story worked, Anything with Jenn, her sister or Nina was damn good. Cass, Lin, Vicky and Rose were good they were well developed characters that help move the story along. Their motivations are understandable and fairly realistic.

    The Syvia, Eve love triangle just doesn't work in my opinion. There are a lot of wasted renders on overdrawn jokes where the humor just doesn't land. Comedy is subjective and maybe they landed better for others. Even so I feel a lot of render time could have been saved if the joke renders were shortened or eliminated and the main characters were more developed instead.

    This is a Great effort and well done with a Good story, that hopefully has a great story continuation next update. So what do I rate this game? It is not a 4 or 5 in my opinion BUT 3 is unfair as it is much better than that. I feel it deserves a 3.75 to 3.8 as of today. As I can't rate it that way I'm going to be generous and rate it a 4. I think it's the most fair option and I think it has potential, I would recommend this to lovers of corruption games like myself.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game more, but i just couldn't. I can give a star because the MC is smoking hot and the render quality is great buts that's really it.

    If you want a branching story with choices that actually matter, and the ability to shape the MC how you want, her reaction to things, this just isn't that type of game. In fact choices don't matter at all. In the case of the MC either choose yes to keep a route going or no and it ends. Another Exp. The guy at the gym... doesn't matter if you choose to ignore the ugly milf that keeps pestering him try to steal him from his hot girlfriend, he just ends up fucking her anyways. The whole game can really be summed up in one statement... Keep going here and an event will happen.

    Plus there are a lot of grindy and dumb mechanics that just turn me off. Animations you can't skip with like 8 different views, who cares... a lot of it consists of doing the same thing over and over and over just to get the game to finally progress... it takes something like 7+ hours to complete, and that's with skipping a lot of boring text, when really there's only only like 1-2 hours of actual story here.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Tried to like this game, but no luck.
    I finished it in 6 hours, and that I skipped a lot of useless dialogues and scenes.
    Take away grindy sandbox mechanic, useless dialogues AND unskipeble animations and this game would be 2 hours long. Seriously why can't I skip those animations, I have no interest in looking at the same 3-5 frames for half an hour.
    Characters are bland, like seriously they are generic as F, MC is your average bland chick that everybody have a hard on, seems like they never saw a women in their lives, stupid!

    To sum it up: get rid of those animations that cannot be skipped, cut out the sandbox elements, make characters more unique and interesting, and this game will be 5+ stars

    P.s. what is it whit authors of corruption games, and old ugly farts???
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I am trying out version 0.08 of the game, also known as Chapter 1.
    I have been following the game for a long time.
    This game can count on a good source of income and a fan base that is ready to buy anything

    Game pros...
    In general, I think that the author is able to create very good erotic hints, and the audio as sound effects move in the right way. I think that since this is his own project, he can put in as much filler as he wants, because he is the one who is in danger of failing.
    Graphically, this VN has a model for the MC that is very delicious, and also several other intriguing characters that can push well as sensual and narrative plot.

    Game cons...
    I don't know if it's the rigging or the lack of proper applications for daz3D, but I'm going to talk about what I find unacceptable at the moment.
    The nudes, and especially the animations of the nudes, have something wrong with them, the texture of Jennifer's breasts is crooked.
    It's very difficult not to see the problem at the moment, as you can't even avoid seeing it by clicking the forward button.
    The multi-camera then highlights the problem even more: the breast is not undulating, the texture is simply sliding over the mesh.
    And I'm talking about the climax scene, which is certainly much more polished than the filler scene with the new girl in the nightclub... I can't believe anyone saw anything exciting once this girl took her clothes off.

    I no longer follow this development, but I noticed a fix and checked if my review should be changed.
    Definitely better animation, even if it still lacks believable physics.
    The animations are there, even if they are wrong.
    A breast stopped by an arm flying through the air doesn't make sense, but all the fanboys of this game won't mind.
    To be fair, what I see deserves a score of 3/5.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great update, lots of content and options for the MC. The length of the update was also surprising, when you have DEV's out there who take three months to give you four scenes, this game and its team stand out.